Love you Ingus keep the vids coming!
ОтветитьMeanwhile me losing my mind over getting an ahrims robe top from barrows yesterday
Ответитьinstaliked the video after "your ass in mine" lol
ОтветитьBro, ur editing skills are out of this world
ОтветитьDisliked the video for your inventory. Shadow with magus ring, no freeze weapon no blowpipe as a mager is actively trolling your team you should be ashamed
ОтветитьWho voiced Verzik for the video? I need her to record some degrading things for me - asking for a friend. 🤣🤣
ОтветитьVideo deserves a like and a subscribe for the effort
Ответитьbruh i wanna be in your clan
ОтветитьI was just about to type and ask 'whats that id10t thing?' and then i clocked it l00000000000l
ОтветитьI’ve made 500m in a weekend at nex, ain’t no way I’d spend that much time at tob to get justi chests 😅
Ответитьfuck, i looked up your collection log, now i know what happens in the next video lmao
ОтветитьMan... I love a new Ingus video!
Ответитьmy clue is pointing this way !!
ОтветитьOnly items that matter for a main account is the dust, pet, and kits.
ОтветитьThis has been coming for so long. I was still bronze rank when you were doing this. Great vid Ingus, per usual
ОтветитьNo one does it better. Thanks for the content Ingus I love it !!!
ОтветитьCredits to the editor👍🏻
Ответитьyour vids are so well put together and the production is awsome
ОтветитьWhen was this filmed? Blood shards only 6m jeeez
ОтветитьMax gold on Solana - $RSGP
crazy i bought my avernic defender hilt for 40/50 mil ish only a month maybe 2 months ago
ОтветитьThe no pog tank teams the entire vid is wild
ОтветитьLove your vids so much man!! Keep up the great content!!
ОтветитьNext camp colusseum. Its the best money/hour. I did 150kc so far. (Sub 30 min runs.) Made 1,4b. Want to see you doing it for a couple of weeks.
ОтветитьPhonk at the end was just 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьBest RuneScape vids on the internet. Thank you Ingus!
Ответитьbro how do you get your inventory and chat box look like that? love the way items look
ОтветитьLove the vids but raycons are trash
ОтветитьEllos ingus tis i prescott (the corp bane chicken hunter from clan a while back)
ОтветитьHas he done a colosseum grind yet?
ОтветитьLol do you do your editing yourself I'd love to learn lol
ОтветитьAnyone know how to make runelite look like this? Looks darker/more detailed, can’t quite put my finger on it
ОтветитьHearing you say almost 300 raids and thats your first avernic kinda hurts my soul. I didnt get my first purple in general there until i was at 293 kc on my iron lmao.
ОтветитьTin can ingus
Ответитьsuper gigachad intro i love, i love
ОтветитьTo much adhd editing
ОтветитьHow does tob splitting work? I only do toa solo so I don’t have to split my shadow drop with anyone. I want to grind tob but it’s not solo able so I need to learn how the loot split works or is it free for all like nex ffa?
ОтветитьI’m considering buying scythe I’m afraid price will go higher and I’ll be stuck paying even more then 1.6b for it. I have tbow and shadow but I’m finishing maxing 28 lvl to go shadow lost 200m I should of sold it and bought scythe to hood in my bank not sure what scythe price will do next
ОтветитьAlways look forward to the latest ingus video! Thanks for the content man!
Ответитьlove the style of these videos bro
Ответитьso fire bro add me in game! @stogez -Rogan
Ответитьur a g bro, some of my fav osrs vids are the now im rich series
ОтветитьYour ass is mine is crazyyy L0L
ОтветитьRip to those blood shards 😢
ОтветитьFirst time here and I simply don’t understand how this dude isnt bigger than literally every other
(mediocre)channel. Maybe the comedy is right up my anus, but I love it.
subbed first 30 seconds.
Ответить"Theres only one way to end a bad luck streak. And thats to quit the game. But if theres one thing ive learned in all my time - good things come to those who arent spoonfed." Just wanted to say thank you Ingus. You gave me the motivation to go back to corrupted gauntlet on my iron that was 900kc with no Enhanced. I got it as of yesterday at 1015 kc. So once again, thank you for the amazing content and the motivation they give!