Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Male and Female Patients.

Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Male and Female Patients.

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@KimcheCaballeroTangaja - 31.01.2023 16:05

Tangaja, Kimche C.

A. The insertion of a catheter into the urine bladder is known as urinary catheterization. Due to the fact that a tube must be inserted into the patient's internal organs, this procedure demands a thorough sterile methodology. Its main function is to ease bladder distention-related discomfort or to gradually decompress a bloated bladder.

B. Before beginning the process, the nurse conducts an interview to better understand the patient's situation. Effective communication allows the nurse to better comprehend the patient's health and concerns.

C. Knowing prior or present urinary issues will assist nurses in thoroughly understanding the patient's current condition. Obtaining the patient's medical history is essential.

D. To allow them to freely communicate their thoughts and to help the nurse better understand the patient, nurses should encourage patients with hearing impairment to offer their preferred method of communication.

E. This video is very useful in demonstrating how to put an indwelling urinary catheter into patients of both sexes. As a student nurse, I have found this video to be very helpful in assisting me with the technique.

@giamairah.tapdasa7395 - 30.01.2023 14:20

Vid 4:
A. Provide a summary of the video.
Answer: To allow your urine to flow freely, a catheter is put into your bladder.
Understanding the many kinds and uses of catheters is crucial for medical students learning about medicine. Condoms, intermittent, and indwelling catheters should all be used. have the necessary training and expertise before performing this treatment on our future patients.

B. How important is doing an interview before the procedure?
ANS: to guarantee that risks of injury and infection are reduced during the insertion and maintenance of the urine catheter.

C. Why do we need to note the patient's health history before catheterization?
ANS: During their early encounters with patients, staff members or nursing students should be sure to find out about their medical history. A plan that will promote health, address acute health difficulties, and lessen chronic health disorders may be created using information from the patient and/or the patient's family, the healthcare team, and the team.

D. Before catheter insertion, if your patient has a hearing impairment, why do you need to ask your patient about their preferred way of communicating?
ANS: In order for a conversation to be successful, all parties involved must put forth an effort. In order to give patients the finest treatment possible, it is crucial to effectively and clearly communicate with them. It also demonstrates respect for them by enabling them to feel at ease and compliant with the necessary intervention.

E. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the video?
ANSWER: I learned a lot about the information in this video, such as the different types, functions, and how to use them, as well as how important it is to promote wellness in our lives for our health.

@abigailtabay226 - 26.01.2023 20:11

The process of inserting a catheter into the bladder is known as urinary catheterization. Since this procedure involves putting a tube into the patient's internal organs, rigorous sterility is required. Its goal is to give a progressive decompression of a bloated bladder or to ease discomfort brought on by bladder distention. Additionally, to evaluate the amount of leftover urine in the event that the bladder entirely empties and to thoroughly empty the bladder before operation. Both male and female catheterization were covered in detail throughout the video. The various catheter kinds and each of its purposes were discussed by the nursing students. Overall, it was really educational, and the process taught me a lot.

Before beginning the procedure, the nurse will interview the patient to gather information about their medical history and to develop a relationship with them. This will improve communication between the nurse and the patient. The nurse can better comprehend the patient's health and concerns with effective communication. This will enable the nurse to accurately record any discoveries or information that are crucial for organizing the patient's treatment.

Knowing past or present urination issues will help nurses gain a thorough understanding of the patient's current condition. It is important for nurses to collect the patient's health history. This is done to lessen the chance that the patient would suffer injury as a result of an inappropriate procedure or intervention being carried out on them.

To allow them to freely communicate their emotions and to help the nurse better understand the patient, nurses should encourage patients with hearing impairment to propose their preferred method of communication. The patient may experience some initial discomfort while the catheter is being inserted; secondly, patients should immediately report any pain so that the nurse can detect it and provide treatment.

I learnt that catheterization helps to prevent issues and way of life disturbances brought on by conditions including urine retention, incontinence, recovering from surgery, and other conditions. When medically essential, urinary catheterization is done to help with urine discharge. Last but not least, urinary catheters should be checked daily for use and taken out as soon as possible.

@vinethangeliefloresmadrang7512 - 26.01.2023 20:01


a. You need to verify the doctor’s order before inserting a urinary catheter, and right after, you need to prepare the equipments for the procedure. Promoting privacy of the patient before the proper insertion of the catheter.
b. It is the most important thing to do before the proper catheterization to assure that you are assessing the exact patient.
c. You need to note the patient’s health history before catheterization to understand the state of health of the patient further and to determine within the history is related to any acute complaints to direct you toward a diagnosis
d. For the patient to be able to properly communicate to the nurse knowing that this procedure can be very uncomfortable to the patients.
e. The learnings I got after watching the video is that you need to be gentle and careful when inserting urinary catheter because it might cause infection towards the patient.

