2024 Yamaha MT-09 (Non-SP) vs MT-09 SP ┃ What Makes The SP Special?

2024 Yamaha MT-09 (Non-SP) vs MT-09 SP ┃ What Makes The SP Special?

Second Gear

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@Motero125R - 09.11.2023 17:43

You forgot to say that that Golden Front fork makes you look +50% extra cool!! 😂😂😂😂

@athalahrajendra9183 - 09.11.2023 18:25

Brooo... make video about new GSX-8R & GSX-S1000 SX please, it would be interesting to talk about it

@Ohrbbie - 09.11.2023 18:52

Yamaha been overpricing their bikes lately. Especially the r7

@Pseudo_Placebo - 09.11.2023 18:59

I like to look at the way it is presented... Subscription 👍

@yodin1466 - 09.11.2023 22:56

Nice work!

@yodin1466 - 09.11.2023 22:56

Nice work!

@MacAlex007 - 10.11.2023 02:18

I think the SP is only worthy if you take it to the track. 🙄

@natural9743 - 10.11.2023 03:33

They should have bought out the SP and just be done with it.

@arturogarcia-oi4zc - 10.11.2023 04:20

Looks like someone forgot his lap top in the bars of the bike. Screen too big.

@miguel90744 - 10.11.2023 06:03

Reg is good enough

@DrMiltoss - 10.11.2023 10:03

FORGOT OHLINS suspension

@DarkSiiix - 11.11.2023 05:53

Yep this is what I was waiting for !! ❤️🔥👏🏼

@RDUKA_13 - 11.11.2023 17:15


@iAnormal13 - 11.11.2023 19:46

The previous MT-09 versions, the SP was worth it, but with this model it doesn’t. The 2024 base has all you wanted from the previous SP, but a bit cheaper.

@commenthu - 23.11.2023 16:48

Previous model is better,lighter, this is ugly.

@kneedrags7037 - 25.11.2023 06:58

The headlight still ugly AsFK🤮 id rather have the old headlight those predator looking headlight are still the best.

@xpllmmff - 26.11.2023 08:14

So, you are basically paying $1700 more for a Ohlins rear shock which normally would cost you 1200 if you buy this item stand alone, plus a golden front fork painting and some software gimmicks……

@ajb1149 - 28.11.2023 07:05

Preferred these videos without the voice.

@TimGuion-d2k - 10.12.2023 22:25

The color on those SP wheels looks like something from Miami Vice it’s ugly

@9W8o7l7f4 - 17.12.2023 15:05

While Japan is milking it China is sealing bikes like cigarettes in 90’s. Marketers just give up.

@ReardenOne - 19.12.2023 00:15

why does the SP have to have this boring color

@JCElzinga - 19.12.2023 18:16

I just hate the SP color scheme. I love that green blue

@alanyesilipek7959 - 22.12.2023 00:37

cb1000 hornet is the new 2017 MT09

@stevenelliott5403 - 17.01.2024 04:15

For another 2k you can get an MT10, I know what I'd rather have

@SonriseSunset - 22.01.2024 19:16

guess the std is the clear winner for your money. Unless you just have to have the color scheme of the SP

@soggybiscuits9399 - 30.01.2024 15:25

Only wish the SP model came with a different color scheme

@wattanaj.5465 - 03.02.2024 12:21

I've got 2021 MT-09, it has a weird handlebar position which causes arm ache after riding for a short time and turning angle is very small. Front suspension is good but a bit hard same as the rear. The throttle is too light to control firmly. And there're reports of many owners that this 890cc's frame is cracked which is so dangerous. I hope this latest model has been fixed for those issues.

@tonyhadj9417 - 12.02.2024 02:12

very good video and understandable

@Mr450pro - 16.02.2024 17:30

Does the standard Mt09 also come with cruise control?

@Carvetii - 10.04.2024 09:31

Whata stupid video.of coarse the SP is worth it. I have an MT10SP and usedto have the normal MT10 and its night and day the differance with the suspension and the LCD screen andelectronic adjustment you pay for.

@aluisious - 12.04.2024 06:16

Holy shit you're really trying to pad the god damn run time aren't you?

The engines are the same...but the SP is a kg heavier...which changes the power to weight, but not by much...HOLY SHIT GET ON WITH IT.

@Xerdoz - 19.04.2024 03:26

Another scammy bot channel stealing footage and spewing nonsense.

@cod4Anubis - 24.04.2024 19:26

in europe the sp is 13100€ ='(

@NeverSickAtSea - 29.04.2024 13:52

Exceptional presentation

@rns6889 - 24.05.2024 13:01

I thought it has ohlins, 1700 more and just electronics?? Sheesh let me take the street triple rs instead.

@EnthusiastsGarage - 21.06.2024 19:23

It’s also worth taking in to account the total cost to own. The SP‘s are much more rare and highly sought after and are likely to hold their value better during resale.

@lateralus9244 - 22.06.2024 23:51

It would be a really tough decision between the 2024 MT09-SP and the new 765 RS Street Triple. Primarily, because of the bullshit dealer fees that total about $2700 additional dollars (or more) for the dealers that sell Yamaha. Whereas, Triumph dealerships don't usually have those specific rip-off markups. The Triumph is way better looking (IMHO) and is so freaking smooth but Yamaha is statistically more reliable and has some more electronic, torque and mpg benefits.

@nicolasroy273 - 02.07.2024 21:55

Very Nice video! Very well made!

@johnnyhun1 - 03.07.2024 15:37

older mt09 standard models had really shitty stock suspension so everyone bought the sp version, maybe now its better

@Usernamebutwhy - 27.07.2024 15:30

Awesome vid!

@JonsDailyHustle - 03.09.2024 00:09

This will be my next bike for sure, I'll most likely go with the non sp as I dint plan to track my bike at all. Maybe once just to say I did it lol

@rbfhd5993 - 04.09.2024 01:19

I have tested both in the same day, the SP first. The test ride was one hour with each bike.
When I was testing the "normal" version after the SP, I just stopped after just 15 min , turn around and came back.
I didn't needed more time in the no-sp......they feel very diferent.
At the end of the day , I bought the SP......is worth the extra money

@JinZuS - 11.10.2024 19:07

Bit scummy from Yamaha, to make the quickshifter exclusive to the sp version on a 2024 MT-09
That option will pretty much be standard on all the latest brands & models in that segment ...

Thanks for the amazing video and comparison

@stabbyronnie - 13.10.2024 09:07

What makes the "SP" special? The person who designed it made it ugly with stupid gold forks! And that's just about it. (And KYB, Ohlins and cruise) NOT WORTH IT!

@avothfis - 16.10.2024 02:34

Worth it if the rider really needs all of those extra stuff.

@SigmaSheepdog - 18.10.2024 07:50

I just purchased the SP. It's a great bike but the keyless ignition is BS. I wish that Yamaha would have spent the keyless R&D money eqipping the bike with braided brake lines and some other worthwhile features.

@StephenWatson-l8h - 27.10.2024 03:38

I have the SP, yep worth the extra in every way. It’s a no brainer, 120%

@mvgfamous41 - 05.11.2024 03:38

id rather get a full exhaust system and an ecu flash for $1700 then slightly better suspension and brakes

@jophetseanamorte5093 - 17.12.2024 23:39

Dream bike..but so expensive 🥺🥺🥺 half.million here...
Love the sp feature is keyless.and rear.shock

@Timo_3545 - 17.01.2025 15:55

Would love the mint green into the sp version
