Blendbunny Little Miss 'She never misses" palette... what do you guys think??

Blendbunny Little Miss 'She never misses" palette... what do you guys think??

Annette's Makeup Corner

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@Amelysian7 - 08.09.2024 19:59

I’m finding that you and I have similar tastes in colors and shimmers. I never considered black based shimmers before, but that makes a lot of sense now when I think about what I’m drawn too.
Like other commenters have mentioned, the target audience for this palette does not include me. Blend Bunny is spectacular and I will probably always be a huge fan, but careful collector.
So sorry to hear that your Noctilucent mirror broke! Were you unable to use the shades anymore from shards of glass? Glad you got a new one before it sold out. I am eagerly awaiting Noctilucent’s successor.

@littlemisslipstick2999 - 03.09.2024 05:13

Did you see that she's discontinuing the noctelucent palette 😢 I picked it up recently and I absolutely love it so I was really sad to see that new.

@TheBrightenDay - 25.08.2024 01:44

Demure and Mindful viral video mentioning not to do Green Cut crease clown makeup for work specifically and sooo many greens here, oof the timing i feel bad for blend bunny releasing this right now😂

@TheBrightenDay - 25.08.2024 01:43

The Greens in Machina kinda suck so I do appreciate the more vividness of these greens vs dingy greens, but THIS MANY not necessary 😅 Missing a real yellow (maybe im weird cuz i love yellow and barely any her pallets have it) the two red shimmers look like candy apples and love them but dont NEED 🍎

@TheBrightenDay - 25.08.2024 01:31

Donnie Darko is a movie from 2001, is that what they’re colabing with? 💜

@marihernandez6561 - 24.08.2024 05:12

P.louise is a hit/miss for me . I have oily eyelids Ive applied the paints with different techniques, never dries down 😢

@stephanietorres5679 - 24.08.2024 00:28

Your eyelooks are so great but you never disappoint me.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊

@stephanietorres5679 - 24.08.2024 00:26

I have not started using the machine palette from blend bunny. But my other blend bunny palettes are getting good use.❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

@yoshiston3r - 23.08.2024 16:25

I have at least 4 blend bunny palettes but I don’t like their formula. It seems so weird light powdery. Do you have recommendations on primers or how to work them? Because tbh I prefer the formulation of like old abh palettes

@eimearinez - 23.08.2024 10:55

I was told have some decorum so much in primary school it’s like being demure lol

@Deb_B - 23.08.2024 10:06

I can always count on you to show the variations in a palette and show how to use the colors in ways that make sense. Your looks are always amazing. 🤩

@BillyLuver0 - 23.08.2024 08:10

I'm always amazed by your creativity and your skill with your eye looks. I could never be as good as you. This palette wasn't exciting for me, a lot of the shades looked like repeats. Packaging was beautiful though.

@valeriewilliams6294 - 23.08.2024 08:04

this is another rainbow type version palette, no thanks, repetitive and bit boring

@destinyhall8436 - 23.08.2024 07:19

Idk i think blend bunny messed up by agreeing to do a gigantic palette with the last creator cuz she used up almost every shade possible in 1

@theendoftheworldasweknowit9894 - 22.08.2024 20:07

You are so beautiful! You make it look easy doing all these different eye looks.

@amysanders3321 - 22.08.2024 20:04

It gave me Glamlite's Kiss palette vibes - too dark for me, too.

@TheFolkyboy - 22.08.2024 18:11

You’re the first creator to say anything about how the green tones all looked similar. I’m actually shocked no one else has. I agree she should’ve gone lighter with the greens if she was gonna go lighter with the blues. I still bought it 😅 but I am shocked that the greens all look alike, like you said.😊

@StaceyRybka-76 - 22.08.2024 18:03

Hi look so cute ❤

@michellerocco5073 - 22.08.2024 16:34

Gorgeous Looks Annette 👋 🙏 ♥!!!!!! 👍🏻

@michellerocco5073 - 22.08.2024 16:14


@pinkTonya24 - 22.08.2024 15:45

Cowboy Countrg and Goblet of Fire are VERY SIMILAR. the only difference I can detect is that one of them is more pink and one is more red.

@christyshipley2309 - 22.08.2024 14:59

The p.louise side definitely looks more vibrant!

@jennyklingstedt - 22.08.2024 14:48

What did you think about the P.louise base? I have seen the twice and can't find want you think.

@steph_the_franco - 22.08.2024 14:39

Blend bunny always leave me speechless. They release so much cute stuff. But also some stuff that leaves me scratching my head: Forget me not, Ellis, this one, machina I found these so unappealing.

@sharonflowers66 - 22.08.2024 14:31

I love blend bunny but this just looks like they reused previous shades and added some shimmers.
I would love to see them come out with more curated color stories similar tothe lure palette

@NewYorkCityGritty5 - 22.08.2024 14:06

She missed. The Longing palette would be hard to top but I was excited to see what she would come up with next. This is been done over and over. This is straight to DVD.

@denisesheffield481 - 22.08.2024 12:39

I love the rich shades in this palette.The reds and greens are so pretty . But I agree there's a couple dupes. I really like the second eye look a lot. Plan to get this one.

