You'd think by now the cities should know to ask for payment up front!
ОтветитьWhy should the secret service have to pay for campaign rallies?
ОтветитьOf course he won't.
ОтветитьIn order for the news to claim they are unbiased they had to mention the 70,000 bucks Kamala never paid for her rally in Erie. LoL 😹😆😆
ОтветитьHe’s a crooked scumbag.
ОтветитьProof he's not pro cop 👮
ОтветитьHe literally said at one of his campaign rallies that he "wasn't going to pat the bill". He went on a tangent about it. Of course his supporters loved it and cheered but that's because they're insane and not well. Trump is a fraud. Literally.
ОтветитьNot surprised 🥱
ОтветитьSo typical Trump not paying his bills.
ОтветитьAnyone who voted for Trump in Grand Rapids should be proud, step forward & make a donation to their city to cover their Orange God King's debts.
ОтветитьIt’s a town who votes republican. If you make less than 125K then you should vote republican. So obviously you’re republican area and can afford it. YOU FOOLS. Cry baby cry… boo hoo
ОтветитьYou billed Trump a total of 49,000 dollars and Kamala Harris 2,800 dollars for their respective rallies? That is absurd. I’m certain it is the Mayor who arranged everything which resulted in the large disparity. Without looking this up, I would assume the current mayor of Grand Rapids is democrat. I respect democrats but it just seems like such disparate treatment must be politically motivated to charge a republican candidate 49,000 dollars and a democrat candidate 2,800 dollars. She is the vice president for heaven sake. The city should give tons of security to her too and charge the same. It’s so unfair for the mayor to operate a city like this.
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂😂 ROFL LOLOLOL
Who didn’t see this coming? OMFG, you can’t make this sh!t up!!!
Why did they give him supplies for another rally knowing he had bills to other cities he had to pay seems pretty stupid? I don’t know what they expected. My advice if he runs for a 3rd term which would be pretty stupid considering trump now has dementia but he ain’t the smartest person but if he does the cities should either refuse out right until outstanding bills are paid, just say even if you pay we don’t trust him or requires him to pay half up front and charge him a fee for delay.
ОтветитьAmericas elected crook.
Ответитьtrump never pays his debts
ОтветитьThe dumbest people in the world believe this story. Where is the bill for Garth Brooks? Taylor Swift?
Ответить50k for a venue sounds like extortion to me
ОтветитьJust make the Harris campaign pay for it then. Problem solved.
ОтветитьHe got his votes
Don the Con scores again. That's why America loves its criminal leader.
If this is city policy, we should also refuse to pay our bills!
ОтветитьTrump owes a lot of states he rallied at not just Grand Rapids he is an dictator what did you expect from the cult party
ОтветитьI've never seen so many people who failed to look at someones past records for paying his bills. All people had to do was investigate Trump instead they took his word. ooh la la baby. Our President! I wish I knew what I know now (when I was cheering)
ОтветитьIs Kamala paying up?
ОтветитьLook at all the blue moronic points below.
ОтветитьThis happened the first time and since you people didn't learn your lesson from the first time, then you got what you deserve. We told you people not to vote for him but you idiots didnt listen
ОтветитьSurprised anyone?
ОтветитьProbably disgusting democratic over charging. Vote better from now on!
Ответить100% get the money up front, if they don't want to pay they can go to another city. When was the last time you went to a concert, a movie or a sports event & paid as you left? Never, so why different here? Because they are politicians? That is even MORE reason to get the money up front as there are Liars, damned liars, car sale staff & the worst liars of all politicians.
ОтветитьLiberal propaganda outlet
ОтветитьI’d be more worried of Harris’s over billion dollar debt
ОтветитьMore Fake News
ОтветитьWhy should the Kaiser have to pay up...?
ОтветитьDonny's always been a deadbeat.
ОтветитьWe've known Trump for decades. You can't expect payment from someone like this. If you are gullible enough to not get the money up front, then that's on you.
ОтветитьAnd what did they expect!
ОтветитьAhh endless trump douche baggery
ОтветитьThe devos's can pay for their man...
ОтветитьGEEZ! You would think republicans would treat each other better, after all the "news" projected out of that part of the country has a Strictly "suck up to republicans slant". The local stations push tRump like hes a god.
ОтветитьThis is sooo funny to me......😂😂😂 oh well.
ОтветитьAfter your worth passes a certain amount, you can openly steal and get away with it.
ОтветитьOh my God. This 34xconvicted felon already owed other states over 1 million dollars from 4 years ago. This should not be "written off" cause idiots already knew the b!+ch wouldn't pay. The morons that allowed this to happen should pay for it. Stupid muther bleeps. I hate this city!!!!
ОтветитьHe’s a deadbeat.
ОтветитьThe future president doesn’t pay his bills.
ОтветитьGrand Rapids voted for this. The taxpayers of Grand Rapids don't mind picking up the tab for Trump.
ОтветитьGet used to it Merica!!!
ОтветитьWith Trump rallies everyone knows you've got to get him to pay up front.
ОтветитьOne more thing PS I didn't vote for you you jackass
ОтветитьYou got what you voted for