Harry Potter 1 on PS2 is very painful . Labyrinth, stupid camera, plateform phase but you cant jump with a button, you have to run correctly in the perfect direction...with this camera.
The final boss doesnt tell us how to beat him. Took me 2h -.-
no summoner? :,(
ОтветитьThe escort mission towards the end of Jak 2 resulted in me not finishing the game. I just couldn't complete it! Absolutely loved 1 & 3, hate 2 for it's unfair difficulty.
Airblade was a really cool concept, but I couldn't get past the first couple of levels. 😭
Jak 2 is not even hard what so ever
ОтветитьYep. Jak 2 was tough. I beat it eventually.
ОтветитьI never truly played viewtiful joe after the demo from pizza hut wiped my entire memory card 😂
ОтветитьDeath by degrees was the hardest ps2 game for me .
ОтветитьPeople complaining about GOW not being in the list but it's not that hard really, i remember i got this game GOW 2 in God mode and almost did the same thing in the first one but failed at the clones section, i was a kid backthen, so probably i could make the whole game no hit if i had it in my hands now lol
DMC 3 was great too, im pretty sure i beat God hand at some point as well, good times.
Fuck veatiful Joe. I remember having that game and it had a breaking bug that always wiped every memory card I used.
ОтветитьI remember air blade. So many days and weeks spent on the first two levels. I never got past level 4. I would go back and probably demolish it now. 😂
ОтветитьDMC 3 is the 1st one to teached me to "Get Gud" in a game.
ОтветитьDoes Megaman X7 counts?
ОтветитьTook me like e 2 years to beat the underwater suit level I hated it the most
ОтветитьChaos legion is a big pain in the ass
ОтветитьI don't understand why people keep putting Jak 2 on these lists. Besides the checkpoints and the last few missions, it's not bad at all.
ОтветитьMaximo ohh man that’s a hard game
ОтветитьStuntman most definitely the hardest game on the list
Ответитьomg maximo was a pain in the behind
ОтветитьAirblade was my game man! I def mastered that one. And no doubt about Shinobi being hard, but despite the difficulty it was a really fun game.
ОтветитьI think all Rockstar game are best one's...💯
ОтветитьDrakengard 1 and 2 missing ??
ОтветитьThey don't know about Sly Raccoon time challenges
ОтветитьGotta include Silent Hill 4 on this list. The game gets especially tough when the hauntings in the apartment get crazy and protecting Eileen is already hard as it is.
Ответитьwhat about the Men in Black 2: Alien Escape? Tank style movement, third-person camera that was a little too close and clunky at best hit boxes. I loved it as a kid, but playing it recently was nothing short of infuriating. Add the additional "don't die during a mission to unlock more content" malarkey and its nothing short of draining. Oh, and if you used cheat codes, it prevented you from saving your progress until the console was shut off.
ОтветитьGradius 3 & 4.
ОтветитьI beat manhunt but man was it extremely difficult
ОтветитьI was wondering if Contra: Shattered Soldier was going to make the list. I have the about fuckin hard...I literally had to buy a GameShark and put a invincibility code in just to beat the game...and it still was hard as hell..💯
ОтветитьYoure a G for including Alien Hominid. I remember jamming newgrounds rumble and trying to unlock every character.
ОтветитьRing of red is the best ps2 ga.e ever made. 1000s of hours playing
ОтветитьI must be in the minority in thinking DMC3 was easier than the first game. Aside from the normal learning curves when playing a new game I found it easy
ОтветитьDark cloud
ОтветитьRing of Red was my favorite ps2 game of all time, I still play it on my phone with an emulator lol. Nice to see it get it's flowers all this time later
ОтветитьWhen I beat Jak and Daxter 1, I thought the sequels would be easy as well. Boy, was I wrong. The levels were so hard and confusing, I had to stop before my head exploded, or worse.
P.S. Next time, how about doing some lists of the hardest PS3, 4, and 5 games?
Castlevania curse of darkness?
ОтветитьI'm plessed Shinobi is on this list, that had some crazy platforming and time constraints. 😳
ОтветитьWhere the F is Shinobi PS2? That game broke me on more than a few occasions lol.
ОтветитьDevil May Cry 3 will always be one of my favorite games but it pisses me off everytime i play it lol
ОтветитьI beat both jak2 and manhunt as a kid now I play them and question how tf did I beat these as a kid 😂😂😂
ОтветитьRemember guys it's watchmojo/mojoplays don't take the list seriously
ОтветитьManhunt is one of the easiest games I’ve ever played
Ответитьwatching this just reminded me how unique games used to feel T.T
ОтветитьGitaroo man is underrated. It's awesome
ОтветитьPersonally I don't think maximum was that hard you know how many times I beat that game when I was a teenager I was as so addicted to that game I beat it over and over again except for there was one cutscene that was always missing when you go to pick your cutscenes I don't know if it was a secret ending or not I was always confused I played this so many times trying to figure out how to unlock that cutscene because you can choose will cutscene you want to watch after you beat it but I could never get that one cutscene I don't know what was going on I don't know if they made a mistake but there was always one empty spot
ОтветитьMe and my brother could not be contra shatter soldier how we beat it we used a gameshark I actually bought one from GameStop and we had 99 men and 99 lives by the time we got done we only had 20 lives but we did beat it but with a gameshark lol but did I really beat it even though I cheated I don't care I'll take the dub
ОтветитьI thought it was just my skills stuntman was hard yeah I had trouble with that game
ОтветитьI couldn't beat Shinobi all because of the last boss He's up in the air and you got to attack him I couldn't beat it My brother could not beat him either The rest of the game was not that hard I mean it was hard but the last boss is what took the cake I honestly thought the rest of the game was not that hard it was the last boss I mean it was difficult but not impossible to get through that freaking last boss is what gave me the problems
ОтветитьDid anyone play Erghiez? Not hard just saw godhand got his own adaption
ОтветитьShin Megami Tensei has Personas in them.
Devil May Cry 3 was hard? I played the easier version so maybe that's why I don't recall it being hard.
Jak and Daxter was a pretty ambitious game. It had impressive animation, ran at 60 FPS, and had a seamless map. This could pass as an early PS3 title. Jak 2 kicked my ass.
Urban reign should be in this list