nice to see a house of the dragon reference
ОтветитьI'm never going back to WoW, but having channels like this does well to keep me informed at what's happening in the story.
Ответитьdidnt think wow could get more boring..
ОтветитьWrathion Sucks. Sabellian is the obvious choice. Ship Wrathion off to go spoon with Anduin in the Maw.
ОтветитьI love how the only ones not dissing Wrath here are his mercinaries. Things will go so poorly under his wings and I am here for it.
ОтветитьHonestly, I would've liked Ebyssian better than either of these candidates simply because he was nice.
ОтветитьIt should also be noted that with the deaths of Nefarian, Onyxia,, and Deathwing himself Sabellian is probably the oldest living Black Dragon on the planet.
ОтветитьHey Ebonhorn, do you maybe want to step in here and curbstomp these two idiots? Maybe grab Wrathion by his scruff and throw him into the sun for the crime of inheriting all of Deathwing's arrogance & wit and yet none of his common sense?
ОтветитьI like Sabellian :)
ОтветитьSabelian for Black Dragonflight leader. He is the best choice.
And the thing about "but Wrathion preparado us to face the Legion" /spit, the Legión was coming one way or another, and he didnt help us against the Legion.
With all the BS they let Wrathion do in BFA, i would 100% back Sabellion
Ответитьlove the sibling bickering among the two
ОтветитьFeel like Sabellion’s going to go bad by the end. He seems too “justifiable.” Seems like they’re trying to draw players to him only for him to have a big betrayal at some point.
Ответить“Sabellian rallied us on Outland, not only saving us from death, but from the corruption that befell our kin.”
Um. No? Sabellian and those with him on Outland were already corrupted well before they got there. They even followed Deathwing there.
Not that Wrathion’s track record is much better with what he’s done as an uncorrupted dragon. And I get that since Outland was so far away from the Old Gods that the black Dragonflight there sort of mellowed out, that doesn’t make that statement any less false.
Unless he meant “saved from further corruption”. Then, sure, I guess.
Wrathion gives the annoying little brother personality, while sabellian gives the grumpy big brother personality
ОтветитьFuck wrathion, Sabellion all the way
ОтветитьTeam Sabellian here.
ОтветитьWhoever in Blizzard invented dragon eggs with spikes, should be forced to lay one.
ОтветитьI sure hope we get some cool things with Neltharaku and we learn more about what him and the Netherwing Dragonflight have been doing since Outland in this expansion like with Sabellian.
ОтветитьI've liked Sabellian ever since TBC.... he's got my support.
ОтветитьThey are setting Wrathion up for something. Not sure what. But his hubris is always played up. Reminds me a bit of Illidan and Kael, leaders who have temper issues and enormous ambition and excessive pride,. Illidan has many hero qualities but also antihero. I feel like that's the direction they want to take Wrathion in. I'm not sure that he's going to be Black Aspect, or if he is, if that's going to be any kind of smooth ride. They could always eventually go the buddy route and have them share power, if that is ok with Alex, but it might not be as fun.
ОтветитьShouldn't Ebonhorn be the leader of the black dragon flight
ОтветитьThe iron horde snippet just proves these new writers have no idea about the old lore. The decline of lore seems to continue.
ОтветитьWhat's this fake news that Weathions minions are spinning?
ОтветитьThe only thing Wrathion is good for is selling my trash to.
ОтветитьI would say what Wrathion did was questionable... Since he set Garrosh free and the orcs of Draenor still think to themselves that they must conquer Azeroth
ОтветитьI dont think I trust anyone that thinks we “needed a war” to get stronger
ОтветитьI'm so damn sick of Mary Sue Wrathion.
ОтветитьThis story sounds like crap.
ОтветитьWrathion is a child accepting no advice other than himself......
Directly casuing the ironhorde invasion of Azeroth and the legion invasion shortly after.
Yeah Id'rather take my old pal Sabellian from Outland than this brat.
Amusing that he calls the Champions Mortals when the Dragonflights lost their immortality. Even more ironic when supposedly the Demon Hunters are Immortal because they have become mostly demons.
ОтветитьI’m sorry man, i gotta block you, i dont want the spoilers
Ответить...this is gonna be bad...flop
ОтветитьThe frist frame look like Nexus in HotS jajjajaja
ОтветитьAm I the only one that thinks wrathion sucks?
ОтветитьWartion and Sabellian are really the typical siblings!
ОтветитьWrathion has infinitely more potential than the other guy and knowing him, he will make use of that potential
ОтветитьThe problem would be solved if Ebonhorn/Ebyssian took control. He is wise, lived on Azeroth, aided the fight against the burning legion and has documented experience guiding others down the right path. His calm wisdom, without Sabellian's judginess or Wrathion's brashness, would be perfect
ОтветитьSabellion deserves it hands down. He holds the title whilst Wrathion does his own independent thing. Better they work together honestly.
Aw, who am I kidding, they're gonna make Sabellion evil and Wrathion into the hero and justify his crappy actions yet again.
Wrathion will fail...
ОтветитьSpeculation: Djaradin = Ancestors of the Trolls.
Titan Constructs turning to elemental Shamanism in Rebellion against the Titans.
If the writers were anything but garbage they'd have Sebellian actually become the next earth aspect
ОтветитьSabellian should be dead. Why is he alive?
ОтветитьI am for Wrathion.
Ответить"Releasing Garrosh prepared us for the Legion" I don't think I've ever heard such desperate justifications for extremely stupid descisions.
ОтветитьI never liked wrathion. He's just as crazy as Deathwing, just a different manner.
Sabellion actually saved his kind, instead of killing them.
ahhh i miss the old drake forms, the dragon ones are perfect but i'm not as happy with the drake forms
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