If you have room between the radiator and an outside wall, install a board, cardboard, foamboard covered with radiant barrier (shiny stuff) which reflects the radiant portion of the heat that was going outside back into the room. I found it made a notable difference both in energy use and comfort. Comfort is complex; radiant heat is high comfort.
ОтветитьIheat are a customer of mine. I’ve never met any of “their” engineers. I have, however, met many of their subcontractors. The kind of heating engineers that CAN sit by the phone waiting for Iheat to ring. If you know what I mean.
ОтветитьYou need to fit insulated in the loft due to condensation
ОтветитьI’m surprised that you’ve taught me a few things here. Thanks for sharing. I grew up in Texas and radiators are not existent. Your house has some nice features too. 😃 Thanks again mate!
ОтветитьSaving typically results in you earning a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you the opportunity to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so.
ОтветитьGreat Video..
ОтветитьGood vid
ОтветитьI just Google energy saving homes and found you thank you I will share your video with a renter she uses the electric stove more than 24 hours to cook. In united states I own a 1890 Victorian home I would like to sell or keep. This 3200 sqft single family residence is story with a butler quarters with kitchen, there is also main kitchen that's been completely removed and open for new design. There are 3 fireplaces that could be used for energy saving. Thank you for your tips on energy I would love to be a representative for that floor heater and other appliances I saw in your house. Here is the address to the fixer-upper 3223 E 7th Street Kansas City Mo 64124
ОтветитьWhat thermal imaging cam is £80. Cheapest iv seen is around £200
ОтветитьMy electric bills are now zero! £0.00000
ОтветитьGreat tips. Another use of the camera would be to search for thermal bridges, mostly in older buildings. This is where a structural element is bare inside and outside and conducts heat from higher temps to lower, or better put, the heat leaks outs.
ОтветитьYour boiler water is too hot. 50 C. I assume the settings are bad/generic/to cover the heating for the coolest day in a century. You can probably save more than 10 %on your gas bill if you lower the heating agent temperature to 35 ish. Because the condensation heat recovery is better for the boiler, the purging losses at the beginning and end of gas burning cycles are lower (you need to also adjust for a low power slow burn rampup) and aim for a steady state temperature. Ideally you aim for steady state via an open therm thermostat (the general one you set at 21) or just manually adjust the heating agent temperature by hand depending on the temperature outside or via a sensor is the boiler allows it so that you bearly reach the target temperature in steady state functioning. This is better than the hysteresis on off most thermostats do.
ОтветитьPlease don't,,,,when electric bills too low electric companies would not collect enough money to go on that will force them to raise up the rate .
ОтветитьWhen you replace your boiler, consider a heat pump
ОтветитьI never think 30c gives a good wash, more so whites. Setting your room temp at 22c is much hotter than I do, set temp wee bit cooler and wear a jumper. Fuel is way too expensive to waste😊😊
ОтветитьUnplug your cpap during the day
Ответитьdamn reading the comments made me realise how much of a brokie we all are
ОтветитьAfter washing a load of laundry, if you have to use the dryer, then wait at least half an hour before placing the laundry into the dryer. This will allow the excess water to run off and give some time for the clothes to dry, thus cutting the drying time down.
ОтветитьModern front loader washing machines can easily wash in cold water❗ we always line dry outside, the odd wet day is easily dealt with , we always hwve plenty of spare clothes 😊
ОтветитьDefrosting in your refrigerator saves energy because the defrosting food keeps the fridge cold.😊
ОтветитьWe luckily have ceiling fans....little Airconditioning used in summer and used in reverse in winter to bring that hot air at the top of the room down the walls in the winter
ОтветитьDon't close the vents in your house if it increases the humidity inside above 60% which is more likely in winter. Dry air is much easier to heat than moist air. Keeping the air dry is a priority over keeping the air warm so a small bit of ventilation is okay.
Ответитьspent a full week to balance my heaters with an IR meter. saved about 5% gas. lowering the temp is a huge save as well, just Not the tap water, keep at 65c for safety. and i am an amateur, was very proud lol.
ОтветитьDon’t close your air vents you’ll get condensation damp and mould!
ОтветитьOne thing I did was insulate outlets and light switches. Very easy and inexpensive. You can feel cold air blowing in after you remove the covers. It really does make a difference.
ОтветитьWe have our own resources in this country which have been mis-managed by successive governments over decades. We could have one state run Energy company, run on frugal lines to provide people with cheaper energy, but the politicians running this circus of a country haven’t the brains to work out how to do it!
ОтветитьIf your shower takes some time to heat up, then put a plastic bucket in the shower to collect this water and then use it to flush the toilet. This will save on your water bill.