@AliyahJannaAmpongTanedo - 26.01.2023 18:59

a. Provide a summary of the video.
A urinary catheter is a tube placed in the body to drain and collect urine in the body, there 3 main types of the catheter. Before the procedure, verify the doctor's order, interview the patient for allergies, and apply the initial step. During the procedure, maintain the sterile technique. Do not force the catheter through the urethra. While inserting, ask the patient to take slow, deep breaths until the initial discomfort has passed. secure the catheter on the inner thighs; ensure the tubing does not kick; and secure the drainage bag to the bed frame below the bladder level but not resting on the floor. Dispose of the supplies properly, assist the patient into a comfortable position, and perform hand hygiene. In male catheterization, follow the initial doctor's order, verify the doctor's order to prepare the materials, and not force the Do not force the catheter through the urethra while inserting it; ask the patient to take slow, deep breaths until the initial discomfort has passed. secure the catheter on the inner thighs; ensure the tubing does not kick; and secure the drainage bag to the bed frame below the bladder level but not resting on the floor. How important is doing an interview before the procedure?
-The interview is important before the procedure to improve the patient's understanding of what their outcomes are likely to be with medical treatment and their adherence to that treatment. The interview, or history, serves as the starting point for all other aspects of the nursing process. Conducting interviews is one of the most common ways of collecting data.
c. Why do we need to note the patient's health history before catheterization?
-The major purpose of obtaining a medical history from the patient is to further comprehend the patient's state of health and to identify whether the history is related to any acute complaints in order to direct you toward a diagnosis.
d. Before catheter insertion, if your patient has a hearing impairment, why do you need
to ask your patient about their preferred way of communicating?
-because your communication needs to be effective to understand each other. Successful communication requires the efforts of all people involved in a conversation. Find strategies to better communicate with those with hearing loss.
e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the
- I've learned the proper procedure of catheterization and the uses of the materials. I have learned the correct position and how important it is to maintain the sterile technique to avoid infection. and also do not force the catheter into the urethra; instead, ask the patient to breathe slowly until the discomfort has passed.

@ralphjuliusondonalubguban1588 - 26.01.2023 18:46

Lubguban, Ralph Julius O.

A. This video provide a lot of information about the catheter and the different types, functions of the catheter. And how to properly perform the catheterization.

B. To identify if you are talking to the right patient by asking the patient's name and date of birth to avoid any errors on the procedure

C. Because previous medical conditions or surgeries may interfere urinary catheter placement

D. Successful communication requires effort to all person involve in a conversation. To be able to find strategies on how to communicate to a patient with hearing impairement.

E. My learnings om this video how to properly execute the urinary catheter placement and how to properly identify the patient and hpw properly communicate with patient that have hearing impairement and lastly the past health or surgeries of the patient that may affect the catheter placement.

@julesmapaloviano7967 - 26.01.2023 18:05

BSN 1 - A13


a. Hollow, bendable tubes called urinary catheters are put right into the urethra and go all the way to the bladder. The tube takes the produced urine from the bladder and transports it through the body to a collection bag. Many of the same justifications apply to female as well as male catheterization. Self-catheterization, on the other hand, is a little different.

b. In order for the healthcare team and the patient to jointly develop a strategy that will promote health, solve acute health concerns, and decrease chronic health conditions, a health history must be obtained from the patient and/or the patient's family. A health history may be obtained whenever, although it is commonly done upon admission to a hospital or care facility or at first contact with community nursing services.

c. This is essential because catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) lengthen hospital stays and increase morbidity and death. Risk factors for improper catheterization have been identified as a lack of medical records and professional familiarity with catheters. This audit's objective was to evaluate the usage of inpatient urinary catheters among medical inpatients to see if the indication and insertion technique were adequately documented.

d. The purpose of asking the patient a preffered way of communicating is to make them fell more comfortable and also to understand of what we are saying. Because there might be chances that the patient might refuse the procedure because they can't fully understand the procedure.

e. Always wash your hands properly before catheterizing, and spend some time learning the significance of clean intermittent self-catheterization to lower the risk of problems. Try to become familiar with some of the indications of bladder fullness so you can make sure you're emptying your bladder promptly.

@FrancesZenvieAlferezTantiado - 26.01.2023 17:35

Frances Zenvie A. Tantiado
1BSN A13

A. The video showed what urinary catheter is and its the process of how it is done. They showed the process of insertion the catheter into a both gender A urinary catheter is a soft hollow tube, passed into the bladder to drain urine. The most common reason for urinary catheter insertion are urinary incontinence and urinary retention.

