This PS5 Controller Upgrade Just Changed Everything

This PS5 Controller Upgrade Just Changed Everything

John Glasscock

1 год назад

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@raptormations7942 - 15.06.2024 17:57

I’m playing on Xbox, but I am really starting to think about changing the PlayStation at this point

@pac-man-ooo5520 - 17.06.2024 21:32

$20 for 1 thumb stick and not 2 that's crazy $40 to replace both analog and not a controller you mind as well pay someone to install a hall effect analog stick

@carlos-y1f6i - 25.06.2024 07:10

They should make a ps5 normal version cus most people use that instead of the 200$ version 🤦‍♂️ PlayStation please do this

@junk6946 - 26.06.2024 11:42

bro, half of the controller's price for a stick...

@lain6889 - 30.06.2024 08:35

Clickbait, only works on the edge version.

@elitejeffrey3719 - 30.06.2024 20:21

They should replace the controller design entirely until there's no drift or get charged with open fraud on the warranties and every company that had to sell those controllers and had their variant of a warranty because that's under a legal contract they should be able to sue Sony as well😂
There was already a video of an employee leaking the fact that this controller drift is built into the controllers to sell more of the controllers because they don't make enough off the consoles, that right there shows they are guilty of fraud. And are knowingly committing this crime everyone purchasing their products should have legal right to go after them.

@LostConjugate - 02.07.2024 01:16

Before you buy know that Sony does not mass manufacture the replacement joysticks yet. They make them in very small quantities and you will likely spend more money trading for a used (or in some cases defective) stick then you would on an entire new controller. The dualsense goes for $70 new in store on any given day when you need one, where people are trading these stick replacements for around $80 and there is quality concerns with buying from these unknown individuals.

@dominickvalencia4755 - 07.07.2024 17:18

Good luck trying to buy those sticks for 20$

Might as well buy a new controller if ya gonna be paying 50 bucks

@DissipatedTire - 07.07.2024 19:10

Lol they made a subscription controller

@sirmi9868 - 16.07.2024 19:56

Nah sony scamming even worse. Shame on you pony for keeping promoting such bad practices against consummers🤢🤮

@flipflop8989 - 27.07.2024 01:06

Wait how do I know if I have the controller that I can change the sticks on or not

@BrassMunkyBallistics - 04.08.2024 08:22

Oh Hmmmm Geeee.... thank you Sony for making it possible for us to buy an replace something that shouldn't cost $200 in the first damn place an then have the first module go bad less than a month owned an the other shortly after..... my heros

@gp7dd8oy9o - 08.08.2024 03:10

Does anybody know if you can replace the modules with any other ones or doesn’t have to be only these ones that you buy from Sony for example if I get this controller can I replace the modules with third party ones like if I go out and buy Hall effect sticks from Amazon can I put them on the dual edge controller i’m not sure if other third-party ones would fit or work on this controller. I’m curious if anyone knows?

@sello9999 - 11.08.2024 09:03

Price of a single DualSense Edge is 2x the price of standard DualSense. There's no saving money here

@devonjack84 - 15.08.2024 18:50 could buy multiple potentiometers off of Amazon for like $10 and just replace them in the module itself🤷🏽‍♂️

@DavidLee-b9k - 22.08.2024 07:37

Lewis Sandra Thompson Mark Clark Sarah

@pasttense69 - 27.08.2024 04:09

this aged poorly

@CrusaderCroissant2011 - 07.09.2024 05:47

The funny thing is that my switch way older than my ps5 and my ps5 controllers both have stick drift and my switch the console pretty much known for stick drift doesn't.

@stephaneneron - 29.09.2024 09:55

You call that an upgrade. Wake up. Its a scam intentionally made by design.

@Nyxxi. - 30.09.2024 23:43

It’s not 20 dollars anymore it’s 80 dollars

@travfromthelou - 09.10.2024 08:43

Except you cant find them anywhere.

