man that f104 pilot messed up big time, rip to those 2 pilots
ОтветитьNice try. Everyone knows that's the battle cruiser from Spaceballs.
ОтветитьHumans are cool.
ОтветитьNever deny a diagnosis, but do deny the negative verdict that may go with it.
ОтветитьBetter to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
ОтветитьHoward "the duck" Hughes designed this!
Ответить"it never made it into production." everyone: "drugs."
ОтветитьTolles Design , jedoch die eigentliche Nutzung als Bomber nicht nutzbar war , da diese 6 Triebwerke soviel Treibstoff benötigten das eine zusätzliche Waffen Zuladung Gewichtsmäßig unmöglich war !
ОтветитьThis is one bad ass plane
ОтветитьWhat cool fkn plane .
ОтветитьI wonder if anyone has been able to open this thing up .
ОтветитьOfc always some annoying dumb hands all over the place to be sure too ninja pull or something else stpid ok..
ОтветитьI had models of the XB70 and the B58 in the 70s when I was 10 years old.
ОтветитьIt looks like it´s Naruto running
ОтветитьGary power was checking out the nuclear accident in Russia
ОтветитьValkyrie is pronounced val·kr·ee.
Ответитьwhat that jet needed is negative centar of gravity and smaller engines
ОтветитьDamn he jumped the circuit with a paper clip and fixed the landing gear…. Bravo.
ОтветитьSo basically it was a peace of crap
Ответитьthats clearly a sukhoi su 33 combine with the concorde but with way too many engines
ОтветитьI am amazed at how they design that thing and overcame many of the problems in the early 60s or late 50s particularly without the use of modern computers
ОтветитьIf this monstrosity was built by Russians the comment section tone would have been much different
ОтветитьIt looks like a paper airplane
ОтветитьPlease increase your this engine power please sir please
ОтветитьLooked fake, except for the actual footage of it flying. 🤔
ОтветитьPhoto op = propaganda.
ОтветитьSince I grew up in the heart of the aircraft industry around LAX i got used to seeing lots of unique aircraft. Why would you pick that aircraft to call fake? do you look in the mirror in the morning and think that guy is fake. now the flying wings looked faked to me and specially the round flat plane with only an engine and a rudder that looked like a prank. its boring seeing clickbait now try saying something less stupid next time
ОтветитьWhat a wasted of tax money!
ОтветитьThey should try something that size or larger again since we have better technology.
ОтветитьPlane from the early '60s that looks like it won't even be conceived of for another 40 years.
ОтветитьI saw the Valkyrie XB 70 at the National Air Museum in Dayton.
Saw the B58 Hustler too. Amazing Museum. Well worth the trip.
if thats true wy did the space shuttle not have a flat nose or lose paint that thing did mach 8
ОтветитьThe most beautiful looking aircraft that never saw production.
ОтветитьThe U.S.A. used shell companies to build the shell
ОтветитьFukin photo shoots...
ОтветитьI like SO MUCH X-planes, even if they didn't give birth to an actual plane, they often have "look of future" which is really cool !
ОтветитьI remember walking around and under the plane while it was parked outside at the original museum at Wright-Patterson in 1970. So cool then and now. I remember reading about moving it to the new museum at Wright Field down the road and how the whole town of Fairborn and suburbs showed up to watch. I haven't been there since 71 but I would like to take a trip back to see it again. So many amazing exhibits to see.
ОтветитьNow that I can compare the practical aspects of an aircraft, many of ours are very complicated, not practical and very expensive to operate and maintain.
ОтветитьHow many Americans did the government impoverish to make this white elephant?
ОтветитьI didnt even know that US was thoose project too. if you watch videos about project like that there will be only mention about Concode and TU-144
Oh I understood its because this is a military aircraft but Concorde and 144 civilian.
The F-104 Starfighter was so unstable it should have been called
"The Ex-wife"
The only criticism is it could probably use a liiiiittle more power...... 😂
ОтветитьNarrated by Bela Lugosi
ОтветитьAh the concordski😅
ОтветитьWonder if that airplane could be redesigned to have three of those engines become outer atmosphere engines and could it fly into space and back? With modern materials and components as well as coatings Do we already have a design for a space plane that's very large and has a large capacity? Does it just need to be tweaked with different engines put in it?
ОтветитьThe Service ceiling was 77,0000 ft not far from the Karmen line! We already have the plans so with modern manufacturing modern components and modern codings etc with new engines and new engine designs It would be a low cost engineering switch
It already had to be super resistant to atmosphere due to the fact they could fly at 77,000 ft.
bring this plane back with Modern Technology. Humans make one mistake and give up on an idea completely
ОтветитьIf this is AI narration, why doesn't the AI know how to pronounce Valkyrie in English? Narrator's version sounds more German. If it's a human narrator, why didn't he research the correct pronunciation of the subject at hand? "Val-kree" is correct.