Charity and Vanessa - Thursday 10th March 2022 part 3/3

Charity and Vanessa - Thursday 10th March 2022 part 3/3

vanity scenes

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@ChantelleEllis-c6y - 27.02.2025 21:32

I want them to get back together this year but that's just not gonna happen will it 😢

@sarinrosmello4197 - 21.10.2023 17:15

What’s going on with this couple

@leenih.2463 - 30.07.2023 22:56

Miss they both together. ❤❤

@mockingbird1353 - 14.06.2023 23:36

Na but the level of chemistry. Mackenzie's had nothing but forceful

@ednadevil3330 - 05.05.2023 09:44

I still can’t believe they binned off this couple in favour of Mack. Was the only reason I watched emmerdale

@nikowalkes772 - 29.08.2022 00:13

This made me squeak 😢😢😢 I’m SCREAMING!!

@melissabell7139 - 27.06.2022 21:04

Imagine how different this scene would have panned out if charity didn’t initially pull away from her, yeah she probably would of said it was a mistake but it would of left her thinking 💭

@alisonselway5740 - 17.04.2022 00:19

Before any reunion can happen. Charity needs to get rid of Mack Prat for good. It has to come from Charity herself. No one giving her the choice to end it. Once Mack Prat is out of the way, then that reunion will happen. But it looks like it will be longer than we hoped.

@alisonselway5740 - 17.04.2022 00:10

Are you still uploading Vanity uploads.?

@antsmith5328 - 27.03.2022 07:11

sorry but the food fight thing was just embarrasing. its only a few weeks or months since that was last done. how many food fights are we expected to believe can happen in such a short space of time in such a small place? iv not been watching emerdale for that long , but from what iv seen, although i like it to some extent, it wont be geting any awards this year.

@antsmith5328 - 27.03.2022 07:02

watching emerdale is a love hate relationship for me. sometimes its reallly good, but sometimes its really bad. who wants to watch someone recovering from a stroke? what a bad idea from the script writers. - especialy when it is the character that is used for comic relief.

@redgem0709 - 25.03.2022 04:46

They want each other! If they do get back together then ill start watching again! I only stopped because they broke up ness had someone new and charity is with a man.

@itsamyox - 24.03.2022 02:32

a little nod to the first night the spent together in the cellar there, with the whiskey. It feels like 2017/2018 again. Charity owning the Wooly, Vanity on the mend and becoming a coupe again (which we all want), all we need now is Chas back behind the bar next to Charity and everything will be perfect!

@susannetimmons3514 - 15.03.2022 00:03

Love this episode with charity and vanessa

@True20221 - 14.03.2022 13:00

I think it’s safe to say which team the viewers are on tbh!

@louisafernando892 - 14.03.2022 04:49

It will happen watch this space no way Vanessa can resist Charity any longer that's my theory and I'm sticking to it🤣👄👄👄👄👄👄

@RM-gz3uh - 14.03.2022 00:10

Finally! Dare I say Thank you Emmerdale? This was the best episode we’ve been given in about 18 months! I had no idea what was coming and I really thought for a moment we’d hit the jackpot! MacPrat dumped, Chas back at The Woolie and then VANITY 💕 Getting closer to all three so please please don’t torture us again 🤞🤞🤞

@Kpnutfree - 14.03.2022 00:00

I was thinking why are they drinking whisky? then thought perhaps a bit of a nod to the first time in the cellar, also wasn't the woman called christabelle not Penelope haha

@Queen.Sindel - 13.03.2022 17:27

Just when i thought im out. They pulled me back in

@carolinethom3022 - 13.03.2022 16:35

Hi, does anyone know what Vanessa did with her engagement ring? Thanks!

@womenslove8728 - 13.03.2022 01:03

Omg! Yesss!!! 🥰

@Samuellen - 12.03.2022 19:51

Well its official, I have now watched this scene more than the Well show me scene & the I love you scene combined. We have been starved for so long 😂yes I live and die wanting them to reunite & I think its coming...C'mon Emmerdale don't let us down anymore, Vanity fans so deserve them back.

@katejohnson209 - 12.03.2022 18:51

I have been waiting for these two to be back together since they split up. They clearly both still love one another, there has only ever been two loves in Charity's heart and that's Cain and Vanessa. This has to happen its what we all want, the three of them could be behind the bar and make a great team Charity, Vanessa and Ryan. I couldn't give a care about Mckenzie he broke them up in the first place. Let him know what it feels like cause she doesn't love you mate! They have always been right together and have such chemistry between them. They both want it as sooner or later it will happen.

@hkbahia - 12.03.2022 02:37

Ohhh how I’ve missed these two

Charity knows it Pointless trying to b strong etc in front of Vanessa cus Vanessa knows charity inside out and she hates that.