@DaveTheeMan-wj2nk - 11.10.2024 11:34

"Sold out"
Seems about right.

@youtubeisasshoe8153 - 12.10.2024 06:12

New PS5 Controller 60 bucks

Duel sense edge replacement joy stick 50 bucks 😂

@Justlooking-h6p - 13.10.2024 17:23

I’m going to invest in one of theses long run u will save loads of money

@markpoland5748 - 17.10.2024 21:30

Sony are hungry bastards.

@billbog25 - 18.10.2024 15:59

I still have PS1 and PS2 controllers that work perfectly. Hell, I have my original Atari controllers that work. However, since owning a PS5 I've replaced 6 controllers. Just unacceptable

@americanpatriot3150 - 25.10.2024 20:07

Create a problem-Create a solution- Print Money! Manufactured Obsolescence!

@sugarman115 - 15.11.2024 23:54

You can’t even get them atm

@lumber-jack-8822 - 22.11.2024 13:31

Don’t waste your money you can’t even buy a new joy, con or stick module or whatever the hell they’re called. Sony claims it’s a production issue, but why don’t they have a waiting list if that’s the case it’s a scam don’t waste your money.

@Lordstrathconaonhorseback - 23.11.2024 02:29

Why can I not find a joystick model anywhere on the planet

@korn5308 - 25.11.2024 01:03

They are called analog sticks not Joy cons

@TheEagle006 - 07.12.2024 14:40

240 dollars for the dual sense edge. then lets say you will spend 40 more to change the sticks once, thats 280 dollars. If you buy a normal controller is around 55 dollars, and if you need to replace them with a new controller thats another 55 wich is 110 dollars. Still a waaaay better deal than the 280 dollars. And with 280 dollars i can get so many games or even another ps5 for this price. Ridiculous

@rager_fox8147 - 10.12.2024 16:52

No, it's just another scam, they need to use the magnetic relays instead and not try to take our money all the time. The old controllers never broke. Why do these get messed up all the time?

@joshlayman1986 - 21.12.2024 23:06

What kind of PS5 controller is this?

@nujibalive - 22.12.2024 07:47

As an owner of one please i recommend not to buy this. Yes it's original it's nice but. The battery after a short time doesn't last long also most of the parts like stick modules are sold by resellers for double price 50€ for one stick module if you need 2 imagine 100€ you can buy a normal controller plus some games on sales. It's just a rip off.

@HypertronPrime - 03.01.2025 11:08

Costs you 20 bucks but costs 20 cense to make. Its the same reason they will not swap back to the magnetism joy stick. Cos they will not make any money

@tonyaugust2774 - 04.01.2025 16:30

Dualsense edge is a scam. Replacement sticks are four times more expensive than TMR or hall effect sticks. You could get a Dualsense, TMR sticks, a soldering iron, and hair trigger kit for less than an edge. Twenty dollars for one stick after a year of use when you already spent two hundred is indefensible. Let's not even get into the battery.

@Reaper_800 - 06.01.2025 05:29

And 2025 they’re nuts selling it because there are a lot of people want to get a hand on that so badly and sell it at eBay

@ariesscar443 - 10.01.2025 12:48

Soo $200 for a controller n then $20 every so often to keep it working.. wow.. FUCK SONY!

@polska905 - 11.01.2025 19:06

This is why removable batteries are essential, Sony is basically guaranteeing another sale with this nonsense ewaste.

@Soupie62 - 31.01.2025 06:12

Depending on the pinout of that connector, maybe you could add one of the to a Framework laptop.

@fatpanda1597 - 03.02.2025 13:12

I rather mod those with hall effect sticks.

@alphaomega1969 - 12.02.2025 15:55

Holy shit, what a great idea

@thefatherfintanstack - 05.03.2025 07:45

Sony did this on purpose. More revenue. It's uttterly obvious.

@shushilkabir1330 - 11.03.2025 15:50

I play fifa and have left stick drift usually but blowing out the dust honestly helped more
