No Generator RV Alternator Charging Electrical System Overview & Performance | Go North Explore More

No Generator RV Alternator Charging Electrical System Overview & Performance | Go North Explore More

Mortons on the Move

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@cwsmith7366 - 03.02.2021 07:01

So I just commented on your excellent video on battery type comparisons and wanted to view more of your output as a result. Two points I would like to make, or questions as it were. How much more did it cost you to eliminate your genny and probably stock flooded batteries, and replace it with your system? I'm guessing 3 or 4 times am much, and that's neglecting what was I'm sure a substantial amount of labor, which for the folks unable to do by themselves would have cost in the neighborhood of $125/hour. Additionally I will say that you should have probably bought a gasoline powered truck; a much cheaper motor option, cheaper to maintain, cheaper fuel, and less noise, (which you seem to value a lot) which also would have been able to allow a gasoline powered genny running off the main fuel tank, and even allow you to idle your engine for battery charging for a much longer period of time. A little noise now and then with the genny for sure, but would it have been worth saving several, or even perhaps many thousands of dollars? To me, the answer is most definitely yes. And, that is even not considering the fact that if you were travelling in warmer climate zones, which many of us do, your current system cannot provide a full night, let alone a full day of glorious air conditioning, that a genny can do off-grid with minimum fuel usage. I'm not ragging on you here, different strokes for different folks and all, but feel the need to point these facts out to people that might be watching your show without having a ton of cash, electrical knowhow, or product sponsorships, and especially those who don't like to sweat all night in the lower half of the USA when boondocking in the summer months. Besides that, I want to underline that the KISS system in general still has very significant advantages overall in the real world today. Again, just sayin'.......

@aurtuswolf - 05.02.2021 02:46

I would love to find out if you could build a system for me once I buy my vehicle and camper. Only difference is I will be buying the large gas powered engine not diesel

@dalefourroux6402 - 05.02.2021 05:58

Did you plug your computer's in the truck because I know the truck has inverters already in the truck. I would be charging my computer on the way in the truck. Thank you 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@MarkSpencerAZ - 05.02.2021 15:42

Yep, I used the Red Arc DC/DC converter and only 4 AWG. Works great! Thanks for the video! Removed my gen set first thing, don't need it at all, but then I don't use my air conditioner. I use only 2 100 AH batteries. I carry a small efficient generator if I need air.

@speedsweets67 - 05.02.2021 19:13

Phew, that is insane. 500ah . Luckily you know what you are taliking about. Thx forthis elaborte explanation.

@salvadorgutierrez2108 - 06.02.2021 07:02

Wow awesome 😎

@stuh2 - 06.02.2021 21:48

hmmm...install smaller wires so it cannot "push the current through" . I dont think thats how it works. Current is "drawn" . If you installed smaller wires, it would still try to draw the same current, but now those wires would get hot. Its best to just install a current limiting device but use those same large wires.
oh, and you had more room on the top of that very nice camper. I would have installed more panels.
Still , its a good vid.

@safffff1000 - 07.02.2021 10:05

Use a down quilts and you can idle longer because it will clean out when driven.

@campingalan - 08.02.2021 22:04

Extremely informative....thank you for sharing your feedback!

Long time subscriber from 2015ish. My viewing amount has varied based on what kind of rig I thought we would be getting. I have 2 distinctly different time periods and travel types for us.....1-2 week boondocking trips in our state of CO and the immediate surrounding states for the next 5 yrs while we work. Then we will expand to 1-2 month trips to focus on specific regions in the country.

So, we recently ordered a modestly sized Outdoors RV 4 seasons travel trailer, as well as a gasser F350. Truck will be completed in April and the trailer will be ready in July.

It was great to hear your feedback with regards to the 2 alternator option in Fords. My system will be the same, as well as 2 truck batteries. I will definitely take heed to your DC to DC recommendations!!

Safe travels....and you can always moochdock with us here in Ouray.

@enjoytomorrowtoday - 15.02.2021 06:27

You said that you should have used smaller cables from the truck to the camper. What size do you think they should have been?

@danbutcher8879 - 19.02.2021 04:30

Finally. Exactly what I've been asking for a year. How long can you live off battery? How long to charge? Thank you.

@Nic7320 - 22.02.2021 02:03

You could isolate the second alternator, and dedicate its output to RV lithium charging, by creating your own field winding based on the alternator's temperature. Seems like a better approach than using DC to DC converters that are only guessing how much power is available.

@vivianngo7362 - 24.02.2021 11:08

Talk to much.

