*realistic* what i eat in a day :)

*realistic* what i eat in a day :)


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@CaliMishell - 26.03.2024 05:54

San Diego, CA USA - I love jacket potatoes but only with Heinz baked beans.

@DeanoRav - 26.03.2024 15:43

nice, noticed you were watching 'the wind rises' -I loved that film :)

@peristeraki - 26.03.2024 16:08

Taz is literally my safe place on the internet. So warm and comforting 💗

@kategrenci4568 - 26.03.2024 19:56

I am from the US - I love the UK and have visited a few times. I love a jacket potato with beans and cheese or cheese and broccoli! I also love beans with my breakfast - I will eat a full English, but I'll just take beans with my eggs and meat. And I have a store where I can buy Heinz baked beans. Perfection.

@michime7860 - 27.03.2024 20:38

Loved this❤

@mayasone - 28.03.2024 04:28

Yes I loooooovvvveee the chill vibes of today’s vid!!

@mayasone - 28.03.2024 04:29

More content like this plz ❤

@mayasone - 28.03.2024 04:29

« Please know you matter » always hits me right in the feels 😢

@ethanvilla4418 - 28.03.2024 07:24

Next time try sprinkling a little water on the bread before oven toasting. Not to get it thoroughly wet, just patting it with a little water. You're welcome.

@ethanvilla4418 - 28.03.2024 07:35

I'm currently in the Caribbean and baked-beans is a thing that tastes good by brand. Some taste good and others not so much. Weirdly some have a bitterish aftertaste I'm not a fan of.

@garygabriel8482 - 28.03.2024 17:16

Taz❤beautiful 😍.

@payvinsabrmuhammed6451 - 28.03.2024 20:20

Hi taz I’m from Kurdistan and we like baked bean for dinner with rice

@sirtsupirtsu - 29.03.2024 03:51

I LOVE potatoes prepared in all kinds of different ways. And I love beans. But separately. This does not look appetizing to me :D Looks like you ruined a perfectly good potato with pouring beans over it :D:D I am from Estonia.

@zztoff - 29.03.2024 14:07

I fw it

@natashagalt6631 - 30.03.2024 04:27

Yeeee!!! Absolutely loved just vibing, and now i really wanna go to Sostrene Grene!!! Love any & all of the content you make <3

@georgebowman1060 - 30.03.2024 05:28

Format doesn't matter to me as long as you are authentically you in your videos- that's what I'm vibing.

@brookelouise4347 - 30.03.2024 06:26


@yashada7541 - 30.03.2024 13:35

Comeon we want more chill content.... because we r surely vibing

@MaybeLily1234 - 30.03.2024 14:02

Zimbabwean here, bakes beans are a part of our breakfast too !

@rashnasalik9872 - 30.03.2024 14:44

Loved this video Taz, looking forward to more like this ☺️

@annaboogman3321 - 01.04.2024 17:40

Sostrene Grene is an amazing shop! I love it! If you need new recipies: maybe you could try to make a quiche? There are many different types (I especially love quiche lorraine) and it's quite easy to do. (It's always multiple portions but you can put some in the freezer for a different day.)

@fatima-eo4xx - 03.04.2024 15:49

I love baked beans in Lebanon we cook it with meat garlic and coriander and serve it with rice it's amazing you have to try it It's one of my favorite

@sallyvari8586 - 04.04.2024 18:20

Taz your hair is looking soooooo goood please share tips ❤❤

@mandymarsh8513 - 06.04.2024 01:33

From lakeland, Florida... love baked beans on everything

@alagator809 - 06.04.2024 12:00

The baked beans issue is in America our beans are sweet and just usually served with like bbq foods but ive tried uk baked beans and they taste totally different! I could see a full English which comes with it or jacket potato would be amazing with beans, btw im an American! We have twice baked snd chili potatoes in America!