B. Doing and interview before the procedure helps the care provider on what nursing care plan should be done and also to establish a good rapport for a better communication with the patient.

C. To identify if there are any risk that might affect the patients health during the procedure.

D. Asses the patient if what are their preferred way in communicating, make sure they know who they are talking to and make eye contact.

E. After watching the video i learned how to do a urinary catheter insertion, the proper way and also the importance of privacy and sterilization during the procedure.

@amandalouiseperalta749 - 26.01.2023 16:06

Amanda Louise Peralta

The procedure performed is doing catheterization. Catheterization is a placing a tube in the body to drain and collect urine from the bladder. The three main types of catheter are Indwelling, Condom, and Intermittent self-catheter.

It is very important to do an interview before the procedure to gather the subjective datas used for the intervention.

We need to note patient's health history to gather subjective data and other information that is needed in performing the plan of care.

To have an effective communication and to make communicating easier for the patient to express what they feel and what they want to say.

I have learned how catheter is inserted and the importance of changing the catheter everyday.

@jerevellaparedes6200 - 26.01.2023 15:54

A.For our bodies to function optimally, all systems must work together to do their jobs. In most healthy adults, this happens involuntarily and without thought. When illness, injury, or chronic conditions are factored in, certain systems fail and, if not addressed, problems ensue. This is especially true when your body needs to dispense waste. If you’re unable to urinate, for whatever reason, the problem escalates quickly. Urine build-up in the bladder is not only uncomfortable, but also painful and dangerous. When you don’t urinate, the liquid can overflow and back up into your kidneys. You become more susceptible to infection and permanent damage, which will change how you live your daily life. To avoid these types of problems in those who cannot urinate on their own, catheterization is used. For a better understanding of this process, it’s essential to understand the differences between how to catheterize males and females.
B.Since interviews provide you with an opportunity to analyze a potential employee's experience, skills and professional background, they can help you discover the candidates who are best qualified for the position. This may assist you in choosing the right candidates to advance to the next stage of the hiring process.
C.Urinary elimination is a basic human function that can be compromised by illness, surgery, and other conditions. Urinary catheterization may be used to support urinary elimination in patients who are unable to void naturally.

D.Make sure you have your patient's attention before talking. The patient will need to be able to see the interpreter. Maintain eye contact whilst communicating.Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements. Shouting distorts the sound of speech and may make speech reading more difficult. Say the person's name before beginning a conversation.
E.Catheter training should focus on different types of catheters and management of difficult catheter scenarios. Standardizing safe catheter education during undergraduate training and including this as a part of regular annual or biannual mandatory training for healthcare staff involved in dealing with catheters in clinical practice would be the way forward.

@sweetsumando1088 - 26.01.2023 15:38


Summary of the video.

For male:
First is to verify the physician's order and then proceed on identifying the patient, Next is to explain the procedure, after explaining prepare the equipments. After preoaring start to perform hand hygiene wash you hards thoroughly using warm water and soap. Make sure that you completely dry your hands. Using warm soap and water, thoroughly clean and rinse the end of the penis. Make sure that you clean under the foreskin to avoid any transference of bacteria.Take the water-soluble lubricating jelly and spread it on the tip of the catheter, covering the firston the tip of the catheter, covering the first  7-10 inches. While you do not need to apply excess lubricating jelly to the penis, some men prefer doing so as added peace of mind. Gently insert the catheter into the urethral opening on the tip of the penis. Continue to push the catheter into the urethra slowly until you notice urine drainage. Once urine flows, continue pushing about 2.5 cm further to ensure proper positioning near the bladder. Allow all the urine in the patient's bladder to drain out of the catheter into the drainage bag. Make sure that the bladder is completely in tact in the tube to avoid leakage and help flush out bacteria and reduce the chance of infection. Put the drainage bag below the patient's bed and Remove gloves together with the other used materials and dispose it, Wash and dry your hands thoroughly following the process and document the assessment.

For Female:

Grasp the sterile catheter 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) from the tip and keep it from touching anything. Ask the patient to take a deep breath and slowly exhale while you insert the catheter tip. Advance it 2 to 3 inches until urine flow starts. Advance it another 1 to 2 inches to make sure it's in the bladder.

It is important for nurses to do interviewing with their patients because all of the following of the nursing process will flow from the interview or health history, which supplies the data basis. The physical exam serves to confirm data obtained during the interview. The purpose of the interview should be to help the nurse understand the patient's adaptive mechanisms. Asking the patient about their preferences in way of communicating even though they have hearing impairment is because sometimes even if they unable to hear you properly there is always a way for them to understand you in their own preferences like gestures and etc. My insights after watching the video is how urinary catheterization helps mobility impaired patients to empty their bladder.