@Queenofcats36 - 22.08.2024 11:23

The looks you created are beautiful, but I looked at this, then realized I already have the Machina palette,so I don't need this one.

@angelic_venom - 22.08.2024 10:44

Great looks as always! I like the colour story, I agree that the greens look very similar though. I'm not a huge fan of BB shimmers and this has a lot. I love the peachy oranges though. Not many of those in BB palettes.

The creator Taj is amazing. I'm so surprised a lot of reviewers don't know who she is since BB has been one of her biggest supporters and posts her all the time. She has insane talent. And I believe she created this palette for those with darker skin tones who need different eyeshadow colours etc... I'm tempted to get it due to the colour sorry being ideal for me. It is similar to others sure but it will go well with the palettes I have from them.

Did you get any Plouise eyeshadows to try? They are on a par with BB in my opinion. Easier to blend maybe and slightly less pigmented possibly but otherwise they just work like the BB ones do.

@ChrystalVanDusseldorp - 22.08.2024 09:35

Your looks are beautiful, as always, but an easy pass for me. 🖤🖤🖤

@valeriesjourney17 - 22.08.2024 08:50


@jessicaseven - 22.08.2024 08:46

I feel like this is the third time I've seen this from them.

@kbt4906 - 22.08.2024 08:33

It’s a miss for me

@Audiomajik - 22.08.2024 07:08

Have some decorum just means have some class. Be polite; be respectable. Its an old phrase. Your grandmother probably knows it.
I like the red look.

@bansheemuse4794 - 22.08.2024 06:42

I have the Machina, and I like that colorstory better, this one has too many similar shades. I also do not like black based multichromes, so a hard pass for me.

@angeldelaney9878 - 22.08.2024 05:56

I like the idea of the palette, but yes, too many similar shades and not enough light shimmers. And I don't know if it's me, but some of the shimmers look a bit lack luster, like the blue one. The green definitely seemed more dimensional, while the blue looked like a traditional, basic shimmer. 🤷‍♀ As for "decorum", it means behavior keeping in good taste and propriety/etiquette. To make a crude remark during a fancy dinner would be a show of poor decorum

@Katelynhousemakeup - 22.08.2024 05:55

I love the collaborator Taj and my understanding of the launch is her goal was to create products that would look amazing on darker skin tones. I know from conversations with other creators that have darker skin tones that shades that look the same on my skin might look totally different on theirs!

I’m not a fan of black based multichromes either solely for the creasing issues haha but I did pick this one up and I’m curious to see if I feel similarly to you!

@ReneeAlfieri - 22.08.2024 05:26

Have some decorum = have some class

@SarahTones85 - 22.08.2024 05:05

I love the looks you created, always do. I’m not a fan of dark shimmers either. I skipped this one, I felt I already had this palette not only in my collection but from the brand. I love BB I want more than a rainbow palette from a collab.

@WinnP - 22.08.2024 04:17

It's funny because your video made me want this palette even more !! Im convinced, it's gorgeous on the eye more than on the palette.

@oceanbird. - 22.08.2024 04:14

I have most of the blend bunny palletes, but I'm not a collector or completionist so I only have palletes that I will use. I didn't get either of the collabs from this year. They both seem too specific for my needs.

The Ellis one was for a very specific purpose, for somebody who does colorful makeup artistry and wants every possible shade already mixed in one palette and they don't want to mix/blend colors themselves.
This collab I think is primarily for people with darker skin tones who create colorful makeup looks. I'm sure that's a set of customers and I'm happy if that customer group loves this, however that just isn't me. I can't go without light mattes and light shimmers, and I don't really have a need for these colors or black based shimmers as a companion palette. So I think that I'm not the target customer for this release, which is fine. My wallet is happy with that! I've bought a lot from BB and I'm sure they'll have something soon again that appeals to me!

@guillaumedouhe2729 - 22.08.2024 04:12

I picked up the highlight palette because I gathered It was a nude version of the Noctulicent. And like you I looooove this palette! I use it more on the eyes than the cheeks. So it was a no brainer to pick it up! lol
Your looks are amazing!
take care 💚

@mistichristensen7088 - 22.08.2024 03:51

I loved all 3 looks!!!!!! 💛🌻

@mistichristensen7088 - 22.08.2024 03:44

Decorum - behavior that is socially correct, calm and polite.

@baneshamiller1734 - 22.08.2024 03:43

I think theres to many blue and green shades. The distribution of color is not balanced.

@kouzelnice - 22.08.2024 03:29 seems similar to the Machina one, whcich did not seem to do well...too many color repeats and I also prefer a variety of depths in the shimmers.

@asha.m - 22.08.2024 03:28

You always do a beautiful look! Hope you have more feedback on the p Louise primer

@vsm6847 - 22.08.2024 03:27

I think they should come out with an all shimmer version of Blends. These other palettes are just remixes of what they already have.

@lilyt5855 - 22.08.2024 03:09

This one just has no appeal for me! Easy skip

@KrystalSanroman - 22.08.2024 03:03

So cute 🥰 how your nails match your bows btw ❤
