Top 5 WRIST FLEXION Exercises after a Fracture

Top 5 WRIST FLEXION Exercises after a Fracture

Virtual Hand Care

55 лет назад

373,219 Просмотров

Michelle, Founder of Virtual Hand Care, shows you how to get wrist flexion back after a wrist sprain, fracture, or other arm injury. These top 5 wrist flexion exercises make it easy to recover your wrist flexion range of motion.

If you are limited in bending your wrist then you know how hard daily activities like eating, preparing food, or performing your favorite hobbies and sports. In this video, I'll guide you through my Top 5 Wrist Flexion Exercises you can do after a Fracture or Elbow injury. These are active and passive stretching exercises to get your wrist bending.

You may also be looking for forearm supination (turning your palm up) and/or wrist extension (moving your wrist back). I've got your covered!

Best Forearm Exercises for Supination:
Top 5 Stretches for Wrist Extension:
Wrist Stiffness Playlist:

00:00 Top 5 Wrist Flexion Exercises after a Fracture
01:08 Wrist Flexion Exercise #1- Active wrist and forearm warm up
03:01 Wrist Flexion Exercise #2- Active wrist flexion
05:08 Wrist Flexion Exercise #3- Passive wrist flexion stretch with forearm massage
08:27 Wrist Flexion Exercise #4- Isolated wrist flexion
11:20 Wrist Flexion Exercise #5- Wrist flexion with gentle traction

Doing wrist exercises and stretches properly will be far more effective if you stick around for the whole video and come back to these daily!

UNLOCKED: Fix Your Trigger Troubles-
GET A GRIP: Finger Motion and Hand Strengthening Program-
30 DAY THUMBS: Thumb Arthritis Training Program-
MALLET Finger Simple Self Treatment Program-


TOP Videos for Finger Stiffness-
TOP Videos for Wrist Stiffness-
Top Videos for Thumb Stiffness-
Top Videos for Elbow Stiffness-

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This video is for educational and demonstration purposes only and is not to be used as a replacement for seeking medical advice or treatment of your condition. Virtual Hand Care, or its members, do not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Please know that performing any exercise or program is solely at your own risk.


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@JackyYork - 12.07.2024 14:14

very helpful. Have been trying to work from a sheet of paper and not getting them correct. Thanks.

@5-Minutegeography - 14.07.2024 05:59

Thank you very much

@LizDuncan-Gilmour - 19.07.2024 16:50

These exercises are great! The last one is especially helpful. Thank you!

@LindaShinn-ku7qz - 29.07.2024 17:38

Hi Michelle I fractured my distal radius and a cycling accident, as a Smith’s fracture, yes I’m selling my bikes. Having surgery in one day, can’t wait to get on the road to recovery. Do you have any exercises specifically for Piano playing. I am a pianist as well.
for enjoyment.

@lynnebick3578 - 31.07.2024 19:49

I guess a little pain while flexing is expected. I’m 10 weeks out post fracture .

@theohoremans4845 - 06.08.2024 13:41

Put your two hands and fingers together put them behind your head. Then you can do multiple wrist exercises as well in the office without a ball :-) . I even stretch them while rolling. It works great as well.

@sallybird3976 - 06.08.2024 18:09

Came off bike, fractured distal radius and ulna, now have titanium plate. Healing well buy these exercises have been very helpful, definitely helping my wrist, so many thanks. 😊

@hagitharifta7758 - 06.08.2024 22:38

OMG!! I had my cast removed less than a week ago, and was too lazy/ scared to start therapy. I did these exercises just now and I see a HUGE improvement in my fingers' movements! Thank you thank you thank you!!

@01lovelatty - 17.08.2024 19:37

I had a distal radius fracture and surgery a year and 3 months ago. After going to continuous Physiotherapy for 6 painful months I am still not able to make a fist and flex my wrist well.
I will use your exercises and definitely let you know my progress

@roxannegorena7281 - 20.08.2024 05:17

Yes, stiffness is still on after 3 months, surgery, but this video helped. I use my hand, and it improves

@elenif.vlachou9126 - 04.09.2024 16:23

removed arm cast yesterday...wrist isnt rotating at all or swinging! ....movements in the entire arm...

@susannaebarb559 - 13.09.2024 23:46

I so enjoy all of her exercises they have been a great help. I have had my wrist cast off for 10 days now.I am working on all of the exercises overcoming pain. But this morning I happen to think about my hot curlers to do my hair. I'm slowly working with my curling iron as my thumb is my finger that needs the most prayer. So I plugged in my hot curlers and was able to do them fairly well. And when I picked one of them up I thought this would be great to hold and grip helping me with getting my fist back into a complete tight fist. It is amazing. I hold one until it cools down and then I go get another one and I hold it until it cools down. I can do my fist so much better after holding a hot curler. I have to let him cool down a little bit as they're way too hot when I first pick them up but this was a GREAT answer to prayer and I certainly wanted to pass it on.
God Bless everyone who is working through a fractured wrist. Susan

@CLR102 - 15.09.2024 21:26

Excellent.thank you

@JeremiahTrue - 17.09.2024 17:34

Just got out of my cast this morning after almost 5 weeks. This is just what I was looking for to start getting my hand/arm back.

@EO-zu5uz - 18.09.2024 23:11

Has anyone had a spanning bridge plate inserted from the finger to the forearm for a severe wrist break? Radius and scaphoid and a few others were smashed so pieces.. have had the bridge plate removed after 4 months but my wrist feels like stone.. it moves a little with opened fingers but no movement whatsoever with a closed fist.

