Anyone else notice the extremely high positive correlation between sects offenders and sov cits???
The rationale I've come up with is their very essence aka their sexuality is against the law, so they rail against all laws, regardless of how wrong they are. It's all they have left.
Next time you see a sov cit court video, search the perp's name. You'll be shocked how many are registered offenders. My quick and dirty math is somewhere between 60-80%
Every single true believer who was interviewed for this video is in jail or prison today.
Got to love vice😂
There are cases in which a Teenage Girl lies about her age, just so she can get Revenge on her Parent(s) for being to Authoritarian and/or Overprotective, by engaging in Sexual Activity before she is Legally of Consensual age.
ОтветитьThese people should be given the right to establish their own Micro-Nations.
ОтветитьI have heard stories about the C.P.S. and C.W.S. over-exercising their Authority and overstepping boundaries.
ОтветитьThis didn’t age well 😂
ОтветитьSure cool story
ОтветитьImagine scamming crazy people into thinking the state is trafficking children, and they get the idea that you're in on it 😂
ОтветитьThere’s a little truth to everything. Would love to see another video featuring them.
ОтветитьHe did what he did, so he get what he gets. End of story.
ОтветитьFirst attorney's take a oath to the Bar, which is to the British Crown, and legally have no business in any court they all work with the United States corporation to make money do you know the difference between attorney at law and attorney in law. Do your research,
ОтветитьThese people are crazy and dangerous 😳
ОтветитьYou can only push the American people so far before they start pushing back we the people
ОтветитьIf only these folks were registered Democrats they could have been left alone
ОтветитьPeople should stop calling us sovereign citizen it's getting us f**** shot STOP
ОтветитьAnd you can tell Xavier becerra I said does his wife still give that service man's discount?
ОтветитьThis information is public information from government websites
ОтветитьI mean she does realize that they're taking children and trafficking them overseas
ОтветитьJust pretend like it's not real like it's a conspiracy theory and s***this is really happening
ОтветитьWant to go read the law go read the law what are you talking about😂
ОтветитьIf anyone disbelieves that dc$/cp$ is corrupt or stealing children try speaking with attorneys that are now fighting that fight, like Shawn McMillan & Connie Reguli. There are more in the fight, just look & pay attention!
I pray to see the day that people realize how bad they've been lied to by our gov.
Trump world
ОтветитьHow this guy answer why all these things happen to them? If your foreclosed, you didn’t pay! Child protection, why. What happened?
ОтветитьThe guy from the beginning is a genius in the art of stupidity. If being dumb was an Olympic sport, he would be Michael Phelps. He gets so upset about his probation terms that he agreed to mind you that he thinks revoking his citizenship is going to solve his problems. Then he spends thousands of dollars on court/attorney fees fighting a case that he is never going to win no matter what. After firing his attorney, he pays a scam artist $6000 dollars for counseling on how to handle the situation. And he moves into a bus in a remote area while still fighting to get custody of his daughter. No judge would look at what he’s doing and determine that he is qualified to have his daughter back, especially considering what he was charged with to begin with. This man is FAR from being a rocket scientist for NASA.
ОтветитьDenys all government authority yet they regular USE that government. Case in point, trying to sue people.
ОтветитьWhat happens if these door knobs are sick or injured, and need hospital care?
ОтветитьJesus never said sell your cloak to pick up a sword. What scripture was that????
ОтветитьThis guy is speaking from the USC Code. HE'S NOT LYING
ОтветитьThe rancher with stolen valor is a well rehearsed habitual liar, but it’s understandable people are so conspiracy minded with documented cases like the kids for cash scheme where non violent underage offenders with no criminal history were sent to private prison in backroom deals with judges for millions of dollars in order to maintain an artificial quota so the prison was always profitable yer subsidized by the US taxpayer…the more kids / people that are locked up in private prison, the more public money they receive…it’s function is similar to the privatized healthcare industry that profits from sickness and despair within a larger conspiracy that is fascism disguised as democracy…one of the judges was just recently pardoned by Biden, which is telling
ОтветитьCPS is a child trafficking organization.
ОтветитьIt's amazing how the people who are so worried about children are the same ones who hurt them
ОтветитьHe's a liar.It's all made up.I fell for all the lies. He Is very believable
ОтветитьI have asked multiple “sovereign citizens” to show me one single court case they’ve won. 1 case. So far no such luck.
ОтветитьThe state stole my 2 children. Cps IS stealing children. If anyone else has been affected by this please contact me. ❤. We are still mothers and father no matter what are children are! They do grow up and they will find us.
ОтветитьThey took my children not for trafficking but they made $$$$$$$$$$$
ОтветитьYou people are done except it! Don't look back! Don't worry about what happens on Earth because it doesn't concern you anymore!!
ОтветитьLost me at “I didn’t know she was 14.” K, bud. 👍🏻
ОтветитьWhat an idiot😂😂😂 Sovcits are beyond delusional
ОтветитьDavid Straight belongs in jail for fraud. NO ONE HAS EVER WON A SOVEREIGN CITIZEN CASE IN ANY COUNTRY. Also, just because your genetics created a baby doesn't mean you have a right to do whatever you want to it and with it.
ОтветитьThe ole “she told me she was 18” defense
ОтветитьThe jurisdiction to invoke his equity. Equity deals with living men and women even-handed healing. No remedy in statutory Court.
Ответить“I was a Navy SEAL”
Don Shipley has entered the chat
It blows my mind how the "advisor" never actually helped someone to win a case in court, yet, these imbeciles keep coming back.
ОтветитьHe does use a lot of legalese!