Exclusive 280 Sq yard Villa Near 3rd Largest Mosque in Bahria Town Karachi

Exclusive 280 Sq yard Villa Near 3rd Largest Mosque in Bahria Town Karachi

Taimoor Malik BTK

6 месяцев назад

184 Просмотров

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@farhanrazzak5813 - 21.07.2024 18:18

Bahrya Towm Khi = Beautiful, Clean, and green city, just like America....... Luxurious Homes and Apartments (without walls), street lights with Wires underground, no Garbage, Painted & well-maintained high-tech Glass and steel buildings and infrastructure, beautiful Parks for kids, no load-shedding, Gas, Crime, suk-oon, peace. Overseas Extremely wealthy Pakistanis sending Watan, $35 billion dollars a year via Banks, $50+ billion a yr to Pakistan, can now buy this amazing living for themselves & their families and Loved ones in Muslim Pakistan.. Farhan is from the USA where avg income is $6000 USD a month.
