Handgun Training: Double Taps, Hammers and Controlled Pairs

Handgun Training: Double Taps, Hammers and Controlled Pairs


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@cuddzilla - 14.05.2020 06:01

Useful info without the extra BS. Thank you!!!!

@ObsidiansArms - 12.03.2022 03:19

I agree that the end result is the same, or at least should be. That said, the techniques involved to perform a hammer, double tap, or controlled pair are slightly different.

@shanescatsandcannabisfarm2965 - 03.08.2022 16:32

That's not correct. I took pistol firearm training in the Army.
A double tap is when you fire at the target as fast as you can without taking full aim, then taking quick ain and shooting again.
This takes place very quickly.

@0321ReconMan - 23.08.2022 01:42

You forgot the most important point. 3 distinct sight pictures. You should get 3 distinct sight pictures when executing a controlled pair as your method of engagement.

@dannyorr8430 - 03.10.2022 08:41

Controlled pair: Aligning the sights twice as fast as possible and pulling the trigger only after seeing the sights line up on the A zone
Double tap/hammer: Aligning the sights once, pulling the trigger twice as fast as possible, with proper grip and fundamentals the bullets should group pretty tight

@cee3 - 04.10.2022 05:49

This guy does not know what he's talking about.

@mr.speyside5240 - 06.01.2023 23:21

Sometimes you find a short and efficient video that you wished was actually longer. 😅

@sammyg5235 - 09.05.2024 15:33

Seems like a lot of bs to accomplish the same thing. Draw, fire two shots. Done

@Ranger42 - 09.07.2024 16:59

Excellent instructional video.

@vladimirtsvetanov4895 - 13.10.2024 14:41

you are not a very good shooter
