How to Make a Beurre Blanc (Butter Sauce) | Chef Jean-Pierre

How to Make a Beurre Blanc (Butter Sauce) | Chef Jean-Pierre

Chef Jean-Pierre

2 года назад

710,625 Просмотров

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@Guebre-t8m - 11.07.2024 13:11

Artistic , simplistic and lots more . Chef you're too good .❤

@MbisonBalrog - 11.07.2024 17:33

Can I throw in heavy cream to keep from breaking ?

@Fayefreeman - 14.07.2024 11:33


@blackrose7596 - 20.07.2024 11:01

black onion ot

@blackrose7596 - 20.07.2024 11:03

cherry onion

@mynamewhatis7254 - 02.08.2024 07:19

I subscribed at "my friends". I think being polite and friendly, yet assertive is the right way to behave in the kitchen. When you know your stuff, you ask people to do things in the proper way, in a gentlemanly way. When you don't know, you ask the chef, eager to learn. Always, friendliness and politeness is key. That is what is most important to making the work place a positive environment for everyone involved. And only when we can cooperate, is when we can create great food together. And great food, is indeed a wonderful thing!

@mynamewhatis7254 - 02.08.2024 07:25

Mr Chef Jean-Pierre, I absolutely love your ethos of cooking. You cook so well, and I learned some techniques from you, just from this only video! The way you cook, seems so soulful, yet precise. I learned so much from this video. I also think your attitude in the kitchen, at least that we see here, is one of encouragement, and one that should be adopted by all chefs. Yes, tell someone if they fked up, but also, be encouraging at every opportunity, when someone does something well. That is the best way to learn. To make something with your hands and then to be praised for it.

@captevil1 - 06.08.2024 23:33

Could use a bit more butter...

@sherrieanorman2816 - 10.08.2024 13:27

Hey Chef, I really can't use any alcohol at all. How can I make this sauce without?? Use more lemon??

@StewartJones-v7h - 14.08.2024 05:51

What should it taste like? Any sweetness? I blew it. Too many onions and lemon. No sweet. Fish was good. Lol

I baked macadamia and panko and ground. Followed your sauce recipe closely though. Used on-yon instead. Reduced it nicely. Too much lemon juice and onion could ruin it? I think I used more like 1/2 cup lemon juice and half an onion. Couldn’t print out recipe in time. Fail. Gunna try again.

@kyleswannmmus - 25.08.2024 00:59

What I would love, Chef, is for you to show us beurre monté. Merci.

@weejim48 - 01.09.2024 01:50

Chef , I’ve just watched you cooking red snapper in a blurred blanc sauce. You were only about 30 - 35. Great.👍

@Rj-dq1qe - 01.09.2024 19:54

Just saw the video from 1993. WOW......looks like you have lived a rough life. Then again, that was 31 years ago. I'm sure I looked younger then too.....hmmm.

@jamie.777 - 04.09.2024 21:32

First video, after 5 minutes I love this dude!!! Subscribed. Btw, I am a Butter 🧈 😋 addict

@amayvloger - 06.09.2024 20:51

Wow that's awesome looks delicious

@loretotautoan839 - 06.09.2024 21:21


@sydneypudding - 09.09.2024 16:51

Hello Chef JP, could you elaborate on the beurre blanc with cream on it? I am quite interested to see how different it could be from normal beurre blanc

@johnnettapage3654 - 10.09.2024 18:07

You’re so happy chef… it’s so refreshing..

@noneofurbeezwax - 19.09.2024 13:50

“Butter is good for you”

@RandyRaz1 - 08.10.2024 04:53

Fantastic sauce !

@mikewyen105 - 09.10.2024 17:56

Vous etes tres bien mais vous parlez tros tros . Merci JP

@subaru721 - 11.10.2024 08:18

That butter sauce so simple to make....Thank you

@J.Nobles - 15.10.2024 15:08

Thank you chef, today we are making Catfish, with a Lemon Grass Beurre Blanc in my Aromatics class . I've never tasted catfish before, wish me luck! XD

@GalaxyRods - 09.11.2024 07:09 are one of the best. Your teaching is amazing. You teach us all so much. Appreciate it!!!

