ByteDance Is Said to Need China Nod for TikTok Sale

ByteDance Is Said to Need China Nod for TikTok Sale

Bloomberg Television

4 года назад

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@SportZFan4L1fe - 09.09.2020 05:14

Tik tok Artificial intelligence technology is reason why China will not allow sale. ...US trying to steal that tech.

@Twikmelah - 02.09.2020 09:52

good makes it easy ....ban completely ..... full stop ...follow India leads

@paulby88able - 02.09.2020 06:08

Usa. Say freedom of speech free trade they say. If you cant will destroy. It burn it. Blame games. Dirty devil tik tok tik tok what is go around come around. Back to you. USA

@chenwang4829 - 01.09.2020 19:30

You guys don’t understand, when there is a rule coming out at this time, it means tik tok is not for sale anymore. No need to talk about it.

@victorialemonginger7557 - 01.09.2020 03:45

要脸不 美国政府对一个公司施压 中国政府不能出来帮忙吗 字节跳动母公司就在中国 你说跟中国政府有没有联系 有联系是原罪?

@repurposedart9897 - 31.08.2020 23:24

Tiktok is so bad for surveillance yet American wants to consume this app... sound about right for the American gov need to surveillance mainly young people using this app. Not good for China is great for the American gov

@jacklu805 - 31.08.2020 20:16

Tiktok good money printer!Trump try to force sell to Americans company. Plan not work out so good, trump can't make commission this time. Btw nice try Trump.1day chinese gov will use same thing force Americans company in China to sell to chinese company.

@danmc2507 - 31.08.2020 17:48

I will open a bottle of Champagne the day Apple is banned in China.

@huas5350 - 31.08.2020 17:48

Attempted robbery. keep trying?

@jakobbourne6381 - 31.08.2020 16:18

If you have a large following and potential (identifiable by knowing your engagement rate via phlanx's tiktok engagement calculator ) - you can just simply go to another similar platform temporarily for now, i doubt the loss would be that large

@andyho3578 - 31.08.2020 15:50

If Tik Tok was from France, India, or Vietnam, it would face similar acquisition because of the so-called National Security. The reason is simple, is that you are threatening America's hegemonic position. Take Alstom of France as a classic example, learn the history.

@Hotlooksamerica - 31.08.2020 15:32

We have to ask our China bosses to unplug Chinese spy network. Burn it to the ground

@elsonsti - 31.08.2020 14:52

good retaliation from china.

@bakerstreet101 - 31.08.2020 14:42

Fine, just shut it off in the U.S.

@user-rb1yf4he9q - 31.08.2020 14:31

Funny, Trump had to get the O.K. from Russia before he banned it. Interesting how these things work these days.

@alexpalembang7665 - 31.08.2020 14:26

intel, google also need US and DT permission before they can sell their products. it is about the same situation. And as I know, some high tech companies also needs gov permission before they can sell their companies overseas

@Jennyoy - 31.08.2020 14:13

Obviously, Tik Tok is heavily controlled by the Chinese communist government.

@reptilexcq2 - 31.08.2020 13:24

Good that TikTok need China nod for the sale. Everybody who have any brain cells should knows this clown Trump administration is trying to prevent China from growing...this ain't about national security. It's bullshit. This buffoon even admitted in his language that China is dominating US economically (ya'all going to learn Chinese lol). So what is he going to do? He's going to cite national security and stop big companies like Huawei and TikTok from growing. They're going to preach to the other countries that the Belt and Road Initiative is a debt trap. All of these secretive propaganda are what US is throwing out there to prevent China from growing and taking over the US for the #1 economy. Basically, they're saying if we can't catch them, we're going to play defense and by playing defense mean suppression. Suppressing their businesses by coming up with lame excuses like national security. Of course, there is no proofs of it.

@johntan6312 - 31.08.2020 12:52

hahaha....china just copy the same trick US imposed on China...this is called karma...hahahaha

@t2f448 - 31.08.2020 12:37

US government use privacy problem as an excuse to steal TikTok, Chinese government use the same excuse to prevent it 🤣

@luckylec4146 - 31.08.2020 12:29

Trump just jealous of of tiktok making more money then him if tiktok sale it out then that a stupid deal for the rest of his live

@Topshelf748 - 31.08.2020 11:58

Haha it’s comical the left will know use it against trumpsters trade deal. That man isn’t paying attention and his hardcore followers don’t care. Hahahahaha

@Topshelf748 - 31.08.2020 11:56

America let’s build China and take a countries livelihood away 🤦🏽‍♂️. Watch what happens next. The world is like a heroin addiction,it takes time. You can’t do it over night.

