Primary school teacher /interested in sewing and fashion design/ jewelry design/ 😂i speak 4 languages and I need more / interested in Arabic calligraphie: i learned 3 of them/ just love math and physics problems 😂 / I learn how to crochet and I sell many pieces/ 🙃 Master degree student (Arabic language) / I am just proud of myself... ( Ps 🫣25 y.o )
ОтветитьI have felt guilty about the way I am multi-passionate. The ADHD narrative is destructive to those of us who love life and learning. "Web" learning is such a joy and fills me with purpose. "Unique overlap"!
ОтветитьVery interesting!
ОтветитьPolymathy has been my approach since childhood.
ОтветитьI needed this
ОтветитьHow do i find a job that fits with this multipassion-lifestyle.
Im currently working part-time in a job, that I don't enjoy.
The positive side is i have a bit more freedom then a full time worker. Bit i have to fit all of my interests in my free space, which is kinda burning me out.
I would love to fit some of my interests into a job, but since i have no high expertise in an area i have low chances to find a job.
You have a much higher chance for a job if you can one specific thing very good.
I feel kinda stuck there.
Reminds me of why companion planting is more beneficial than growing a monocrop. Each different plant (interest) benefits each other in some way. Better to have a thriving ecosystem than one focus (crop) that will burn out/deplete the soil. Everything is connected if you take the time to look.
ОтветитьAnd heve for 40+ years I've been thinking I'm crazy and flighty.
ОтветитьI remember my mom being confused of what my passion is. Maybe I'm ADHD.
Graduate in Political Science, interested in psychology that helped me understand culture, also interested in history, philosophy, astronomy, religion; I could sing, play piano, guitar, bass and drums, I could draw, paint, comic strip, digital paint, write poems and short stories, journaling, photography, sculpting, filmmaking, and love reading books and learning about anatomy, other crafts such as crochet, pipe cleaner art; I can dance, and recently got into MMA, tried hiking but wasnt a fan but I LOVE knowing about survival in the woods, also cooking, and currently tryna get into herbs and botany. But lol I'm about to pursue Law.
Good, but after each section and thought you need to give people time to process what you've told them, otherwise you simply overload the viewer with information without them understanding or retaining anything from the video. Make more breaks from speaking. Diversify, try something visual, show a picture of something you are explaining for several seconds.
ОтветитьThanks so much. I could never choose one 😢
ОтветитьYou can just say ADHD 😂
ОтветитьThe poly mastery effect doesn’t apply as much when the interests are too separate.
ОтветитьFor me it is hard to understand, how someone can be not interested in many things.
The video startet really slowly, I'd like to have a higher information density (but maybe that's just me), but I'm glad I pushed myself to watch it to the interesting part. Also I understood something important, because I literally often say or think "it's so obvious, why they can't see it?!" (well, in my mother tongue). That almost shocked me a little.
In general thank you very much for the video, it gave me motivation to progress in some of my interests (still need to choose, because otherwise we'd need an almost endless amount of time :/).
Best wishes 🤗
He takes 20 minutes to explain what a generalist is. Has anyone found any actual information in this video?
Ответитьwhen will I get some results though :(
ОтветитьNot sure if it’s healthy, but I have come to a point where I have seasons … I’m singing/songwriting, digital collage & photography, filmmaking, writing, web/app and blockchain development, fashion & design, and am starting a faith based nonprofit. 😅😅😅 so I can’t do it all at once but everything seems to be coming together for the nonprofit; and once I began building it it’s been the only thing that’s not seasonal. So I think I’m coming to the eureka moment 😊. I tend to burn out in one area and move to another -as to use a different part of my brain. For instance I was on set a before the panini, I started my nonprofit on the polygon blockchain during the panini, I ended the panini making several nft collections, then I made two new digital art collections in 22 & 23, and just finished my first fiction novel, started a new app, and wrote several songs, and sang and distributed my first song last year. This year I’m working on making gloves, finishing my first religious texts, and relaunching the nonprofit. Music will be my break. Later in the year there will be apps. Seasons ❤. I also take a not-so-optional week or two shutdown in between seasons 😅. I say all this to say it’s true! There’s a different way. Follow your heart AND be as authentic as possible. You’ll become the masterpiece you’re meant to be.
