I have the opinion that it is not based on any theological vision or anything like that, even more so because I don't understand anything about theology and that the hundreds of Christian theological visions and doctrines reflect the impossibility of human beings to fully understand God. The different views and doctrines are how their creators saw and understood an aspect of the Lord.
Salutations from a brazilian fan👋🏻
The Catholic Church cannot be fixed or reformed. We must go our own way placing the Bible above the church. The same can be said of Eastern Orthodoxy.
ОтветитьGenuinely curious, how is infant baptism explicitly biblical when it's shown to be a choice made by adults every time
ОтветитьThese videos are incredible. Great work!
Ответитьwhere the blk people?
ОтветитьOk, now we know you're Protestant.
ОтветитьMohammed pbuh religion is the true religion
Ответить"And all traditional Anglicans use this today... I'm just kidding they just pretend it doesn't exist." NOOO
ОтветитьAgree with all comments here. Setting the batpists on the right side at the last slide is sort of a low kick. But we are just to this by the Presbyterians, so I am used to it. I lost count of the presbyterian churches who relativize sin and get caught up in worldliness while many reformed baptists stay strong in sound theology.
I also want to see Redeemed Zoomer justify paedobaptism and theotokos escripturally while still holding to Sola Scriptura. Doug Wilson has tried and (in my honest opinion) failed with his federal vision. Tradition is important, but it is more important to be rooted in scripture.
ОтветитьDidn’t you leave off John Wesley and the Methodist Church?
ОтветитьThat's what happens when humans interpret the Bible themselves. A lot of denominations, a lot of confusion, a lot of disagreement. Protestantism is a mess. Could not be a protestant due to anxiety if the church I am in is the true church of Jesus Christ.
ОтветитьSad to realise, all these people are in hell, unless they repented from their heresy
ОтветитьGood info. Love your humor.
ОтветитьThanks! Great video Zoomer! Orthodox, but I feel a lot more comradery with traditional protestants and enjoy learning more about my ancestor's theological heritage! I pray that God guide you in all your study.
ОтветитьAh yes, the many Heretics ❤
ОтветитьIt would be nice if you visually outlined the people there according to how many people the reformers killed.
ОтветитьFor Lutherans, Jesus really is present in wine and bread, but their substance doesn't change even if they become Jesus' blood and body. And how this happens or is possible is a mystery.
ОтветитьSuper Impressed! Wow!! Great job!
ОтветитьThis video should be called ,”The wild, weird, and wacky world of Protestantism,” or more concisely, “The Varieties of Protestant Heresy.”
Ответить“Wish-art” not “wiss-art”. I live in Scotland. That’s how we say it. Thank you for your videos.
ОтветитьCurrently studying in St Andrews where 4 if Scotland's 12 protestant Martyrs were burnt - including George Wishart, and (for us in St Andrews) the more famous Patrick Hamilton
Ответить"In 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed"
Jan Hus didn't say that, it's made up.
Do you have videos like this for the church fathers? Thanks man!
ОтветитьInfant baptism is not Biblical.
ОтветитьI was raised as a Lutheran and still worship in a Lutheran congregation.
No they do not teach that the bread and wine transforms into His body and blood.
Arminius? Wesley?
ОтветитьFor all the pride they have about being logical, Calvinists have the most illogical view of baptism. Literally every other group makes more sense.
ОтветитьHooker didn't exactly define Anglicanism as a via media between Protestants and Catholics. That description came later in the 19th century from the Oxford Movement. But he did help to expand the Anglican breadth to be more inclusive of those holding Roman Catholic views.
Ответить"I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe".
Wow, Knox's prayer life must have been on another level.
Dude I appreciate all the work you put into this video and sources!! I have recently come back to Jesus after being raised catholic and finished my first read through the bible over this past year. I thought this would bring further enlightenment to the subject of my purpose. And it has, however, it has also opened new questions about should I go back to catholicism etc since my church is non-denominational. Before I pick a side I'll read a lot of these arguments the early church fathers had and reformist christians had and hopefully find an area to land.