@echeilsulib4949 - 26.01.2023 15:21

Sulib, Echeil D.
SWU – 1BSN – A13

a. Provide a summary of the video.
- Foley catheter is a common type of indwelling catheter. It has soft, plastic or rubber tube that is inserted into the bladder to drain the urine. There are different types of catheters; these are indwelling catheter, condom catheter, and intermittent self-catheter. In the application of catheter, the nurse should verify the doctor’s order then prepare the materials needed. Moreover, you need to identify the patient and explain the procedure. Then, position the patient and always remember to perform hand hygiene and put on sterile gloves before inserting the foley catheter.

b. How important is doing an interview before the procedure?
- It is crucial to have knowledge and insight of the patient's condition and health history in order to give the patient the optimal nursing intervention.

c. Why do we need to note the patient’s health history before catheterization?
- to note the patient's history of catheterization and to prevent against infection and morbidity while the patient is being catheterized.

d. Before catheter insertion, if your patient has a hearing impairment, why do you need to ask your patient about their preferred way of communicating?
- enabling the patient to fully comprehend the process and to maintain the consistency of the optimal procedure

e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the video?
- Before performing a risky procedure, I've learnt that it's essential to comprehend, have knowledge of, and insight into the patient's state and health to prevent harm and infection that could put the patient at risk.

@christypinar4516 - 26.01.2023 15:21


A. Urinary Catherization is a sterile procedure of removing urine from the bladder using a Urinary Catheter. A Urinary Cather is a flexible tube like structure that is inserted into the reproductive organ to the bladder to remove fluid waste products of a person. There are 3 different types of cathers and eacb have a specific use and these are: Condom Catheter, Indwelling Catheder and Intermittent Self Catheter. Catheters are usually used with patient who are having trouble voiding or patient in need of assistance in voiding.

B. Interviewing the Patient is very Important before performing the procedure because it helps ug establish raport with our patient, know the health status of our patient, our patients history as well and know the norms and values of our patients as we do the procedures.

C. Taking note of the patient’s health history helps give the right treatment and diagnosis of our patient as well as helps us prevent any further complication and aid possible complications that may come.

D. Communication is very kmportant in healthcare and in doing any procedure is to help you be aware of what your patient is feeling and to give also your patient an idea on what you are doing as well as to be able to give the right nursing care plan for our patient.

E. I learned that Catheterization is not the easy, it requires focus and precision as well as proper inspecting and disposal to prevent infections. I also learned how to properlly handle the different kinds of cathheter and it’s different types of usage.

@parejaaprilykate9131 - 26.01.2023 15:19

1BSN - A13

A. Small tubes known as female catheters are made specifically to drain urine from the female urethra. These little catheters are perfect for women with urine incontinence. Numerous options are available for female catheters, including straight, hydrophilic, closed-system, and small catheters. Male-length catheters (up to 40 cm) are necessary for males because they have rather long urethras.

B. The interview is important because they help the nurse to what kind of nursing plan care they will provide to the patient.

C. The significance of choosing appropriate diagnostic tests based on the patient's medical history and physical examination results in a prompt and correct diagnosis. This procedure is economical and protects patients from the dangers of pointless testing.

D. Patients can express themselves through a nonjudgemental atmosphere. The physician should not judge the emotions of the patients and should refrain from providing early comfort during medical interaction, regardless of whether it is appropriate or unsuitable.

E.After watching the video, I learned that the catheterization procedure entails the diagnosis or treatment of some heart problems, such as blocked arteries or irregular heartbeats, by inserting a thin, flexible tube (catheter) into a blood vessel and guiding it to the heart. Doctors can learn vital details about the heart's blood arteries, heart valves, and muscles through cardiac catheterization.

@kristianalee5004 - 26.01.2023 14:58


A. In the video shown, the procedure that is being discussed is about inserting an indwelling catheter. A foley catheter is a common type of indwelling catheter. It has a soft, plastic or rubber tube that is inserted in to the bladder to drain the urine. The presenters mentioned 3 types of catheters. First is the Indwelling catheter, second is the condom catheter, and the third one is the intermittent self-catheter. As a student nurse, it is vital to prepare the needed materials and read the doctor’s order. I learned that it is essential to identify the patient and ask if they have certain allergies, ensure privacy, and keep the environment sterile in order to avoid transmissions.

B. Interviewing the patient before the procedure is important because this can help us nurses do a full assessment on our patient. In this way, we can have ideas on how we can provide the best nursing care plan for them.

