Which cataract IOL is right for you?

Which cataract IOL is right for you?

Joshua Cohen, MD

1 год назад

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@lanxie4948 - 26.04.2024 15:52

I did RK surgery in 1990s. My eyes have significant cataract and some astigmatism. My doctor said that I can use monofocal IOL lenses without mutifocal IOL for far vision correction, while wear glasses for reading. However, I most time use eyes for reading, computer, TV watching, and homework. I would like doing those without glasses! I don’t mind wear glasses for driving sometimes. Could you give me some suggestions for choose IOL lenses? Many thanks in advance!

@karbear910 - 01.05.2024 04:18

Your thoughts on IC-8 for patients with keratoconus?

@Rita50 - 01.05.2024 12:46

I don’t mind wearing glasses for reading but not mid-distance like computer. What is better for clear vision: EDOF or Multifocal Lenses?
Does Monofocal Toric Lens differ from Toric EDOF and which is better? Would I be able to get used to Toric EDOF?

@Mo2008di - 11.05.2024 01:44

I have nearsightedness since 2009...both eye now mins 1.5 recently my left eye diagnosed with cataract... I thought that with surgery left eye visio will be perfect but after seeing the type of lenses i'm affraid to have the multifocal lens... would you recommend to use the mono focal lens ? I was planning to have lasik surgery for the right eye if the left eye has perfect vision after the cataract surgery....so I can be free of glasses hehe but now I'm confused

@JFACTSJinujoseph - 16.05.2024 20:47

Doctor, can you please tell me eyecril active from biotech qaulity and from which country please?

@pjoseph2 - 21.05.2024 18:52

Likely the best presentation on this topic here. And i've watched a lot. Much appreciated!

@Vikram.Madan. - 23.05.2024 18:24

Dear sir, some studies claim that if the surgery of posterior polar cataract is done using FLACS, it creates a cleavage plane between posterior capsule and epinucleus which facilities safer removal of epinucleus without rupturing the posterior capsule. Is it true ?

@finiteloops8610 - 29.05.2024 02:11

Superb explanation by Dr. Josh Cohen. Easily the the most lucid and informative I've seen. I agree the casting director (her review below) it would be so good if he moved to Hollywood, CA. Thanks so much for your wonderful video Dr. Cohen.

@juicer52 - 31.05.2024 10:56

Do you have any experience or thoughts concerning Lenstec Clearview 3 IOLs. I am concerned about potential for glare and halos with multifocals and this lens claims to reduce these dysphotopsias.

@pdrews1000 - 31.05.2024 14:22

Thank you! This review of lenses was very helpful. Had my left eye completed with the JJ Symfony Lens post retina surgery. Recommendation is JJ Odyssey for other eye due to the "heavy" feeling in eyes. My orher eye has good accommodation still and would kike to avoid reading glasses. This video really explained the differences. Thank you for the service.

@ClayGinn - 01.06.2024 14:48

Hi, Have a question but no one seems to discuss this. Cost of the lens. What is the average cost or out of pocket for these lenses? I mean I have good insurance but they only cover the "standard" lens. It would really help to get an estimate on what my out of pocket would be. I'm currently leaning toward Monovision with the Eyehance lens, but not sure what it will cost.

@erikwilliams5684 - 17.06.2024 07:34

@cohenlaservision Thank You So Very Much For Your Very Informative Video About The Various Lenses!!! I'm Going To Be Having Cataract Surgery Soon & You Gave Me A Lot To Think About Which Makes It Easier For Me To Speak With My Ophthalmologist!!! 👍👍👍

@Swenser - 01.07.2024 11:19

What if I choose multifocal but the result is not satisfactory, What's the policy if afterwards wanting to go to monofocal? Will the doctor offer discounts or give a replacement guarantee?

@edwardarruda7215 - 02.07.2024 01:23

Didn't know there were that many choices.

@CC-uh8gl - 10.07.2024 03:25

Hi Dr Cohen, I have high myopia, presbyopia with moderate astigmatism. If I choose the J&J Eyhance toric lenses set for distance what is the nearest distance I can see? Thanks!

@CC-uh8gl - 11.07.2024 04:18

Hi Dr Cohen, I have another question for you. If a patient has 20/20 vision and cataracts in both eyes and no presbyopia and this patient chooses the Eyhance monofocal IOL set to distance, will this patient lose the ability to see near like looking at a cellphone?

@conacherm - 06.08.2024 05:44

Hi - thanks for your video, very informative. I would love to hear your opinion on the lens that Occumetics is developing - do you think this will be a game changer?