ОтветитьExcellent! I am going to propose you as an Honorary Yorkshireman! (I do something similar to your 'oven-tip': I turn off my kettle about 20 seconds before it turns itself off! The thermometer on the side continues to rise and I get 20 seconds of continued free water-heating! It works out at about £50 saved per year - I drink a lot of Yorkshire Tea!)
Ответитьpretty decent info
ОтветитьThx for making , some great advise as always, Ps Mrs DIY is storing her gordens above the wachine machine, which made me laugh.
ОтветитьI only have a multi burner to warm my cottage so fire has to be alight to heat the water up to keep radiators hot. So does it make any difference to me by turning the odd radiator of?? If anyone could help.
ОтветитьIs sooo sooo sad we have to use all these tips etc when we are getting totally ripped of. For us to be supposedly one of the richest country's in the world why the hell should we be paying so much towards just basic living costs?? No such thing as basic costs .... horrendous costs!!!
ОтветитьYou failed to mention that bleeding the radiators means the boiler may need topping up, unless you have one that tops up to the correct bar. Do Modern boilers make the correction automatically… mine needs refilling if it drops below 1 bar !!
ОтветитьAll these solutions I find quite baffling honestly. I don’t put the heating on at all. I even crack all the windows in my flat. I just wear lots of layers and have lots of blankets, drink hot drinks and good hot food - lots of rice and potatoes as this keeps the heat.
I’m absolutely fine even in sub zero temperatures.
I’m pretty sure our ancestors lived perfectly fine through winter and had no heating. My heating bill is zero for the whole year.
All this insulation just means you’re playing a game of cat and mouse with moisture and mould.
Cracked windows and the warm clothes, hot water bottles keeps everything fine.
Crikey! Ours set to 19!
ОтветитьHi, our semi detached house was built mid seventies, would you recommend cavity wall insulation, thank you
Ответитьnumber 1 energy saving tip.
reduce the amount of women you live with.
I keep mine at 16c so doesn’t kick in and I save €300 a week for those heat pumps 😂 so so expensive the joule exhaust pump. Never ever have it on as €300 week heat is a joke then add eletric on top €350 a week then rent - no money lol
Easy saving hack - use blankets on sofa bed and chairs !
And when you this done energy companies can charge you more for less.
ОтветитьTurning off a radiator in a room not used.... would this lead to damp issues?
ОтветитьThanks for this video - really relevant now in the depths of Winter 2024. The point about needing 8 inch thick rather than 4 inches of loft insulation is new to me, so that seems like a sensible change to make. I currently have insulation which is covered by chipboard flooring. If I wanted to add the extra insulation and keep the floor, would I need to raise the joists to accommodate the extra 4 inches of insulation or would it be OK to just stuff the extra insulation into the existing 4 inch gaps and screw the boards back down on to the same joists? Opinions anyone?
ОтветитьI have read that turning radiators off in rooms that you don't use actually increases cost in has boilers
Ответитьthis is exactly what i needed to hear, thank you!
Ответитьthis is exactly what i needed, thank you
ОтветитьThere is another thing you could have mentioned. Thats the foil behind radiators. Doesnt cost much to buy, but when installing measure the radiator width, DOUBLE it and fold in half sticking it with wide double sided tape to itself. Makes it far more rigid and of course double the insulation. I did mine and it made a huge difference. Just measure where the wall brackets are, cut a slot to required depth and slot behind radiator.
ОтветитьShow me the maths that confirms 22 to 21C saves 5% heating cost and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t understand maths.
ОтветитьMy kids think a light switch has one function, to turn the light on. As much as I try and educate them, they still don't understand that the switch also has an off function
ОтветитьInsulating the roof (& access), heating pipes & roller shutter boxes are by far the most effective insulation measures that ANYONE can carry out themselves!
If you want to save more energy: According to a study, energy-saving shower heads have the greatest savings potential, up to €300 p.a. at a cost of just €20. Otherwise, you should install LED lamps, window sealing strips, switchable power strips, energy-saving heating pumps, programmable thermostats, thermo-stop for water boilers and timers (e.g. to switch off routers, mesh, repeaters at night) everywhere.
I heat are one of my customers. All the engineers I’ve met are contractors. Most of them work for Iheat because they were unable to get enough business themselves. Several of them I could tell why they couldn’t sustain a business in the heating industry. I’m sure the vast majority of their engineers really know what they’re doing. It’s just the few I’ve met.
ОтветитьIt amazes me that people waste money in so many ways like smoking and pissing money up against the wall in pubs and foreign holidays. BUT when it comes to household bills nobody's got a penny to spend. It just shows how stupid people are not to mention the fact a lot of people voted labour so that proves it. Imbeciles !