Quick Tip: USB Cable Connection with ALVR (works for both Linux and Windows)

Quick Tip: USB Cable Connection with ALVR (works for both Linux and Windows)


5 месяцев назад

3,144 Просмотров

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@javierlaso7055 - 07.10.2024 14:15

Thank you for this!

@Firefrost3001 - 12.10.2024 00:23

Bekomme ich ein hi?

@12349370 - 13.10.2024 16:17

This also works for me, however: when trying to view the desktop from within steamvr (at the bottom), it crashes steam and steamvr. This also applies to apps like bigscreen and so on. Do you get this same problem?

@SirQuacksalotthe1st - 12.12.2024 22:32

just get Handshake error for 8773.client: The requested address is not valid in its context. (os error 10049) Fixed it btw read below

@aarongargster2749 - 23.12.2024 15:41

Would it perform the same as the offical way to play wired

@jademonas - 04.02.2025 23:54

how do i fix the error:
adb: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

when running the TCP commands?

@saulmarques5388 - 14.02.2025 02:05

hey there! for some reason the apk for the alvr_android from the official alvr github, on my smartphone, just blackscreens... Not allowing me to see the host, or anything really. But when I used the older PhoneVR it does work and I can connect to the streamer.
Do you have any idea on what could be the problem?