@rubsjai6101 - 12.08.2024 14:01

Hi Dr Cohen. I have high myopia, mild astigmatism , mild cataract in both eyes but vision is very good .My left eye has PVD..Which type of lens would you recommend. I still want to wear glasses .

@muhammadadnanbashir4057 - 17.08.2024 16:46

Is it OK to have a multifocal IOL in one eye and a monofocal in the other?

@AmberAguilar-ey5wu - 18.08.2024 21:01

Dr., u seem to talk TOO FAST. EVEN WATCHING UR VLOGG with subtitles, I still keep on rewind the portion I don't seem to know & understand in details.

I like this particular video of Urs informing me & My Wife who will undergo PHAECOEMULSIFICATION in the weeks to come. IT gives us an option of the particular lens we should use. . .OR RECOMMEND to be implanted.

If a patient had undergone PHAECOEMULSIFICATION, in the coming years of his/her life, CAN THE IMPLANTED IOL can be "retrieved back" with another kind of IOL?"

Keep on vlogging & blogging the TRUTH OF YOUR VISION!


@nadiyacampen8614 - 20.08.2024 19:24

Slow down!!

@peterwaldner1013 - 24.08.2024 01:47

I do think the presentation that he gave was awesome 😊

@peterwaldner1013 - 24.08.2024 01:50

I choose the clarion Vivitar lens distance, intermediate, $$$

@peterwaldner1013 - 24.08.2024 01:54

Sorry vivity lens not Vivitar

@tobysarsi6864 - 03.09.2024 04:17

This video was the best overall cataract lens video for me because he talked about all the different varieties and brands but also has the nifty chart with the different eye conditions and then the green check-marks and red x-marks to show what conditions can be addressed by what lens-type—-wonderful and easy to help with analysis!

@dionysus2006 - 22.09.2024 05:32

So many options and they all have issues. Why can't they get an accommodating IOL approved which allows your eye to focus normally instead of dealing with halos, needing reading glasses, and loss of depth perception. The lens you were born with isn't hard and inflexible, the IOL shouldn't be either.

@jds1209 - 22.09.2024 22:26

Insurance companies are the biggest legalized scammers, who get away with many violations which puts people’s health at greater risk

@pambletjohnsonful - 25.09.2024 04:17

This has been the best video that describes everything we may need to know. I felt comfortable listening to your presentation. Thank for sharing

@AS-tt8ui - 07.10.2024 14:46

I chose monofocal lens. I wanted 100% light going to retina. As you age (73) less light reaches retina. I have sharp distance and contrast vision. Night driving is so bright. I don't mind readers. Very happy with monofocal lens

@none8901 - 19.10.2024 22:42

Can toric lenses nor only correct astigmatism but also give a choice to be either monofocal, multifocal or EDOF.

@virginiainla8085 - 20.10.2024 11:08

I'm about to get one eye done that has a mild cataract. I'm told I have a .75 astigmatism (I only wear reading glasses so far - mid 60s) so while I'm considering the basic, the doctor is suggesting the Toric monovision, but with LRI because the Torics he has used only treat >1.0. There are recently approved Torics that go lower but he hasn't done any. I prefer not to have the extra cut in my eye because I have Sjogren's Syndrome with mild eye dryness, and don't want any additional risks to make it worse. More cuts, the more risk...? I'm not sure what I'd even gain with the old Toric since I don't currently wear glasses for mid or distance vision and my vision will change for the worse with more age anyway. Do you think the newer Torics for <1.0 are worth trying or stick with basic? Should I be concerned that my doctor hasn't done one yet? I am a photographer and prefer more accurate vision. I use the close-up diopter in my camera presently.

I also use a shotgun for sporting clays, so accuracy for distance matters, although that's just for fun - less crucial than photography. ALSO, have to mount the gun along my cheekbone, and the recoil can be rough, so how long shall I let it heal before resuming that activity afterwards? A week, or a month?

Thank you!

@bchollis1451 - 21.10.2024 02:50

If you get one type of implant lens for one eye (e.g. EDOF or multifocal) is it best/recommended to get the same type for other eye?

@TheTajkhanable - 07.11.2024 10:19

Doctor i am 38 y old i have cataract please suggest me best iol which best day/night vision cristal clear or no problem lifetime just like glsitening,pco ,glare,rings,halos,or dryness i want the best distance and intermediate and functional near vision which lens is suitable for me please dr kindly sugges me if the patient is from you family which lens. You suggst i wait for you answer some doctor go to clareon, some says techness eyehance some says bause and lomb LI61AO which one is best in your opinion ot you suggest some one other i confused please guide me

@palanik1960 - 08.11.2024 13:54

Well made educative video. Super . One question what about bi segment progressive lenses ? It comes under which category bifocal or mutifical ? Is it too expensive ? How about its performance compared to all other type IOL s

@Richard-nb4iv - 24.11.2024 16:08

My father in law is going for his final appointment with regards to cataract surgury. He is 84 and I had recommended that he goes for the upgraded IOL lenses. He is not sure which set to get and I get the strong feeling that he doesn't want to spend too much money. He recently bought a really nice suv, he enjoys driving, but has had to greatly reduce the amount of drivng due to vision.
What lenses would let him enjoy extended driving at his age and beyond?
I need to convince him that the extra cost will be worth the benifits of being independent for his future.
Thanks for the video.

