THIS Is Why An INFJ Is So RARE | Personality Types

THIS Is Why An INFJ Is So RARE | Personality Types

Bright Light

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@user-nt6vb5il1h - 02.05.2023 06:28

I feel like I have more questions now... can you go into more examples on how they have two functions at once please

@robertlaut7488 - 05.05.2023 05:45

Living paradox yup 100%

@naturelover1284 - 15.05.2023 18:55

too difficult to be one in the midwest

@Masara-Indigo60360 - 15.05.2023 19:20

I’ve never met another INFJ in person.

@johnearnshaw5036 - 15.05.2023 22:54

You've answered the question "Why are they so different?" And not even attempted to answer why are they so rare, I was hoping for info on upbringing, or genetics or both, but nothing, that's 8.15 mins of wasted time. I suggest you change the title as it's misleading to those INFJ's genuinely trying to find out why they are so rare.

@100bl - 16.05.2023 01:48

I never met another INFJ in person … it’s the some days, that are what they are… usually ends with a whatever…. The end of the day is what’s important, & tomorrow’s another day to do it all again . INFJ-A

@nickolaszissimos1189 - 16.05.2023 04:45

We INFJs are the extroverted introverts, we have extroverted qualities but are true introverts. We are truly walking contradictories and yet it is normal for us, even if it is not for others. Our INTJ brethren also have some similar traits since we share the same dominant and inferior functions.

@dennisbaeza3922 - 16.05.2023 05:44

Woo.. more crappy “you are special” crud lol

@orlandkrahn7321 - 16.05.2023 08:20

I have only knowingly met only one other INFJ. I know this because after 5 minutes of conversation, he told me that he was INFJ. I let him know that I also was, and we proceeded to talk for more than two hours. At times I felt like I was talking to a mirror. I could see the empathy he had but also the need for stronger boundaries. I shared in my part of the conversation, but just listening to him talk was what I found absolutely fascinating. My fiance is ENFJ. With us I find, it's more about picking up on each other's vibe than in conversation. We've got enough in common that our relationship works well, and enough differences to keep things interesting.

@sirphil13 - 16.05.2023 22:10

Nature creates a balance. If you look at the percentage of how many "dark triads" are in the population, I bet it equals the amount of INFJs in the population.

A mature INFJ are the "light triads" (justice, warriors, awareness/perceptions).

If you go down the list of all the INFJ traits, they are perfect natural defenses (and offense) for dealing with dark triads:

1. the ability to sense a person's core almost immediately. INFJs are great at detecting other people's alignment.

2. natural lie detectors

3. multiple layers to our character that goes deep, it is harder for dark triads to get to know us intimately, making us not easily exploited.

4. INFJ's being the Counselor Types, the prerequisite is owning a very high emotional intelligence (dark triads are the complete opposite, "no empathy" means a very low emotional intelligence).

5. we naturally dislike bullies, and we will square up on them if they think they can make us their personal slave. We highly value our independence (lone wolves).

6. we are late bloomers, by the time we mature we intimately know our own strengths and weaknesses, making it nearly impossible to gaslight us.

7. Professional counselors rarely see a malignant narcissist because they don't seek counseling, they will spot who they are, therefore, INFJs are feared by the malignant narcissist as their natural nemesis, they don't like counslors.

8. INFJ's mirroring other's psychological temperatures (chameleon effect), makes the dark triad think we are one of them at first, giving INFJs plenty of time to formulate a Machiavellian strategy to deal with them later. Think a Hitler-type Machiavellian strategy.

9. INFJs see thru false social masks... Cluster B personality disorders put up a false mask.

10. being authentic is the complete opposite of being a master of deceptions.

11, We INFJs are naturals at "pattern recognition in human behaviors," and all Cluster B personality disorders uses the same toxic patterns, like they all read from the same operating manual, makes INFJ predict their next moves with uncanny accuracy.


I can keep going down the list to show how INFJ's traits are well suited against the dark triads.