@michelleduft8124 - 28.09.2024 07:14

I broke my wrist 6 weeks ago and had surgery 4 weeks ago. I started PT this week. My problem is that after my last session, I am in a lot of pain again, and my hand/fingers/wrist is very swollen now. Is this normal?

@ssmccue - 28.09.2024 20:54

number 5

@skbhondamanthewelder555 - 04.10.2024 03:30

Thanks much…the warm up was nice

@kevins1std466 - 09.10.2024 18:37

Hi i cant turn my wrist. Is there any way for this

@agathaveronicathompson131 - 09.10.2024 18:45

Watched from Ghana, West Africa. I find each one of the exercises very helpful. I did not want to go to the physio department yesterday after taking off my immobilization splint. My wrist and fingers are quite sore and stiff. A few of these have greatly helped. Thank you very much

@odettebrinton3745 - 13.10.2024 04:57

These exercises are extremely helpful and feel like they will work, are working. Thank you.

@SR-dp2vc - 13.10.2024 21:57

Really helping me to recover

@yevtushenko1967 - 17.10.2024 20:42

This was very helpful

@Vedrinec394 - 21.10.2024 17:58

Thank you veryy much i broken ulna and radius both but i cannot supinate it is stuck pain ,today i did take off cast

@CristinCristiVandestouwe - 07.11.2024 18:57

The last exercise really helps

@KidLoveHuckStar - 07.11.2024 23:43

t.y.-can't hold a marker, not. even close too stiff

@JuanHoya - 08.11.2024 15:58

Michelle, you are a Godsend individual helping thousands with your videos. This one is a must to get my very stiff wrist going.

@MichaelGibson-y7p - 15.11.2024 12:33

Ive had a sprained wrist injury for 3 months. I’m 65 and during a soccer game with my 7 year old grandson I tripped and put all my weight onto my wrist. Ive been in agony at times, But after discovering your fantastic exercise following trigger finger surgery I checked out your wrist exercises. 3 days of those and my pain has gone. Your videos are doing an amazing service. I’m in the UK and most healthcare establishments hand you a printed sheet but your structured and gradual exercises are a real game changer.
Thank You

@BirgitCarroll - 16.11.2024 02:56

I really like them and feel there make so much sense. Wondering about the last one where you pull the wrist forward and then flex downward. Is that also the same motion with a wrist plate in place

@Amberpearson-tv2gj - 20.11.2024 01:20


@SharonsVision - 29.11.2024 22:14

Thankyou ❤

@jamesbiles6293 - 14.12.2024 21:35

thank you so much, i do like the last stretch , it really h

@ramonafotiade5695 - 17.12.2024 19:43

Thank you so much for this. I had my stitches out two days ago and the cast came off 10 days ago but I was offered no therapy so my wrist felt really stiff although I could move my fingers and make a full fist. Your exercises for regaining flexibility are amazing. I’ve only started but I already feel better and hope to regain full mobility and strength in a couple of weeks time to be able to drive.

@Hazell-zj5ii - 20.12.2024 18:47

all helped me alot

@yogainken8289 - 25.12.2024 05:40

Thank you very much for all these exercises. After a metacarpal fracture, my hand was fixed in a plaster splint for 6 weeks. Afterwards it was totally stiff and swollen. As I was on holiday, I couldn't go to physiotherapy. I practised with your videos all the time and they helped me so much!!

@nathanhilley6873 - 03.01.2025 06:12

How been 2 weeks exerciseing wrist they videos helping alot 😊

@DarkSakuraVII - 05.01.2025 14:43

Just removed cast 2 days ago. I feel your explanation makes more sense to me than my therapist and it is better to move you for counting down. 😅 Very helpful version!

@caroldasilvapereira5967 - 10.01.2025 19:30

Had my cast removed this week found you before it was. Will be using your videos as my physio love the gentle way you talk to us thank you so much

@TOHIDFF9154 - 12.01.2025 10:45

Hey madam me what to do after my fracture left hand you can suggest some ideas 💡 please 🥺 suggest your idea

@marthabradas8873 - 14.01.2025 07:51

thank you, been out of my cast for 3 weeks from a left wrist that had 3 fractures. Your video is extremely helpful!

@rajatkotian8887 - 24.01.2025 18:36

Thankyou so much, you are the best!

@daniellelamontagne2393 - 27.01.2025 20:09

Thank you so much. I wasn’t pushing myself with the sheet my hand therapist gave me. This helped a lot today.

@packetpulse - 02.02.2025 20:38

Thank you for this, these exercises have helped me a lot. I still have swollen hand and fingers though it's a month cast has been removed. Can you help , I can't grip or make even half fist

@oanamarcu8478 - 05.02.2025 10:03

Thank you for sharing these exercises. They are gold for people like me who cannot afford to go to a physiotherapist.

@ennytjahjani3550 - 12.02.2025 10:44

Why my wrist always klicking making noise

@patrosaves4534 - 15.02.2025 23:28

Thanks, these exercises are the best I have found. It's just been a month since my surgery, are these
appropriate at this time? I still have some swelling in my forearm and wrist.

@vimaleshb9965 - 25.02.2025 20:35

My baby same problem 😭

@rudrashisnath - 26.02.2025 20:36

I had a scaphoid waist fracture that was treated with a plaster cast. After getting clearance from the doctor, I started rehab on my own, and this video has been so much help for me.

@xiaoyewang8915 - 27.02.2025 22:51

thank you so much

@VirtualHandCare - 22.05.2021 00:42

Let me know what you think of these wrist flexion exercises! These are some of my favorite!
