NJ Transit ALP-46 & Bi-Level Bombardier Coach Passenger Set

NJ Transit ALP-46 & Bi-Level Bombardier Coach Passenger Set

The Trainboard

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@dantiel4179 - 16.09.2024 14:31

What a treasure hunt at train show always cool to find a train that’s local to your area

@buecomet831 - 16.09.2024 14:49

Train shows are where its at

@howardbaum - 16.09.2024 15:08

Great job guys. Ryan, from now on you will be known as the king of New Jersey Transit and of all things New Jersey. Now we have 2 kings--king Ryan of New Jersey, and Corey the subway king. ALL HAIL!!!

@DFLTrains - 16.09.2024 16:24

Amazing show guys! The bi-level NJT are definitely hard to come by too

@wayneantoniazzi2706 - 16.09.2024 17:56

Some great scores at that show gents! Sure, you had to pay full list on the NJ Transit coaches but that's not too surprising, as you correctly pointed out you just don't see them anywhere. Pure supply and demand in action with New Jersey-themed articles, they come out and typically get snapped up quickly. Hey, I overpaid (in my opinion anyway) on a Lionel Jersey Central Camelback several years ago but you just don't see them anywhere either.
Six cars on a Jersey Transit train is a nice all-around consist. From what I've seen on videos of NJT trains the consists can run from four to eight cars so having six is pretty good and makes an impressive train.
Looks like it was NJ Transit day on your layout! And I spotted that NJT PCC car, it really stuck out! I've got one myself, I bought at a train show here in Virginia, got a VERY good deal on it and a good laugh as well. The seller looked at me a little funny and asked "You're not from around here, are you?" "Not originally!" I replied!
I'm not aware of Lionel producing any Jersey Transit products besides the starter sets, although I could be wrong. I've got one of the starter sets myself plus add-on cars. Not a high-quality as the MTH products but they look good on my small layout and they're fun to run..
Oh, don't worry about mis-pronouncing Bombardier as "Bomb-bar-deer" and not "Bomb-bar-dee-ay," people have been mispronouncing it ever since the first Bombardier snowmobiles began showing up here in the 1970s. If I remember right they even pronounced it wrong in the snowmobile commercials! Gary may have to correct me on that.
A fun video as always! Thanks for posting!

@PSTKLRR - 16.09.2024 20:10

Congrats! Great set!!

@joejustus-u2j - 17.09.2024 00:17

I have all 11 Lionel NJ Transit passenger cars I also have the Bombardier cars you feature in this video.

@RaysTrains - 17.09.2024 01:12

Idk what’s sweeter the engine or the passenger cars. Great video guys smile on my face the whole time 😂

@kevinmoore3422 - 17.09.2024 02:42

You two are fun to watch in your videos. Especially the interaction between you at times. One question though, why would you like an electric engine to smoke:) Keep up the videos and hope you see you at York next month.

@mrob-p2z - 17.09.2024 03:50

I love your long videos! Love your passion and fun. Can’t wait to meet you at York!

@TheSpinCycle7 - 17.09.2024 05:25

It's levi-OOH-sa, not levi-oh-SAAA 🙃

@SRRC245 - 17.09.2024 16:19

Awesome video guys, I just realized it was you who came up to me during a few NJ greenburgs ago as I was packing up a New Haven I5. Love the local NJ action!

@pault5775 - 17.09.2024 20:50

Grreat set grreat video😊

@scottfrezza3573 - 20.09.2024 02:32

What a deal !! I spent a year and a half looking for a AEM7.. MTH did a great job with these too !!

@strasburgsteamproductions3302 - 29.09.2024 05:44

Awesome video! I have one as well, and also got it at Greenberg! I got mine back in 2018 and it’s number 4654.

@karlfey - 07.10.2024 12:45

That ALP-46 is AMAZING! And those Bombardier bi level coaches! Gotta have it! I ride these trains frequently as well. Didn't realize MTH made these. Congratulations on an amazing acquisition.

@Ronscout1 - 01.11.2024 15:14

Beautiful set. The detail is amazing and it looks great on the layout. Also did you get anything at the fall2024 York show? I look forward to your new trains you get at the shows