C. Medical history is important to gain a comprehensive insight on the patient’s health. It provides clues which can help the healthcare provider come up with a correct nursing diagnosis.

D. To ensure proper communication and understanding for the patient and nurse.

E. I learned how to properly insert a catheter for both and and female and I learned that communicating with your patient is important in performing procedures for them to gain trust and understanding.

@gabriellemonika414 - 26.01.2023 14:53

BSN 1-A13

Urinary catheterization involves the insertion of a catheter tube through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. Both male and female catheterizations present unique challenges. Having adequate lighting and visualization is helpful, but does not ensure the entrance of the catheter. Some women find the supine lithotomy position can be very uncomfortable or even dangerous. Patients with arthritis of the knees and hips may also find this position extremely uncomfortable. Catheterization may also be accomplished with the patient in the lateral to Sims position.

Interviewing the patients before the procedure is important because questioning them about placement and prior catheterizations assists the nurse in identifying any problems with catheterization or if the patient has had the procedure before, he/she may know what to expect.

Before catheter insertion, if your patient has a hearing impairment, we need to ask our patients about their preferred way of communicating because some patients speak and speech-read or lip-read, some use sign language or communicate by writing notes, and some bring someone with them to interpret.

This video is very educational and helpful to us because nurses frequently begin catheterization treatments for patients in a hospital or community setting. Having current knowledge of catheter selection and problem-solving techniques for urinary catheter management is crucial for this nursing position.

I've also learned that the risk of infection increases as a catheter is used for longer periods of time. For this reason, catheters should only be used as long as necessary and installed correctly.

@rafaelchrisopong - 26.01.2023 14:42


A. A urinary catheter is a hollow, partially flexible tube that collects urine from the bladder and leads to a drainage bag. Urinary catheters come in many sizes and types. There are 3 main types of catheters which are the indwelling catheter, condom catheter, and intermittent self catheter. Catheters may be necessary in cases when you can’t empty your bladder. If the bladder isn’t emptied, urine can build up and lead to pressure in the kidneys. The pressure can lead to kidney failure, which can be dangerous and result in permanent damage to the kidneys. While urinary catheters are helpful, they can also lead to side effects if they aren’t cleaned or handled properly.

B. You cannot just perform a crucial procedure without interviewing or assessing the patient. Interview always comes first. By this you will know the patient and obtain information regarding his/her complaint.

C. Prior to catheterization, we need to note patient's health history to prevent further complications if ever and to assess the patient's safety in doing the procedure of catheterization.

D. When a patient has hearing loss, it's important to find out their preferred method of communication in order to make sure they fully comprehend the procedure and to communicate the patient comfortably and effectively without any setbacks.

E. The video guide me and give ideas and knowledge about catheterization. In Catheterization, it is important to maintain a good standard of hygiene to reduce the risk of infection.

@rosielsumayang5056 - 26.01.2023 13:49

Sumayang, Rosiel A.

Catheter is inserted into the bladder to drain or collect urine. The length of a male urethra is around 18 to 20 cm. The length of a female urethra is around 3 to 4 cm. This means that a female catheter is much shorter than a male one. So a male catheter is approximately 30 to 40 cm long and a female catheter between 7 and 20 cm long.

B. The interview process is an important step because it improves the patients understanding of what their outcomes are likely to be with medical treatment and adherence to that treatment.

C. To identify whether a patient has a higher risk for disease.

D.Make sure they know who they are speaking to and what the conversation is about.

E. You need to do an interview before the procedure.

@FrancesRoseEspielPaqueo - 26.01.2023 11:34

Paqueo, Frances Rose E.

A. Urinary catheterization is the introduction of catheter into the urinary bladder. This process requires a strict sterile technique since it involves inserting a tube into the patient’s internal part of the body. Its purpose is to relieve discomfort due to bladder distention or to provide gradual decompression of a distended bladder. Also, to assess the amount of residual urine if the bladder empties completely, as well as to, to empty the bladder completely prior to surgery. The video provided a step-by-step procedure for both male and female catheterization. The student nurses discussed different types of catheters and each of their functions. Overall, it was very informative and I learned a lot from the procedure.

B. Conducting an interview first before performing the procedure enables the nurse to take the patient’s health history as well as, to establish good rapport which would allow better communication between the patient and nurse. Good communication helps the nurse understand the patient’s condition and concerns. Thus, allowing the nurse to provide accurate documentation of any findings or data which are essential in planning for the patient’s treatment.

C. Acquiring the patient’s health history is important for nurses to know past or current problems with urination which will help gain a comprehensive insight into the patient’s current state. This is done to reduce risks of harming the patient that may possibly occur due to performing incorrect procedure or intervention for the patient. Also, nurses will be able to prioritize care needs and obtain positive results.