@brucebugbee6604 - 09.03.2021 23:34

Excellent summary of your experience. I'm planning to install a Victron Orion 12/24-15 DC-DC converter for my 24V lithium battery in my camper before the camping season this summer, to supplement my roof mounted solar panels. However, I'm still taking my Honda 2000 generator just in case, lol. Planning a five week trip from Michigan to California, heading west on US-2 then down the Oregon coast to Crater Lake, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite, then back through Moab on the way home. I can't wait.

@MrHconaway - 01.04.2021 04:30

Did all 5 batteries fit in the generator location? Or did you put 2 in the step location and the rest in the generator location? Can you use residential 320w solar panels?

@gregorybiggs2068 - 25.04.2021 01:52

Excellent video and great info! 2 or 4 more solar panels and maybe your shortcomings would never have even shown up. Keep up the great work!

@babylonslim - 30.04.2021 07:13

So.. what laptops & specs? What software(s) for post? How many? You say you started the AC, but it would drain the batts in 5 hours. How much total cost for lithium batts, wiring, shunts, inverters, converters?

@j5892000 - 03.06.2021 11:32

I hate to break it to you but the alternator is a generator..

@PNWTruckCamper - 15.06.2021 18:49

Great video and great analysis as usual. While you were covering the issue with the alternator and drawing 180 amps I was screaming GET A DC TO DC CHARGER. Of course great minds arrived at the same place 😏

@Jimgearhart3 - 07.07.2021 19:52

How can I ask Will a question?

@murraymadness4674 - 11.07.2021 18:48

What you need is a wind generator mounted to the roof of the camper so it generates power while you drive and when parked when there is wind. A Eu2000 is quiet at low load and can run on propane, another approach is to make the generator even more quiet with a quiet box for it that you locate away from the truck.
The second alternator could also be fixed instead of using it the OEM way. Thanks for the videos.
BTW, those batteries are freakishly expensive solution.

@terrylarkin690 - 11.07.2021 22:55

We're you able to run the AC when needed?

@terrylarkin690 - 11.07.2021 23:12

You answered my AC question. I have a Yamaha 1800 i generator mounted on the back of my Cirrus camper it fits perfectly below the rear latter. When running its 60 decibels loud but not that bad. It's been scorching hot out West so I anticipate using it when dry camping. The DC TO DC device I think I'll add that next week. Thanks for all this valuable info. I'm running two 100 Amp hr Lithium batteries with the Victron 100/30 charge controller which I think will be enough for my needs.

@Almatrodi - 26.07.2021 19:16

Informative video, thanks.

@branislavm.3987 - 10.08.2021 04:32

So stupid build, cables, alternator, switches, DC to DC, overheated, idling truck. Get a fucking generator it’s much simpler and after all of this crap it’s going to be cheaper.

@kevinwambsganz3605 - 31.08.2021 21:19

Hi All, Great video!! The best solution is to install a lithium ion alternator, either 12 or 24 volts based on your needs. I think the issue Tom might be having with the alternators turning off after a few hours might be due to placing the charging negative cable to the battery negative. The Ford electrical system monitors the power to the battery. Ford recommends that any accessory used some other ground, not the battery. My guess to why the both alternators turned on, after a few hours was that your RV batteries were charged. The ford system does not want to over charge the truck battery, so it might only use one alternator with a higher voltage. Once it detected the batteries no longer needed charging, it turned on both alternators. This is my best guess based on the issue Tom was having. I might try this in the future, as I have two alternators at 397 AMPS, I think.

@Life_Kyle - 06.09.2021 21:30

Get some wheel things that let you drive the wheels on rollers

@Life_Kyle - 06.09.2021 21:31

Get some small wind turbines mounted on the truck to generate energy while driving & in windy areas

@BillSprague - 14.12.2021 04:43

Nicely done. I’m considering a Transit based AEONrv which runs totally on solar and gasoline with no generator. It is purpose built with 10 Battleborn batteries. It includes a DC-DC system as you noted plus a second alternator on the rig’s engine. The Ford 3.5L apparently doesn’t mind idling when necessary. I’m leaning toward a gasoline fueled rig for that reason. I like not making unnecessary noise in the wild.

@420BLUNTLEY - 31.12.2021 17:00

Except those batteries are thousands of ducking dollars…

@azizodil2805 - 10.01.2022 21:51

What do you guys think about F-150 Lightening will look like for such trips? Very interested in hearing your input on that and how EVs can be used without so many modifications you did for this example of Diesel Engine.

@douglas1306 - 21.01.2022 17:33

I haven't seen any of your other videos, So i'm not 100% sure. But most manufactures that pre-wire solar use a cheap PWM (Pulse Width modulation) solar charge controller. They're inexpensive and fine for small systems. However, with a system like this you would want an MPPT (Maximum power point tracking) charge controller. MUCH more efficient and you get a lot more out of the panels already installed. A lot of people jump quickly to more panels when in fact a good MPPT charge controller is all they need.