@waynez5535 - 31.08.2020 11:53

It's a Chinese company, of course Chinese parliament gets a say whether to sell to the "one who forced this acquisition." Now if it was sold to France, sure, France isn't in a trade war with China.

@dlwatib - 31.08.2020 11:53

President Trump gets a lot of grass roots support for his increasingly aggressive stance against China. Expect just the opposite to what Bloomberg reports: The Trump administration will be getting even tougher with China as the election approaches and it will be China who backs down. China is already trying to smooth ruffled feathers in other situations. In this situation China has no power. If TikTok does not sell by the deadline the ban goes into effect and they must shut down in the US. They can force the shutdown to happen if they want, but they only hurt their own company. Most TikTok users are too young to vote, so there is no danger of a backlash to Trump. The timing by the Trump administration was deliberate. TikTok must sell before the election or shut down.

Remember, TikTok users thought they were being clever by sabotaging the Trump campaign rally in Oklahoma. Payback!

@DonZenOfficial - 31.08.2020 11:31

That’s hilarious. Chinese company claims it has no ties to China gov, then says needs China gov to give it permission to sell company LOL

@silverglint1544 - 31.08.2020 11:26

Haching hachong.

@LetterSignedBy51SpiesWasA-Coup - 31.08.2020 11:25

I’m guessing the CCP will say no because they want a massively popular app that can be weaponized which is hard to come by

@user-fb6hy2eh5y - 31.08.2020 11:23

Just Ban Tik Tok already. I wanna see if it gets the youth to go out and vote. It could set off record turnout for once

@crag405 - 31.08.2020 11:04

Chicoms can try to side step by selling but all they will be doing is forfeit their company's as well for getting into bed with the CCP..
ALL GO0D.......

@terrellmartin342 - 31.08.2020 10:51

🤔 damn sounds like America made because there not the big dog nomore China is 🤫 America tell it's people pay your bills right 🤔 China like yea 2 tillion dollars worth richest country can't even pay its own Debt off 🤨🤨

@crack.tyrone23 - 31.08.2020 10:18

just ask the host ffs

@jerrypoch4534 - 31.08.2020 10:17

right and im suppose to believe they're "independent" from the commies?

@rsdch - 31.08.2020 10:07

Good Communist-Dog

@williamroyer4669 - 31.08.2020 10:07

There's no proof of tik tok spying this is a hoas made up by Donald Trump !!!

@tinman3251 - 31.08.2020 10:06

Ban tik tok button

@CHL41993 - 31.08.2020 10:05

I wouldn't expect Bloomberg Markets and Finance viewers are as stupid as some Fox news dumbass. Sales and merges of large companies were approved/disapproved by governments around the world all the time. Half of the news about Department of Commerce are they baned/allowed some merging/acquiring deals.

@feifeishuishui - 31.08.2020 10:05

TikTok's current net worth is over 50 billion dollars. Trump is forcing ByteDance to sell it to a US company for less than 5 billion, or he will shut down the company. Did he show any evidence what TikTok has done something wrong? None. This reminded me of how US people took Indians' land. Two hundred years have passed, and unfortunately, the US hasn't changed much.

@popad6304 - 31.08.2020 10:00

Boycott China

@Polyester_Avalanche - 31.08.2020 09:55

The US is no longer the land of free enterprise, it's the land of "free" stuff. We're doing ByteDance so dirty, it's really a bad look for America.

@Minotaur-ey2lg - 31.08.2020 09:54

Wait, you mean to tell me a “private” company in a communist nation has to ask the government permission to do anything. Color me surprised.

@kevinwrw - 31.08.2020 09:47

Fair enough. It’s been forced to sell by US government after all. Poor Tiktok, being a political leverage

@dmaxm2498 - 31.08.2020 09:46

How bout they just terminate that program? We don’t need it, and it’s gay anyways. Only reason they’re fighting to buy it is their greed/love of money that they don’t even need. They don’t give a shit about it! It’s not as if the world needs it. It does nothing to better/further mankind and the planet!

@tomservo5007 - 31.08.2020 09:45

is this the twilight zone? Of course you need to ask the company's owners for sale approval ... ffs, that's how the system works. "Tiktok, we are autonomous and take no input from the CCP" to "hold on, we need to ask the CCP". Anyone who thought the CCP didn't have their dirty hands in the this company , is a fool

@j.franciscox3318 - 31.08.2020 09:35

Why is the Chinese government doing this? TikTok is their company, why not sell it and cash some money, instead of waiting for the ban and get nothing.

@xiaotaowu1169 - 31.08.2020 09:34

China will not make same mistake as France and Japan did. Byebye Trump, you will never get any China tech company.

@rickmaldoo4205 - 31.08.2020 09:28

Of course it does
