Florida Woman Endured Months Of Harrasment After Private Nude Photos Were Stolen, Put Online

Florida Woman Endured Months Of Harrasment After Private Nude Photos Were Stolen, Put Online

CBS Miami

3 года назад

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@Sproutsfromspace - 03.03.2022 07:28

Well you shouldnt store photos like that on snapchat.. or any app.. The harassment sucks tho, evil people.

@markschram2703 - 03.03.2022 07:33

Disturbing, I've seen stories of young women committing suicide over stuff like this, the perpetrators need to be arrested. Brave of you to stand up don't take it personally there's a lot of scumbags out there. Stay connected with the police get yourself a good support group!

@goldenmodem8722 - 03.03.2022 08:25

If I took nude photos of myself I might break the camera…🤔

@goldenmodem8722 - 03.03.2022 08:26

If you saw a nude photo of me, you’d probably go blind…🤔

@goldenmodem8722 - 03.03.2022 08:27

If you’re choking on something and you need to puke it out, just look at a nude photo of me…

@goldenmodem8722 - 03.03.2022 09:01

If nude photos of myself circulated the internet, I wouldn’t feel sorry for myself, I’d feel sorry for anyone who saw it…🤔

@dgallagher55 - 03.03.2022 09:20

My heart breaks for this woman. I hope you will be able to heal.

@thosethatcan - 03.03.2022 11:17

Join SRA? Hit a range?

@thosethatcan - 03.03.2022 11:18

Hate 6 chann has good music..

@thosethatcan - 03.03.2022 11:18

Why rely on apps"?

@thosethatcan - 03.03.2022 11:20

Yeah IG app...fb.. better watermark the heck outta your posts..RU gangs copy whole accts..

@Downsouthskater - 03.03.2022 15:26

Lol she was caught lacking

@goldenmodem8722 - 04.03.2022 01:19

If you ever have a nightmare on elm street and you don’t want to fall asleep because you’re afraid Freddy Krueger will get ya, just look at a nude photo of me, I guarantee you won’t be able to close your eyes with that image lingering in your mind…🤔

@goldenmodem8722 - 04.03.2022 01:20

When the stoplights are broken, they use a nude photo of me to signal people to GO…🤔

@kpsstrathmore2972 - 04.03.2022 02:24

Guess no ones worried about "SLANDER" anymore

@Jon_jon41 - 04.03.2022 06:08

Maybe she have only fans I don’t trust this young teen

@wilmaknight9127 - 04.03.2022 06:47

Sounds like a very personal jealous attack . I've told my 2 to never ever take videos or photos in that manner, this world is getting sicker by the minute . I wish girls would genuinely stop doing it, thinking their photos are safe, they are never safe .

@melanieking4357 - 04.03.2022 07:29

nothing on the internet is private. Parents have been trying for years to educate their childrren about the dangers of the internet etc, , do they listen??????? This is not thie first time this issue has been spoken about and unfortunately it will be the last.

@melanieking4357 - 04.03.2022 07:39

There is such a thing as revenge porn.

@lookitwasnotme225 - 04.03.2022 19:59

I'm not feeling sorry for her.