D. Nurses should encourage patient’s with hearing impairment to suggest their preferred way of communicating in order for them to express their thoughts freely and for the nurse to understand the patient. When inserting the catheter, the patient may feel initial discomfort, thus, patient’s are prompt to respond to any pain so that the nurse will know and help relieve their aches.

E. The video provided an overview about the procedure which taught us the process of performing catheterization to male and female patients. Aside from that, I realized the importance of having good communication with the patient before, during, and after any procedure. It enables us to have a strong connection and earn their trust as we assess and provide care needs. Being able to know the patient’s health history, both past and present, will prevent medical errors, provide the correct treatment.

@joliamariemalabay4656 - 26.01.2023 05:52

BSN 1-A13

a. This video show on how to perform the male and female catheterization. It taught me the procedure and informations about the catheterization. Catheter is a tube placed in the body to drain and collect urine. The video also show the description of the urinary retention.
b. Interview is important before doing the procedure in order to know the patients health status and perception of his or her current health and also to obtain patients health history.
c. Noting the health history of the patient gives us information on the patients conditions.
d. Communication is very important so that the nurse can monitor the patients stability if he/she is comfortable or in pain.
e. Catheterization is not easy because there may be errors or mistakes but when I saw this video it show how to perform correctly and it gives information about catheterization.

@lesterromelicaminakyamko4613 - 23.01.2023 20:07


A. After watching the video, I learned that urinary catheterization is a procedure used to drain the bladder and collect urine, through a flexible tube called a catheter. Urinary catheters are usually inserted by doctors or nurses in hospital or the community. There are several types of catheterization which includes indwelling, condom, and intermittent; they vary among the situation of the patient. During catheterization, it is vital to keep all equipments and the environment sterile to lower the risk of bacteria entering the patient’s body.

B. It improves the patient's understanding of what their outcomes are likely to be with medical treatment and adherence to that treatment. And the interview will also provide the date base from which all other phases of the nursing process will flow.

C. The primary goal of obtaining a medical history from the patient is to understand the state of health of the patient further and to determine within the history is related to any acute complaints to direct you toward a diagnosis. Thus, may help to prevent further complications.

D. To ensure that the patient understands the procedure and is willing to comply with the standard base practice of nursing.

E. The learnings I had after watching this video is knowing when should a patient be catheterized, the types of catheter, how to properly perform the procedure, and to keep all equipments sterile.

@luzyllevenicelao - 23.01.2023 16:58

1BSN-A13 (NUR 098)
a. Provide a summary of the video.
From the video, I learned that a urinary catheter is a thin, flexible tube that is used to empty the bladder and collect urine in a drainage bag. Catheters may be required if you are unable to empty your bladder. Catheters come in many sizes, and materials: latex, silicone, and teflon; as well as types: straight or croude tip. The most important thing that I have learned is to maintain the privacy and sterility of the environment for the patient.

b. How important is doing an interview before the procedure?
The interview, or history, serves as the starting point for all other phases of the nursing process. The interview should be structured in such a way that the nurse gains an understanding of the patient's adaptive processes. It also improves the patient's understanding of the likely outcomes of medical treatment, as well as adherence to that treatment. Positive patient communication developed during the initial interview makes this type of medical decision-making more successful.

c. Why do we need to note the patient's health history before catheterization?
Before proceeding with the provider order, it is necessary to determine whether alternative measures can be used to facilitate elimination and to discuss any concerns with the prescribing provider. Previous medical conditions and surgeries may make urinary catheter placement difficult. A patient may be more likely to develop CAUTI if they have a history of previous urinary tract infections.

d. Before catheter insertion, if your patient has a hearing impairment, why do you need to ask your patient about their preferred way of communicating?
All people involved in a conversation must work together to achieve successful communication. Asking your patient about their preferred way of communicating when they have hearing impairment ensures that the patient fully understands the procedure and that they agree to its terms and precautions.

e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the video?
I learned that catheterization aids in the prevention of problems and lifestyle disruptions caused by urinary retention, incontinence, surgical healing, and other conditions. Urinary catheterization is used to aid in urinary drainage when medically necessary. And lastly, urinary catheters should be evaluated daily for use and removed as soon as they are no longer required.

@maeantonettemoralesmorales9870 - 06.11.2022 13:36

This video taught us the proper insertion of indwelling catheter to male and female. We already had our return demonstration about this but this video guides us on how to accurately do it.