@crunchy_bubble - 16.11.2024 12:57

the broccolini part 😆 “by the time this is cooked, this is cremated” 🤣

@alphonsemarcus3650 - 21.11.2024 20:09

bruh that was at least one whole stick of butter in the sauce jeez

@piedaderudman6043 - 04.12.2024 02:34

The broccoli tip was very interesting! We learn every day. 😊

@piedaderudman6043 - 04.12.2024 02:42

The temperature for the fish is 145°C but for how long please Chef Pierre?

@HarrySatchelWhatsThatSmell - 11.12.2024 15:20

You can tell that this Chef has spent many hours in a professional kitchen.

@alexcollins3086 - 14.12.2024 04:54

I'm going to pour white wine. Measure carefully
Decides to get everyone drunk

@warmwoolsoxgood4559 - 14.12.2024 06:18

Making this to top my king salmon filets on Christmas Eve, the beef will be Christmas Day's dinner. Our guests will love it as this sauce (do strain it! It's so luxurious!) is the best beurre blanc I've ever tasted. Perfect foil to a lovely FRESH filet of fish, and all of it from the butter to the salmon itself is full of the fatty acid aminos our brains and bodies crave! :-)
Big hugs to Chef Jean-Pierre!
And un trés joyous Noël to you, sir!
Once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your genius, and for your welcoming and giving heart, shared. 👍😊❤️

@ruthieslingerland - 17.12.2024 00:40

Thank you!! Love your spirit. So fun and I’m learning so much

@OldGlory_EC - 22.12.2024 04:14

Thanks Chef! Made the sauce tonight was a hit. So good!

@ottocubed9520 - 24.12.2024 02:13

Outstanding chef!👌

@jonm2416 - 26.12.2024 20:27

Amazing how creamy you can get the sauce without cream! Now THIS is good stuff to learn!

@carlwilson2727 - 07.01.2025 11:02

You sir are a culinary artist without compare.Merci.

@AmazingKyrie-o5s - 10.01.2025 08:30

Amazing Chef. Thank you so much

@monkeymugs8703 - 11.01.2025 01:34

I, unfortunately, do not have a sense of smell. I so absolutely love how my wife and son will constantly tell me how good the kitchen smells. Chef jean has helped me so much in cooking!!! I truly appreciate what he shares with us!!

@VishnuRamdin-xe7yd - 17.01.2025 02:55

Very healthy fish meal.

@johnlayman2836 - 25.01.2025 16:28

A wonderful cooking lesson. Thank you. Thumbs down for WAY TOO MANY commercials. 😮

@BeeRadicaI - 30.01.2025 09:10

Had me at “measure carefully” 😂❤

@jasonrobb3476 - 02.02.2025 10:26

Could heavy cream be added to Hollandaise to stabilize it for reheating as you mentioned for the buerre blanc?

@puppetmasterin - 07.02.2025 16:47


@alexcocco5733 - 08.02.2025 16:10

i pan seared some Chilean sea bass and decided to make a beurre blank sauce with lemon and tarragon, my wife loved it, i did not have a shallot so i fine diced a sweet onion, your tip on keeping the temperature low was spot on and the sauce was creamy and lemony it paired beautifully . this was my first sauce, thank you for showing me that you can make this delicious sauce at home.

@Dexplay - 16.02.2025 00:00

looks delicious..want to cook some seafood just to try this sauce

@MariaLacsamana-ik3in - 16.02.2025 20:52

I love all your recipes n you're 1 of my beloved chef in all times I never made my sauces always from the supermarket due to lack of time good health always chef jp ❤️ ♥️ 😉 😊 💖 💕 ❤️ ♥️ 😉 thankx somuch for sharing thix video today 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊

@JustinEnzo925 - 24.02.2025 04:12

Does the alcohol cook out in this process?

@john13952 - 09.03.2025 04:53

Yes I love the degree of urgency to plate!