When I attract a Cluster B personality disorder woman, their favorite tactic is triangulating other men into our relationship to trigger an insecurity, however as an INFJ, we naturally like to be matchmakers (we are diplomats), so each time a personality disordered girlfriend tried to triangulate me with another guy, I naturally say..."cool, sounds like he is into you and you are into him...*giving her a high five* "I wish you luck." I was unfazed and it frustrated the hell out of any personality disordered girlfriend trying to trigger me. That is a natural defense (being a natural diplomat), I always felt against a Cluster B personality girlfriend using their usual toxic pattern against me trying to trigger me into trying harder to win them, I just thought okay, this ride is over she found someone more compatible and I let her go in my mind (being a future-oriented thinker, I was thinking about who will be my next girlfriend). Oddly, that attitude made them choose me over the other guys, but they couldn't stop their toxic behavior... they own the frustration and it drove them nuts.

Metaphorically, a mature INFJs is the Master Jedi and the dark triads are the Sith Lords. Both are very rare and both are a force to be reckoned with...

Jesus (an INFJ) vs. Satan (the ultimate dark triad).

When I say we are naturally opposed, doesn't mean we lack respect and can't be cordial when in each other's presence. It's more of a battle of wits, perseverance, patience, and being true to one's values and convictions (authentic) that Satan tests...and loses. However, it's the dumb narcissists (lesser demons) that will get a physical fight if they want to get physical. A "light triad" has to have a warrior aspect built into their character.

MLK and Ghandhi (both INFJs) personally took on the evil psychopaths entrenched and ruled in society in their time.

Carl Jung (INFJ) shown a light on the "shadow" function inherited in all dark triads, and the one thing that dark triads fight against the most is being exposed as wolves in sheep's clothing.

How does nature create a balance in the universe.... is the ultimate question on why INFJs are so rare.

@insights3140 - 17.05.2023 01:22

Thank you for emphasizing the paradox. It’s nice to see it articulated.

@jenniferhenry1076 - 17.05.2023 19:35

I am an INFJ and trust me people do not understand us. They can feel so close to us. But when your blunt and put things out there. People get intimidated. We have so many sides. But are very intelligent. It's crazy when we can read people almost to a T. We definitely observe our atmosphere and people in it.

@evilgenius97 - 18.05.2023 02:17

So the same as INTJ

@TonyTheTGR - 18.05.2023 23:36

Because only a small fraction of them make it past ten without being yeeted off a bridge
Because they probably account for 98% of 18th Century Witch Burnings
Because asking what their personality/behavior is like is the same as asking what the color of clear water is?

@underdoggys5415 - 18.06.2023 12:18

I sat here listening to this video and found myself laughing at so many , if not all of the concepts noted. Thankyou. Love the warm fuzzy feeling. Met and old colleague yesterday and found out she was also an infj as we tried to relay to a friend of hers what it means to be an empath. We were almost finishing one another sentences . So funny. Gave her a hug When we parted, but neither of us wanted to let go, or separate. 🤗. Such a beautiful feeling. Something I have not felt for a while. Thankyou. Humbled by the kind presentation♥️

@leagreenall5972 - 07.09.2023 09:41

As an unhealthy INFJ male, life is hell and I sure wouldn't choose this personality.... I'm just grateful that the INFJ male is the rarest of the rare. So the contradictions and paradox's are exacerbated being unhealthy; our intensity intensifies, we tend to never want to leave our mansion of our mind... socialising becomes and almost allergic endeavour... as we get older we care less about the potential of hurting other people when the outcome is for their benefit - ie truth trumps feelings, and tough love is part of that. Since we are specialised in knowing a person inside and out within five minutes of meeting them for the first time, it is hard for the INFJ male to initiate a courtship with a female as their entire lives together flashes before his eyes within those five minutes...

And as we get older - especially being unhealthy, the INFJ door slam tends to be used more and more and the ability to temper reactions declines - seriously, never has a saying being apt for the INFJ than; 'I do not suffer fools gladly'... the older you get, the less you are willing to suffer, and the more frequent the door slam.

Being an unhealthy INFJ is a lonely existence for the person looking in... just as well the INFJ self-reliance and creative mansions is enough to satiate life - most of the time ;)

@BoudicasRevenge - 05.03.2024 21:03

I do my best work under pressure. Procrastinating limits the amount of time I have to get something which prevents me from overthinking what I'm doing and eventually sabotaging it. 😂