Mae Antonette M. Mahumot
BSN 3-A11

@noniliojr.daigdigansalgari8584 - 06.11.2022 13:00

Salgarino, Nonilio D. Jr.
BSN 3-A3

This video is very educational. I love the video provided description on the urinary retention, then providing descriptions and the different types of catheters then to the procedure. The procedure was well-demonstrated it has provided the things to do before, during, and after catheterization. It really helps me on the things to do when I am given the chance to do the catheterization. Thank you for this video.

@redgahuman6784 - 06.11.2022 12:58

At first I used to struggle doing catheter. This video gives me idea on how to make it easier.

@athenamalubay123 - 06.11.2022 12:47

Thank you for this informative video! One of the common duties of a nurse based on my observation is inserting catheter. This video is very helpful for us to know how to perform the procedure and avoid injury to the patient.

@ralphlouiemanago9513 - 06.11.2022 12:21

In doing the insertion of urinary catheter we nurses should keep our environment clean because inserting catheter is prone to infection. We nurses must have presence of mind in doing the insertion of the catheter.

@chastemariefranchescatan9867 - 06.11.2022 12:01

BSN 3-A3

This video content is very informative and explained accurately. This is important it helps you allow the urine when you have an obstruction in the tube that carries urine out of the bladder.

@rogelenvillafuerte5201 - 06.11.2022 11:52

Villafuerte, Rogelen
BSN 3-A3

This video has widen my knowledge on inserting indwelling catheter on female and male patients. We are not allowed to this procedure yet but I an hoping one day that can perform it properly on patients.

@vincentbetirmercado7 - 06.11.2022 11:46

BSN3 A11

Inserting catheters are prone to infections procedures. And mistakes when doing these could harm our patients. That is why learning how to do the procedures is important

@mclarenzvillaver9878 - 06.11.2022 10:16

Villaver, Mclarenz S.
BSN 3-A3

The video was not just creative, but it's also a very informative one. It showed the different types of catheter and their corresponding uses, which is an essential information a student nurse must acquire since catheterization is a common procedure in any hospital around the world. Also because a simple error in catheterization can complicate and worsen patient's conditions.

@kiarazelpaangayybaez9488 - 06.11.2022 08:52

BSN 3-A3

This video is incredibly educational and helpful to us because nurses frequently begin catheterization treatments for patients in an hospital or community environment. Additionally, the video gave an explanation for each step, making it simpler to comprehend.

@marieldagohoyvillamor6047 - 06.11.2022 04:30

BSN 3-A3

The procedure is skillfully carried out, and the video is very informative. My knowledge of how to insert a catheter in both sexes is refreshed by this. Additionally, nurses frequently start catheterization procedures for patients in a hospital or community setting. Current knowledge on catheter selection and problem-solving techniques for urinary catheter maintenance is necessary for this nursing role.

@jehowong4091 - 05.11.2022 16:43

Wong, Jehoshaphat A.
BSN 3-A3

Well explain it gives further knowledge of understanding that would help me in my hospital duty. Allows me to be prepared and ready for the greater outcome.

@danpalang1722 - 05.11.2022 14:12

One key take away that I learned from watching the video is how urinary catheters can be helpful for a patient to eliminate urine and how this is helpful on getting samples for laboratory tests. It is a prerequisite for a nurse to know a catheter's function and purpose.

@chenaparlochatapere5089 - 04.11.2022 05:41

BSN 3 A3
This video is very informative in terms of showing us the step-by-step procedure of inserting an indwelling catheter to both male and female patients. Urinary catheters are used for a wide variety of indications including to relieve urinary retention, measure urine output and collect urine samples.

@jerichorosales8626 - 03.11.2022 15:59


It’s is really informative and it’s accurate. It is really helpful for us student nurse to know how to indwell catheter to patients.

@harshlenepepito3485 - 03.11.2022 13:09

BSN 3-A3

The video focuses on the systematic process of inserting an indwelling catheter for both males and females, and I think the most important lesson I learnt is how important it is to maintain sterility throughout the entire procedure because this is an invasive treatment. Knowing how to perform this process correctly is not sufficient; we also need to understand why we perform it and should have knowledge on appropriate catheter selection for catheter comes into various sizes.

@gladysroseperez4747 - 03.11.2022 10:43

BSN 3-A3

Inserting an indwelling urinary catheter in both male and female patients is one of the necessary skills nurses should acquire. As future nurses, it is our responsibility that our patient is not prone to infection, which is why maintaining sterility, securing tubing, preventing backflow or leaking and patient education is important.

@darlajanyllreganon5202 - 03.11.2022 08:25

Regañon, Darla Janyll G.
BSN 3-A3

This video has really taught me how to accurately do catheterization to male and female. The safety measures and risks prior catherter. insertion. I was also able to learn the mechanism of catheterization and how its used.

