Why say sometimes that something improved by a factor of 2 and then other times you say it's doubled? Are they not the same thing?
ОтветитьMy question might be more of a concern if you got back and read papers published in the early 1900s they go down the right road but they also went down the wrong road because of that the reader has a much better understanding of the paper. Further more the wrong road is more interesting than the right road. So how do we get paper with the wrong road with them? I'll use this example or a resent paper put out saying if a asteroid blows up for pretty much any reason it will come back together in just a few hours. This is so wrong and now a lot of channel are saying this as almost fact.if this was true we would not have our moon . But this is true it's all about the escape speed so on a space rock it not fast at all yes some will come back together however most will not .how do we fix this?
ОтветитьHow precisely can the multiple detectors determine that location of the gravitational wave source? ... would be neat if the EHT could eventually produce images in near real time of the identified GW sources.
ОтветитьSoooooooooo you are saying that passing through our bodies every day are tiny waves created 11 billion years ago by instantly dumping 3-who knows how many times the mass of the sun INSTANTLY into the fabric of the universe by black holes colliding. Man, science is so boring isn't it guys.
ОтветитьFraser I have a question , what hyperthermily would happen I to our meat space suits if two large black holes collided and merged close to or solar system or even within our solar system. Just wondering what a extreme case of gravitational waves near us would do ? Cheers Gil, New Zealand
ОтветитьYou're out of mind there are no fairy's, no elves, and yes no black holes, well maybe Maxine Waters
ОтветитьHappy space day!!!
ОтветитьHi Fraser.
Was just watching the SpaceX launch, and I wonder, why did the 2nd stage engine cooled almost immediately? From Red to dark in few seconds.. I was under impression that it is very inefficient and long process to cool something in space.
Thank in advance, in case you will choose to answer this one.
If not, thanks anyway! I love youre videos!
How can the limit of casualty not create 'friction' in the universe? How can matter be limited in speed by something and at the same time move trough the universe for all eternity without being slowed down by what is limiting it?
This is not logical, if there is 'something there' at high speed how come there is 'nothing' at lower speed, why do not matter need to 'pay a price' for moving at all?
If Aliens were using some sort of gravitational wave propulsion to warp Space Time could this device be sensitive enough to detect a craft traversing our Solar system??
Ответитьyeah they may merge every week, but first of all, they have to EXIST and those non existing gravity waves have to travel at light speed, which seems to be against common orbital mechanics.
ОтветитьHi Fraser. I have a question regarding black holes: If black holes are created when a star burns out all it's fuel and collapses under its own weight, how come it has more mass than when it was "fully fuled". As a star burns it radiates photons so would that not make it have less mass at the end of its life?
ОтветитьAny notification reliable Android app available?
ОтветитьGravitational waves are how ghosts/paranormal activity of voice and other phenomenon occurrences happen
ОтветитьI'm curious, what do LIGO and Virgo hope to accomplish next? It was my understanding that their purpose was to prove that gravitational waves exist. Now that they've done that, what questions do scientists hope to answer next using these instruments?
Ответитьgravitational waves! we will tax 'em soon enough.
ОтветитьThanks Fraser.
ОтветитьA bunch of neutron stars out there having a good ol rave party huh, sending us the beats. Neat.
Well I'm off to the "gravitational waves" video...from 3 years ago.
Why are the Europoors even involved? US science is better by so much. We do not need them. They are just riding along. I bet we paid for theirs too.
ОтветитьHuh who knew, the new Tool album has taken longer to make than it took scientists to build LIGO. 🙄
ОтветитьFraser, really like what you are doing. I am puzzled by something that I'd love to see you address. It has to do with the event layer surrounding all black holes. My understanding is that light cannot escape the black hole because time stands still at this event layer. Light still travels at velocity = c but, since time is stationary, the light gets nowhere. What I find confusing is how does another black hole manage to get through this event layer. In fact, with a black hole merger we have 2 black holes that both manage to travel through zones where time does not move. And, apparently, they do it quite quickly which suggests a velocity that is pretty fast. I can't make it add up.
ОтветитьCould gravitational waves be the answer to dark energy?
Could the amount of energy produced by black hole mergers and similar mergers be to blame for the expansion of the universe?
iPhone! (hacking and spitting) Where is the app for Android?
Ответить1/10000 the diameter of a proton....
ОтветитьThe L stands for Value
ОтветитьIt still amazes me that this actually works.
ОтветитьYou downplayed something very important here. Being able to visually confirm one of these things happening with the black hole and the neutron star merging, hard to prove to two black holes merging when their black and don't give off a lot of light.
ОтветитьMy brain just went thru a car wash..
ОтветитьQuestion: Are gravitons affected by gravity just like photons? Can they escape from black holes??
ОтветитьQuestion: What happens when two different Gravitational Waves propagating across the universe or from within the very same galaxy pass through each other?
ОтветитьQuestion, if you spin yourself on the ground your arms would want to spread away from your body due to centrifugal force. What if you spin in a void in space, with no stars or galaxies visible for reference, would your arms still spread? How would they know they are spinning, what will you be spinning with refrence to ? The vacuum ?!
ОтветитьWhy doesn't LIGO use a higher frequency laser to get a better resolution? Or am I missing the point?
Ответитьif Neutron stars are the second dense objects in the universe because its packed with Neutrons back to back. what comprises the mass of a black hole? is it quarks or leptons packed back to back?
ОтветитьI understand LEGO.
Ответитьso gravitation is variable? even repellent? As light does, which combines charge and magnetism and motion and proximity
ОтветитьWhat would a gravity wave feel like if your are close to the event? Would it feel like an earthquake but only last 1 msec?
ОтветитьThis seems really hard to verify.
ОтветитьIt's amazing that every astronomical object and event we have and will ever see is actually us looking at the past. These things that are millions of light years away or more are probably long gone and we are waiting for the events of their past to reach us. Even our very own sun we only ever see it as it was 8 minutes ago. Astronomers are cartographers of stellar history.
ОтветитьI think these instruments are the among most important astronomical instruments of the last 50 years -- right up there with Hubble and the supper telescopes that have yet to come on line. I would love to see a few more of these instruments and hopefully they can be placed closer to the poles to improve the geometry for source location.
ОтветитьIt's a lot faster than a week, i mean a lot. Just imagine how big universe is
ОтветитьHi Fraser, Thank you for sharing this video. I was also wondering what happened to Ligo discoveries. BTW the app you mentioned for black hole occurrence is for the I phones, what about people who use android devices?
ОтветитьI want that app and set it to vibrate just so I can say: "I've just felt a disturbance in the force."
ОтветитьHypothetically speaking, if we found a way for a ship to be able to travel at the Speed of Light, would time just completely stop for that ship, and the people inside? Would that ship ever be able to slow down?... and would it just completely disappear, to an outside observer?
ОтветитьIs it possible to find planets orbiting black holes formed from a failed supernova? Also is it possible to find life on enceledus like world orbiting the black hole
ОтветитьAnd awsome job guys. Plant earth's unity is felt on this topic. 😜😜Next☕☕
ОтветитьIts theorised that black holes are other universes if so, what came first the universe or the black hole?
ОтветитьI love to know if their is a particle called graviton, is it possible with these detectors to find one