How to Get Started With Motorcycle Track Days!

How to Get Started With Motorcycle Track Days!

Yammie Noob

5 лет назад

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@BrentBaldwinFutures - 24.02.2025 20:52

whats up with the blue tape?

@Matthew-r1e1k - 20.01.2025 06:25

Step one move to a state that has a track that you can actually ride on

@Matthew-r1e1k - 06.01.2025 23:39

Step one pay 10 grand to ride on a track in Arizona

@ThunderousNinja - 21.08.2024 08:49

I have a z400, just got an official license at age 30. Been at it occasionally since age 26 average. Took interest late. But this summer I really got the true feel for the high speed Twisties as a sharp learner. Able to utilize 50% of a 400 cc. Is it too late to get on the track? Also what cc bike should i use on a track day? Ma always says " didn't start riding mini bikes at age 5, you cant possibly go do a track day". Me 😈 😊 watch me....

@UltraRex030609 - 06.11.2023 08:53

You forgot the guy with the huge Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

@grimeyhonkyracing3938 - 07.07.2023 20:08

Doe ridesafe do track days near Dallas?

@kalebvargo3068 - 04.07.2023 19:16

My sv650 is lovely. Not too crazy like the in line 4s but just enough to make yah smile😊

@WFO.Ian.30 - 03.01.2023 05:26

What organizations rent bikes in Michigan? I do not want to wreck my gsxr on my first track day.

@SaaduMia - 24.05.2022 23:30

Going to NJMP for the first time this June. Wish me luck Yammy

@ereHeuqibmazoM - 15.02.2022 09:10

I’d be more comfortable pushing my limits where I slide into grass rather than off a cliff where I live. I desperately would like to move near a track.

@zander8752 - 07.01.2022 21:46

Just got a suite because I've started getting knee down by accident on the road and ruined my textiles, so now that I've got the suite it's time to go do track stuffs

@deadpool3040 - 07.01.2022 14:34

Love the music really relaxing I use it when riding absolutely mind altering

@knoxbom3274 - 20.07.2021 17:41

I've been considering going to the track the last few days. I want to get used to my bike even taking the course they have.

@SharkQu33n - 25.06.2021 18:43

😂 I bought my motorcycle back from the dealer in the bed of our truck 😂 They had a lift they put the bike on and put it on the way. When we got home we backed up to the steps of our barn (it’s even with the bed of the truck) and rolled it right off. Been looking up ramps for when I decide to do track days to make it easier ✌🏻✌🏻

@gregkent2435 - 12.05.2021 10:46

Thank you for your video,im 46 and just getting started..feeling old but it's an itch I can't seem to scratch..time to get in to it..

@toluwole - 25.02.2021 09:23

Good stuff. Thank you.

@Dmoney9768_ - 19.02.2021 10:31

U still doing a give away I need a bike big time!

@wendyfab8203 - 17.01.2021 18:53

I’m eight years old I don’t know if I can get a freaking a dirtbike or motorcycle

@jimmydavis5055 - 16.12.2020 06:49

I'll testify with a small car towing a bike. I installed a hitch onto my 2012 Ford Focus SE to bring my 05 Honda Shadow Spirit from Dallas to Lubbock. Everyone is so wowed that my car can do this lol.

@RNG-lr2cy - 25.11.2020 21:08

Can u do a miniture bike givaway

@adamjones6405 - 30.09.2020 21:50

Of Course Yam has a video on track day! No matter where I go on the internets I end up back at the YamChan. HMRS in Nov Baby!

@lukenackley9990 - 02.07.2020 23:14

Well cum

@haakem - 09.05.2020 18:08

"I wanna do it too!" hahahaa, makin me feel like a kid xD

@Pagonism - 25.04.2020 00:24

As a AMA racer I want to thank you for simplifying a track day for the up and coming potential riders. I would like to add just one thing , just show up guys and do it. You will find a family at the track that will except you instantly. Great video Yammie

@okaythen001 - 08.10.2019 23:02

Cars got Audi club and PCA that I have been to, how about motorcycles? want to try out bikes for track days

@Gaju1827y - 26.08.2019 23:47

No random yammie fact today?

@cliffloh4662 - 31.07.2019 23:50

track days are physically a vid on fitness for motorcycles!

@quigonjinjer - 31.07.2019 20:48

Do Canadians get more entries since we're spending more dollars? 🤔😉

@aceitalia83 - 30.07.2019 19:46

Great video, very informative!

@Iffy50 - 29.07.2019 20:08

This was a fantastic video for me. I looked into track days, but this was great for getting me to think about the details.

@matth8924 - 29.07.2019 18:48

Track insurance? What if I bin my street triple?

@MrEviljezza - 29.07.2019 14:24

Hey Papa Yam, UK bro here, just got my first bike in years a cbr650r and loving life again! Much Love!

@celloer13 - 29.07.2019 06:03

Bach Cello Suite #1: Prelude is wonderful Yammie, but for God's fucking sake please. There are more classical songs 🙂♥️

@nirhaber6149 - 29.07.2019 02:15

You've been to Israel so you probably know that there aren't any tracks here... Im sad

@dickflinghammer7643 - 29.07.2019 02:14

That chick that passed you on the ninja 300... did you get her #?

@pedrorezende4873 - 29.07.2019 00:34

if mirrors are unecessary on the racetrack, then why do f1 cars have mirrors?

@richf2834 - 28.07.2019 18:59

Gotta love the classical music in the background lmao

@UnrealMurphy - 28.07.2019 17:46

Dank nooner this channel to 1 mil subs. We need a Busa on the channel

@Retheus - 28.07.2019 17:01

Yamster you can also rent bike trailers from U-haul.

@SuperBoomer95 - 28.07.2019 15:11

Last year I did half a dozen "2 wheel Tuesdays"(Tuesday night for 2 hours) and a full day track day at my local track. Rode my bike there with only a few tools, tape and granola bars In a backpack. Was very fun and kept it simple. Tho the full day I started to run out of gas in the last few seasons.

@Sora_Beats - 28.07.2019 14:49

Thanks for this Yam! This video is exactly what I was looking for.

@bik3r230 - 28.07.2019 12:05

Jack millers taxi service back at it again

@terrydavenport7480 - 28.07.2019 11:55

Good information. Thank you. I would like more information like tires brake pads and stuff. Dont they inspect ur bike

@breathevolume164 - 28.07.2019 11:45

After watching this I got clammie.

@leetus-deletus - 28.07.2019 11:05

I mean I could get a moped.....but that's not a motorcycle is it? Its a 2 wheeled granny mobile