@anniebruwer2001 - 13.04.2024 21:29

I love the chill and personal videos

@AtlantaWool - 17.04.2024 15:51

Add a teaspoon of curry powder to your beans for your jacket potato - game changer 🙌

@bintlooda - 18.04.2024 20:29

In my country we mainly consume beans in beans and meat stew .. and in a dish called foul eaten with bread

@jesicavarsani933 - 18.04.2024 23:52

I love the chilled cooking content

@stickyslimeprincess9024 - 20.04.2024 19:55

What in the world is a jacked potato? no way baked beans 🤢

@katieburns9976 - 10.05.2024 20:52

Im not really a baked bean person but it does look good maybe it will be ok with the potato (I love me a good potato)

@tirkdiamond - 15.05.2024 02:05

I've been looking for a store like Sostene Green. I'm so happy you mentioned it. I'll go to check it out asap. :D

@GothicaBeauty - 23.05.2024 09:19

I must be the only person who cannot stand avocados but love guacamole. Strange i know but i wouldn’t thank you for avocado toast.

@vxcxhx - 02.06.2024 14:22

that zip up hoodie is really cute, could you maybe tell us where it's from? ☺ been looking for one like that forever!

@rifahtasnim4096 - 12.06.2024 03:47

Do you finish this much food in one go and still skinny..? 👀

@CharleneONeill-q2h - 07.07.2024 04:43

Thank you taz

@MrMarkhall1 - 19.07.2024 19:32

Alternatives coleslaw or chilli con carne. I find if you put it in the microwave for a few mins and then an hour in the oven at about 180c it turns out fine.

@MrMarkhall1 - 19.07.2024 19:33

It's the other way round, you heat the beans and then put grated cheese on top it should melt.

@lindsaydeevee - 20.07.2024 15:45

I’m from South Africa (spotted a sneaky flag magnet in your house 🤔 call me intrigued). As a country with strong British roots we love us a good jacket potato and beans 😍

@husbyugur77 - 23.07.2024 21:46

You eat sm compared to me and im 2 meters wow

@minouvelrin - 02.08.2024 12:36

I've been watching your videos for a few days now and they are very entertaining!!!!!!!

@salwasal8049 - 10.08.2024 20:37

In Morocco.. we eat baked beans ..it's a traditional dish

@lisaquince710 - 24.08.2024 04:08

I love the Sostrene Grene it's like if Ikea and Tiger had a baby aha. And their flavoured teas are so good!! If you love tea and have one near you I highly recommend to go! I love the blueberry green tea and the apple spice black tea (cant remember their names). And its like 2 quid to fill a whole bag that takes me literally like a year to get through. Imo on par with whittard of chelsea teas as well

@mariajuliavieira6257 - 08.09.2024 15:57

Hiii Taz, watching from Portugal (but i'm brazilian). Love your videos so much! I've tried baked beans a lot since living in Portugal and i always loved de english breakfast with baked beans, so when i viseted the UK this years it was amazing to try 'the original one' ahahha. I'm a big foodie person, so at home i always try diferent things/diets. Also, it's obviously different from the beans i ate when living in Brazil, i feel like there they were more fresh/organic taste, but I also like the ones from the can. A lot of talking about beans ahaha, but sending love and sucess! :)

@KellyKotzknecht - 20.11.2024 19:08

Just wait till you realise polish people eat potatoes with pickles and beetroot

@Account-br9kc - 28.11.2024 20:21

that's crazy, you eat way more than me, you are thin and I am obese.

@SmugglersWench - 10.01.2025 21:07

Jacket Spuds were a precursor to wearable* hot water bottles or pocket warmers. For example; In Victorian times, parents would send their kids off to school/play during winter with hot potatoes in their coat pockets. I starred wearable as there were obviously portable bed-warmers.
Also, regarding US perception of jacket potatoes; I highly recommend the early seasons of the comedy series, Cuckoo, starring Greg Davies & Andy Sandberg, quite amusing.

@elind7568 - 06.02.2025 03:03

Yes cooking your jacket potato in the microwave/airfryer is so much quicker and way more energy efficient esp when cooking for one person!