Good video and perhaps you had a good charge controller for solar, But didn't see it mentioned.

@yooperdog - 27.01.2022 21:16

Love your channel. Looking forward to more videos of your new truck camper.

@GaiaCarney - 18.03.2022 08:37

Valuable & inspiring info, Mortons on the Move ⭐️ silence is a precious thing

@iGoFeed - 29.03.2022 18:49

Great design on the system my only concern is that when the truck is running and the battery isolator closes, you’re pairing lithium batteries and lead acid in parallel which will degrade both of the batteries. What you need is a dc to dc charger inbetween the batteries to properly regulate everything instead of the isolator. That’s why you had the problem with the alternator because there was nothing regulating the current.

@brentmcmahon8188 - 12.10.2022 02:45

You need both because you never know what’s going to happen . I have all three Gen-batteries Battle born 100 a piece and a dc-dc charger and with all three you have choices and my basement is heated so temp is no issues .

@brentmcmahon8188 - 12.10.2022 03:17

I towed a alum jet boat and it worked out great because we hauled 4?extra propane tanks in the boat which was a win win and we used generator to top of our batteries and when we talk to Renorgy they told us to run 4/6 gauge cables to keep from drawing too much from the alternator and Iam thinking of a second dumb alternator that it’s only job was to charge batteries and we put a sensor on the extra alternator to keep a eye on the temps to keep from over heating and we had a switch on dash so we could turn the alternator on after everything was warmed up and we added a light on the dash if it got to hot we could turn it off. But with our set up it never over heated. But with the 2 LG panels at 425 watts a piece they put out a lot of power. We did use the generator just a few times just to top off the batteries if we knew it was going to be in a remote place for a extended time that’s when the Gen earned its keep and with the extra propane tanks in the boat was a great thing and we did put a 60 gal fuel tank sure made it nice on long runs. Being a retired car hauler for GM I could lay done a 1000 miles at a time it came in handy . To me the drive was sometimes was better than the destination and the 5.9 cummins just loves to have its legs stretched out there . Sorry for the ramble. Good Day !

@terryandsteve1 - 09.11.2022 05:22

This video was very helpful and we were able to install a similar system on our truck camper. I do have a technical question for Tom if possible. We have a 2020 Chevy gasser that we ordered with dual alternators and are using the Li-BIM 225 that you mention (either in the video or the accompying blog post). You later mention using a DC to DC charger from Sterling in order to get a better charging efficiency from the truck. I find that no one really can give me a straight answer with technicians from Battleborn saying either the BIM is the best solution or a DC to DC charger is better and they both seem convincing (to me - I am not very knowledgable on electrical matters). Being an electrical engineer, I was wondering what you currently felt is the optimal set up?

@versatilesteel - 02.01.2023 17:54

All of this is useless in the south.... A hybrid system with a gen set would do everything you are doing and still work the air conditioner when needed.

@HSTWXMAN - 24.03.2023 18:01

Good video. Appreciate your completeness.

@prophetseven728 - 28.06.2023 00:09

You get rid of all your propane too? how did you power your heater? Hot Water?

@ryansessions6278 - 30.06.2023 21:01

OMG, did you literally say "one solution is to install thinner wires"??? Thinner wires is NEVER a solution. You never thin out the wires in order to provide more resistance because instead, that battery will still pull the same current and then those wires will catch on fire. Oversizing wires is always recommended for safety, and then using something like a DC-DC charger that can regulate the voltage for you. Victron has a great bluetooth DC-DC charge controller that you can program specific to your battery.

@lowcolin - 13.09.2023 15:50

An electric truck would be truly no generator cuz your dino crude oil still power your trip

@brentmcmahon8188 - 06.11.2023 22:09

When I called Battleborn and the Dodge dealer they both told me to run 6 ga cable so the lithium could not pull so much current and after 2 years of use it has been great and I put a flush mounted switch that lights up when on and if you forget to shut the switch off and the lithium batteries will drain your start batteries pretty quick and don’t ask me how I know .

@brentmcmahon8188 - 06.11.2023 22:14

I meet a guy in Canada who had a generator head under his truck and with a manual trans and they have a plate on the side for a pro and he ran a ver short drive shade to the generator head and he would put his transfer case in neutral and put his trans in 4-5 gear to spin the pro at proper speed .

@hanklee6529 - 25.05.2024 20:29

So to summarize, if you were to redo again you would have gone with a DC to DC charger instead of the battery isolator which would allowed you to use much cheaper thinner wires and not have taxed your alternator as much your isolator did.