Although my inner Holy Spirit says to follow Jesus and not the hierarchy established by the Catholic church. I'm currently leaning more with a Calvinist view but, cannot get behind the predestination view - except when his predecessor clears it up saying the elect are those who have received the Holy Spirit. Seems a but difficult that God would allow Adam and Eve to have Free Will but we would be predestined to be saved or not. So i have conflict in that idea. Also the idea that Mary was a perpetual virgin when we have the Gospel of James is kind of silly idea in my opinion and I cannot see myself praying to anyone but Jesus Christ My Lord and Saviour.
I think the denominations kind of break away from the original teachings by making them hyper complex but also reading 2John I can see how the idea of predestionation could be argued. Is there a denomination that just says... Follow what Jesus did hahaha and understand you are a sinner that requires his sacrifice for you to be saved. I'd get baptised because Jesus did. And Love my neighbour as my brother etc. Seems like a more simple approach but ..... let's learn the "proper" way and enjoy the journey as the Holy Spirit guides me in my journey!
Thanks again !!
I like this channel because it feels very ecumenical. Guy explains differences between Christian denominations not attacks them. You can really feel Christian unity here. Like we are one.
ОтветитьHow do we add churches to the map in the description?
ОтветитьSilly Video !!!! .... Lots of misleading lies also ...
ОтветитьIs there a particular reason, why you leave out the Waldensians? They started in the 12th century and were persecuted for centuries..
ОтветитьWhat a mess!
ОтветитьThank God for having me in his one true holy and apostolic Catholic church and not in any of these heretical groups 🙏🏽
Ответить11 minutes of protestant propagaranda 😂
ОтветитьI hope the Calvinist have a "project reconquista" for the church of England making it less Arminian and less Roman Catholic. And more reformed.
Ответить"Point of reformation was not to leave the church, but to fix it"
"I declare that all the brothels, all murders, thefts, and adulteries have wrought less harm than the abomination of the papal Mass.” (Against Henry, King of England, 1522)
“The Mass is the greatest blasphemy of God and the highest idolatry upon earth, an abomination the like of which has never been in Christendom.” (Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
“The Roman Church is worse than the Turks, worse than the Tartars, worse than the worst scoundrels on earth.” (Table Talk)
"The Roman Church is the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the very kingdom of sin, death, and hell; so that not even Antichrist, if he were to come, could devise any addition to its wickedness." (On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520)
"... not to leave..."
"If you do not want to be participants in the crimes of the papacy and of the Roman Curia, then flee from them as from the kingdom of the Antichrist. For the Roman Church is lost, and the wrath of God remains upon her." (Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
"Come out, my people, from Babylon, that you be not partakers of her sin and receive not of her plagues!" (Commentary on Revelation, quoting Revelation 18:4)
"..they were kicked out (implying, that they are the victims)..."
"If I had all the Franciscan friars in one house, I would set fire to it." (Table Talk)
"A priest who preaches the Pope's lies deserves to be treated as a criminal, for he murders souls."
"The monks and priests are nothing but vermin and lice on the German nation. They rob the people and poison the Word of God."
"Secular authorities must cleanse their lands of these papist idolatrous sects, just as they would rid themselves of thieves and murderers."
"Monasteries and convents are nothing but brothels of Satan. They should all be torn down, and their inhabitants driven into honest labor."
Interesting definition of "fixing"
If predestination isnt our business, why mention it at all? Like whats the point of proposing an idea like that if it means people will automatically assume that it functionally invalidates the efforts of missions?
ОтветитьThis was a great video for a laugh. I will be Roman Catholic until the day that I die.
I will NEVER be Protestant again. Ever
The most messed up church
ОтветитьSmall correction: The "u" in "Hus" is pronounced like the "oo" in "goose". In fact, "hus" literally MEANS "goose".
Czech is really phonetic unlike English so I understand why you would make that mistake. Hope this comes off constructively!
Too bad they never fixed it and it just kept getting worse and worse and worse until now we have lesbian priests
ОтветитьI’m actually a descendant of queen mary of Scotts and I’m Presbyterian 😂
ОтветитьCalling the Protestant Reformation a reformation is historically inaccurate, luther said in a private letter to his old mentor that the catholic church needed to be "thoroughly uprooted".
ОтветитьBut Mary later had kids with Joseph...its in the Bible😐