B interesting to see what we get coming up with these two

@ednadevil3330 - 12.03.2022 00:05

Apparently there are people out there who want Charity and Mack together 🤮🤮🤮🤮

@Aimestyler - 11.03.2022 21:59

This made me giddy! I can’t wait! Love them together

@rebeccaleacey3408 - 11.03.2022 19:25

Oh so close and then she’s gone

@barb2435 - 11.03.2022 18:19

so close and yet so far,,;)

@stravis9410 - 11.03.2022 17:03

Charity and Vanessa are still really really stupidly and still completely in love with each other

@lonelynbtween543 - 11.03.2022 15:20

Omg! Made my day, my week... my weekend!!! Knew it was still there for Vanessa!!! BRAVO, Emmerdale!! And Bravo to these two actresses!!! They BOTH played it so well. Michelle is finally acting like the Vanessa we once knew and loved!! Best acting Michelle has done in a LONG TIME! It was all there in her eyes, for a brief moment. So very good to see THAT, at long last!!! And Lawd have mercy, how well one could read the surprise, the hesitancy and the utter LONGING written all over Charity's face!!! Emma is freaking BRILLIANT and UTTERLY AMAZING!!! My god, how she shines when she's playing Charity's tender and more lesbian oriented side!!! SO believable!! And makes it look so easy and natural. Even Michelle doesn't play those type of emotions, as well. Got to be a talented actress who can take on a persona outside her own orientation and make it look so... effortlessly realistic!!! Wonderful job, Emma!!! If I wore a hat, I'd surely take it off to you, in honor of your performance!!! Yes, I'm gushing, but FINALLY we have something to gush over!!! A true spark of light at the end of that dark tunnel, perhaps?
Oh and absolutely loved the lyrics and song reference: "If I could turn back time". NAILED IT, whoever slipped that one in! WONDERFUL!!! LOVED IT ALL!!! Not even sad they didn't actually kiss. Anticipation can be quite tantalizing and intriguing. Willing to wait til the time is right!
Will be watching this again and again over the weekend for sure!!! Thanks SO VERY MUCH for posting!!!

@tammyjanerowlands9730 - 11.03.2022 14:41

So hoping that this is a start for then to getting back together 🤞🏻🤞🏻

@persephone_6152 - 11.03.2022 14:33

I don't think I've ever seen anyone move as fast as Vanessa did off that sofa!

@jessicabickley3763 - 11.03.2022 14:15


@76norway - 11.03.2022 13:18

Oh for gods sake just let them be together❤️

@emilypops1911 - 11.03.2022 12:31


@CarolineATRC - 11.03.2022 12:02

Quoting the legend of Cher was the thing that made Vanessa want her even more.

@katiak-4531 - 11.03.2022 10:25

Wow I did not expect Vanessa to make the first move, neither did Charity. I knew V needed to get a lot of things out of her chest but I didn't expect her to be " physical " about it. That's more like Charity. Wow this kinda change the whole dynamic of things. We'll see about that. I love how Charity suddenly becomes calmer around her. How she can open up and really expresses herself with her not just shout or scream at someone, because she knows she can trust her. And this is why I can NEVER ship her with THAT guy, or any other man/woman. If Charity can be that way with someone else other than V, then maybe then we could all be worried. But she can't and she won't and that's why I ship them and that's why they really need to work this out. That connection can never go away.

@jaybatemen4497 - 11.03.2022 10:24

I puke over these two people, charity should been gone years and years ago.

@erialccrasher970 - 11.03.2022 09:15

"You never had any dignity"😄 and Charity's reaction as Ness said that. Oh, that was a start...Charity that almost a kiss, such a teaser writers😍.Good that Vanessa hold back because she doesn't want that cheating thing to happen knowing Charity still has a boyfriend. Now Charity knows Vanessa still have feelings for her good, they can pick up from there but Charity needs to breakup with Mackenzie first so they can start a clean slate but that will take long I guess. The tease, tension and longing they'll bring Vanity back into a very passionate and sweet reconcilation for they both learn.

@bcuzIsAiDsO49 - 11.03.2022 08:53

The one thing I fear though is the fact that Charity was gonna kiss Vanessa back knowing she's still with Mac is gonna make Vanessa think Charity hasnt changed. Like that kiss fully would have happened had Vanessa not stopped to realize what she was doing and so this might blow things up for a bit

@ellesmith4564 - 11.03.2022 08:20

“You never had any dignity😂”
I love how she managed to make her smile,
Last nights episode just confirmed that Charity really does NOT love Mackenzie!
And Vanessa definitely still loves her🥰🥺❤️.

@13-ashisingh14 - 11.03.2022 08:15

My heart literally skipped a beat when I saw this ❤️ I hope they comeback together and be stronger than ever and now I am gonna go cry cause this was so beautiful 😭❤️

@katherinehurst3594 - 11.03.2022 06:25

Has anyone else watched this like 20 times or just me...?

@bcuzIsAiDsO49 - 11.03.2022 05:44

Charity's reaction to that almost kiss was too good. She never thought she'd get that close to Vanessa again so the initial hand touch had her like omg so that lean in had her all the way thrown off. Im glad Vanessa wound up backing off because if they enter this again(which im hoping they will) it needs to be the right way. It's the only way it'll work and not come off as entirely hypocritically therefore undermining Vanity 2.0.

@MySparky2000 - 11.03.2022 05:25

Won’t be no reunion until Charity ends it with Mac - if Ness had kissed Charity then she would come across as a hypocrite after dumping Charity for kissing Mac all those months ago !! Be patience the reunion will happen - it has too happen !!

@ksnunley70 - 11.03.2022 04:02

It won't happen unless Charity breaks up with Mac properly. Because if she cheats on him, Vanessa will still have trust issues. Even if the cheating was with her. Plus I don't think she wants to be the other woman.

@barb2435 - 11.03.2022 03:49

we are not children dont tease us,,im sitting here talking to the computer,,do it,,put them back together,,;) thank u vanity,,;)

@debbieverret4033 - 11.03.2022 03:45

Ness you wanted that kiss, Charity you wanted even more! Now comes the angst!

@True20221 - 11.03.2022 03:34

A perfect love story is these two

@notamoskyto - 11.03.2022 03:22

OH. MY. GAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