Ответитьyou are so boring to listen to
ОтветитьThis was so valuable
ОтветитьPeople on here ae listing heir overlapping interest. I thought Id share mine, and how I use them alltogether to strengthen my universe.
I love how things move, and stories - so i studied Animation.
I love my imagiation, and capturing the impossible - so I studied 3D Game design
from those I grew to love world building, motion, charater design, and building in 3D
then I took those interests and brought them into the real worl
I became a fashion deinger, and costume, hair, and makeup artist.
Every month I pull money in from multiple sources.
I pet sit once, to three times a month.
i work a part time resturant job. From there I get free food which cuts down on my grocery bill.
I get all types of creative commision. From illustration, to stylist help, teaching worshops, to fashion shows, and so much more.
I use my love for fashion, and science to help people reorginize their warbobes, creative spaces, and home. I use my story telling mind to help oriente peoples spaces in a sustainable way.
I also love science, langugses, and arts that i do purley for entiertainment. Cooking, journilism, writing songs and music, poems, writing, playing the piano and singing, scuplting....I know im missing some but you get the idea!
Im less than a year post grade and Im happy with my income, day to day enviroment, and the creative projects. I have a few shows coming up, as well as some teaching gigs, and very excited!
Vijay varadharaj
ОтветитьI like to make a comparison to horticulture around this topic. I like to compare this kind of mixed interest learning to polycultures, where you have (for example) partner plants that are mutually beneficial as apposed to monocultures like olive groves where all other plants are killed off to prioritise the one goal/plant. I found this helpful inparticular with creative practices. (My two cents)
ОтветитьThe problem of monomastery comes down to the fact that the entire philosophy is based on viewing everything as some kind of end product. Nothing is allowed to be an interest, it is all just a means to an economic end. It's a disease of modern civilisation.
ОтветитьI recommend the book "range" that gives a good overview of how being multi disciplined is better and makes you happier and more resilient.
ОтветитьHow do I join the community
ОтветитьHi, I enjoyed your video a lot. Change the camera angle to showed your hands, I read that viewer retention goes up when there are more hand gestures. Besides it seems like you speak with your hands and it would be nice. :)
ОтветитьWow I am so grateful to have found your work - this has been one of the main areas of pain for me. its so deeply important to me and i have no role models or examples or references of how to actualize my creative callings when i have so many diverse interests, passions and skills.. they all do share common threads and i have a vision of how to bring it all together in a coherent direction but definitely needing some guidance.. you are an answer to my prayers :')
ОтветитьI was struggling alot mentally cause of it
The whole find your niche, choose one I couldn't I feel like a whole fraud
Amazing vid, I felt heard. Continuing to craft my own bizarre career and think you'll be one of the mentors along to way to help me do that. Cheers
ОтветитьThis man has a beautifully shaped head
ОтветитьHi! Is a multi passionale a polymath?
Ответитьomg yes thankyou!
ОтветитьI take 3 foreign languages on Duolingo and I reealised that I am progressing more slowly on each one compared to my friends who have chosen to focus on just one, BUT it is a delight being able to comprehend basic French, German, and Spanish! I have given myself the goal of reaching mastery in 4 years and working towards this goal daily and feeling my knowledge and comprehension increase is amazing!
I also love how the internet has made it possible to learn without having to physically be in a particular location at a point in time. I love taking an online Philosophy class from Edinburgh and then swooshing onto another platform to learn Physics from an American university! I am experimenting with Music Theory as well and it seems like it is going to be interesting. Knowledge makes me feel alive!