@stephenpastor7905 - 03.11.2022 06:42

Pastor, Stephen M.
BSN 3-A3

The video showed us how to properly insert an indwelling catheter to male and female patients. This catheter drains urine from your bladder into a bag outside your body.

I have also learned that using catheter in a very long period of time will put the patient in a high risk for infection. Catheters should only be used when adviced and in a right amount of time only to prevent risk for infection.

@Mishaaa122 - 29.10.2022 14:14

Josol, Jestelle Eve
Bsn3 A8

This video shows a proper way of catheterization, Many people may need the support of continence products, such as catheters, to help them manage their everyday activities

@kisshacandol7641 - 28.10.2022 02:47

BSN 3-A3

I learned more about the purpose of inserting an indwelling urinary catheter into patients from this video. I've also learned that some common reasons for having an indwelling catheter are urinary incontinence (leakage), urinary retention (inability to urinate), surgery that necessitated the catheter, or another health issue. Furthermore, this video shows me how to insert an indwelling urinary catheter into both male and female patients, which is very helpful. Overall, as a student nurse, this video is extremely useful in guiding me through the procedure.

@maryjanemahusay9579 - 28.10.2022 02:45

BSN 3 A-3

The tube that drains urine from the bladder is called a urinary catheter. This is frequently used to keep the bladder empty in a number of circumstances, such as before, during, or after an operation. It's crucial to maintain it tidy. Infections can be brought on by germs that enter your body. As a student it is important to know the different types of catheter and it's purpose, how it is very essential among patients.

@karylkanedal6819 - 28.10.2022 02:10

BSN 3-A3

I have learned that a urinary (foley) catheter is a thin, soft tube inserted in the bladder, and the tube is attached to a bag that collects urine. Catheters are used to assist residents to void if they cannot do so on their own, or if a medical condition warrants use. Catheters should be used only when medically necessary. Good catheter care can help reduce dangerous complications of catheter use. Catheter bags should be changed monthly and dated (look for the date of the bag change). The foley catheter tube should be changed as needed

@LyraFaithPLoon - 28.10.2022 02:08


This video provided us student nurses an idea, skills and technique on how we can insert indwelling catheter to our patient and why is it important. And why we need to perform sterile technique. The catheter goes from the outside into our body, so it's important to keep it clean. Germs that get inside our body can cause infection. And it's nurses responsibility to empty drainage bags regularly (at least once per shift). Stabilize the catheter tubing and drainage bag. Keep drainage bag below level of bladder and off the floor at all times. Consider where to place the drainage bag during resident's daily activity.

@cassianclarenacario469 - 28.10.2022 01:53

Nacario, Cassian Clare
BSN 3-A8

Urinary catheterisation reduces the risk of infection and kidney damage by making sure that your bladder is emptied, either continuously or at regular intervals.
Catheterisation can be used when a person cannot empty their bladder without assistance, either permanently or on a temporary basis (such as after certain kinds of surgery).

This video is very informative in terms of showing us the step-by-step procedure of inserting an indwelling catheter to both male and female patients. It also shows us the proper way of communicating to the patient especially during this kind of procedure where the patient might get uncomfortable. It also gives us rationales of every steps which helps us understand the procedure more.

@jannasharielawan2326 - 28.10.2022 01:52

BSN 3-A3

Given that nurses commonly initiate catheterization treatments for patients in a hospital or community setting, this film is very informative and beneficial to us. For this nursing position, it is essential to have up-to-date knowledge of catheter selection and problem-solving approaches for urinary catheter management.

I've also discovered that as a catheter is used for longer periods of time, the danger of infection rises. Catheters must be installed correctly, kept clean, and only used as long as necessary for this reason.

@nicoledanniellemenor2577 - 28.10.2022 01:27

BSN 3 - A8

The video explained very well the step-by-step procedure on how the insertion and indwelling catheter to a male and female process is performed. This procedure helps you how to do on your own by draining pee from your body when you can't do it by yourself. But when you had your surgery, it is the role of nurses how to perform it properly to a real patient. It is our duty to do it properly and perform it by heart.

@jhudearicaplazalabor1029 - 28.10.2022 00:57

Labor, Jhudea R.

I have performed a return demonstration of inserting catheters to patients before, which is why I am familiar with the procedure. Important things to consider are maintaining sterility, securing tubing, preventing backflow or leaking, and patient education. You must always explain to the patient what you are doing and the purpose of it in order to encourage coordination and to provide them assurance. Patients must also have knowledge on the do's and don'ts when having a catheter inserted, thus it is the nurse's responsibility to educate them.
