Adventure Mart Review with Tom Vasel

Adventure Mart Review with Tom Vasel

The Dice Tower

4 года назад

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@davidburris8230 - 01.11.2020 20:16

Another Ultima Online player. I was so proud when I finally got one of those houses with a porch so I could place my vendors and sell my goods to other players. Ah the memories.

@blacksheep9950 - 01.11.2020 20:24

I picked this up on sale, and we've enjoyed it so far. There's a lot of decisions to make in shaping your deck and shop which can mitigate the luck somewhat, but yes, sometimes a bad draw or card flip can really mess your game up. The bidding for heroes is neat and the art is just charming. Similar to Bargain Quest in weight and theme.

@Oncus2 - 02.11.2020 04:57

The second I saw that adventures were showing up at random and wanting different things of which you may or may not have, I knew this game had a problematic design.

@bradlucas7255 - 03.11.2020 00:17

Bargain Quest clone?

@kanedafx - 03.11.2020 03:10

"I like everything about it except the game."

@ScytheNoire - 08.11.2020 10:33

The game has capitalism. The rich get richer. Haves get to have more.

@whatboardgame - 21.01.2022 22:40

I don’t get this. There are only a few different things the adventurers want to buy. It’s not that hard to prepare your hand so you’re ready to sell most things to most people?

@AufdenTisch - 21.08.2022 21:18

I always appreciate an honest word on bad or at least not-so-good designs. Thanks! The art style of the game really intrigued me but it also seems to have the amount of randomness that can spoil the entire thing. Too bad :/

@darkdemonwerewolf - 30.12.2023 21:25

I question if doing a little homebrewing to this game may make it better. Something like instead of only holding onto one stock card if your in last place hold onto 3 and hold onto 2 if your in second. It could also then better work to other capitalist ideals that of course the cheap store buys in bulk and has extra product to push where as the high end stores need to make sure what they sell turns a profit.

@McMallister - 07.01.2025 21:15

I loved it. It's cute, easy to play, little bit of strategy, fun to play, I had loads of fun on every game.