ОтветитьThank you for this video. I have been on this path which is made of many interests, and as you mentioned, I recognise there is a thread that runs through it all. It excites me and I had come to the conclusion of putting it out as the interconnected web that I see in my head. But sometimes the ego pull of getting something done, the societal need to be productive and the financial need pulls me into some job... And my nature / inner knowing, doesn't allow me to stick to it.
This video was a surprise amd opportunate find. I am feeling more confident in my path now. Now to deal with the insecurity of not knowing each topic to it's very depth. 😅
balsam for my soul, thank you 💓
ОтветитьThank you for your interpretation it is real visdom wright there, I am glad that I found you! Best of luck!
ОтветитьI want to follow God and give everything to God and build his kingdom on earth. I want to give love to people and help them grow and be. For me there's just something about the business and field of tech and software. I believe they are helping to change the world right now and that I should pursue that. I want to generate a huge revenue from solving problems with smart people.
ОтветитьI've always had a rotation of special interests. I like to make things, fix things and design them, for example.
I've gradually decreased my futile efforts to be conventionally productive, and now I often notice that my experience in one craft gives me a surprise ability boost in another craft.
With time, more and more of my creations and experiments exceed my expectations.
How to Be Everything by Emilie Wapnick is also a great book that speaks about the experience of being multi-passionate; I believe she also has a community online for people (~like us~) who can't or don't want to do just one thing at a time :]
ОтветитьInstead of reading one book at a time, I have about 28 books on my desk for separate times.
ОтветитьWow this is so validating! Lately I’ve been frustrated on feeling like I have to decide on one creative outlet when the truth is I am a writer, a musician, a dancer, a visual artist, speaker, and my interests range from psychology, spirituality, health and fitness, design, music and aromatherapy and the list goes on!!!
ОтветитьI refuse to let people’s opinions to influence my passion ever again. Bad idea. My passions all died at once when I did that.
Follow your bliss. Do what brings you joy. The universe works in mystical magical ways that wants to see us in joy. Don’t ever diminish that over someone’s opinion!!!
I dance, hip hop, wave style, ballet, contemporary dance, tutting dance, fire spinning many props, pole dancing, learning languages, tattooing, sewing, classical painting, murals, sculpting, fine jewelry, singing, photography, videography, coaching, modeling, philosophy, avid meditator, gardener, DJ, free dive, rock climbing, world traveling, astrology, and more I’m probably forgetting 😅
THEY ALL OVERLAP! I went to arts integrated schools as a child and it taught me they all advance your overall avatar.
I was (am) like this but nowadays, since I started my own business, all my time goes for it and it's draining myself. I feel like I can no longer nurture my other parts which I also love 😢. I'm a mess.
But as I am I still trying to retake ny interest in running, roriita fashion, cosplay, singing, drawing, writing, video and audio edition, photography, japanese, italian, prop making, needle felting... I used to have more but like I said. The economy and sparetime part have totally restricted myself so much
As you say in the video:
~ The best thing is to embrace your nature of curiosity and know your own pace is also ok.
~ Do the things you want because you enjoy them.
~ Patience and bot forgetting the devotion are the most important thing to keep on your path.
~ Know the reachs of what you can do with out pressuring too much.
In the development of my passions what have work moreless for me is:
I make a list of what I'm into in that right moment (also knowing my limitations: as time this one is the most important one-, resources -economical is really hard for me at time and needs) and then make a scale of which are the most interesting ones for me at that time.
I set easy objectives. I know that if I want to have more fecient results, i will have to invest more discipline, and to be realist that happens for the 3 top of the list of the scale.
And that is something to accept and be ok with!
You will be able to enjoy the others and have progress but just stop pressure yourself about 'not progressing so much as'...
I do that scale of interests normally each 3 months or so, so I can track how am I feeling about it, how is my context and make changes and adapt to set new objectives.
I also tend to rotate one step on the scale up or down depending on the three things I mentioned above. If i still interested a lot on something I let it in the place on the scale but if something else comes up (as something pretty important I gotta achieve apart of my desires), I just let that in the top 3 and adapt to the new assets.
It's not a perfect method but have work better than other things.