@whymedude88 - 01.12.2024 22:09

Adjustable Lenses (LAL) – My Personal Experience - No prior issues and or surgery’s..

As someone in their 50s who still snowboards in the BC mountains (big falls, rapid impacts), weight trains (heavy) four days a week, and spends significant time working on my laptop and dual screens, it’s important for me to understand the nuances between the different IOLs. Also worth noting, that I have been deemed a candidate for the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL). Since then, I have been desperately seeking an alternative point of you regarding this technology. While it sounds groundbreaking at first, I’ve come across some significant concerns that I think more people need to hear about. Let’s uncover what I call “the dragon in the details” when it comes to this lens.

The Adjustment Process: The Hidden Catch

The adjustment process isn’t as simple as it sounds. Most surgeons start by setting both eyes to Plano, meaning they initially prioritize distance vision. Then comes the tweaking stage, which involves multiple UV light treatments to refine your vision. In my case, what wasn’t fully explained, or what I may have misunderstood, was how significant these tweaks can be.

More specifically, some patients end up with mini-monovision, blended monovision, or even full monovision during these adjustments. Why? Because the adjustments can range anywhere from 0.25 diopters to 1.50 (or more) per eye.

For anyone unfamiliar, mono-vision, it means one eye is optimized for distance while the other is set for near or intermediate vision. And here’s the kicker: Approximately 20–30 percent of patients struggle to adapt to monovision. Some can’t tolerate it at all, experiencing issues with depth perception, eye strain, and overall discomfort. This is definitely me, so no monovision. However, I’m not clear on whether blended vision will work.

The Dragon in the Details: My Expectations vs. Reality

For me, the biggest issue was not fully grasping how much the adjustments could impact the final outcome. Even with the adjustability that makes the LAL unique, achieving balanced vision across all distances—near, intermediate, and far—without glasses often means embracing some level of monovision if I understand correctly?? (Hopefully I’m wrong).

Additionally, while the promise of adjustability sounds fantastic, the process can be tedious and involve multiple visits. You might find yourself chasing a vision goal that feels elusive, all while unknowingly being nudged toward monovision, even if that wasn’t your original goal.

The Alternatives: Are There Better Options?

This brings up an important question: with so many advanced lenses and technologies available today, is the LAL really the best choice for most people? The real question here is this particular lens already outdated simply because of the sophisticated testing equipment? More specifically, with pre-op testing being so good these days are we able to get the testing right or is there truly a need for this Len ? I’m currently also considering the Johnson & Johnson TECNIS Odyssey lens that you mentioned in this video.
Additionally, I’ve been told by another ophthalmologist, who has performed over 100 surgeries on his own colleagues, that 95% of them opted for monofocal lenses ( very interesting )rather than more advanced options like multifocals or the LAL. I’d love to hear your thoughts on why that might be and how this fits into the broader conversation about these newer lens technologies.

Since I know you’re unable to evaluate my specific situation, I’d still appreciate your general opinion on what lens or approach you think might be best based on what you’ve seen with patients who have similar needs or lifestyles to mine.


These comments reflect my personal opinions and experiences as a candidate for the Light Adjustable Lens. It is not intended as medical or professional advice. The views shared here are based solely on my perspective as I navigate this process and may reflect misunderstandings or unique aspects of my experience.

@lindacutrara9172 - 31.12.2024 06:14

Great video Dr. Cohen. Have you implanted a monofocal lens paired with a Vivity Lens. Would that help guarantee great distance and mid range or can I get that with monofocal's alone?

@jimneustadt2688 - 04.01.2025 05:55

Great suggestion!

@jimneustadt2688 - 04.01.2025 05:57

Very good presentation

@paulackerley-i7j - 06.01.2025 17:32

hi ..just a quick question I'm short sighted and booked in for surgery next month to get mono lens replacement ( both eyes) , my question is that my vision up close and probably arms length is excellent ..will this change after the lens is put in or will i need weak glasses to see up close ? the whole point of me getting lens replacement is to get away from glasses but only wear these for driving and long distance.

@Tee-duck - 08.01.2025 21:55

I love being myopic. I don’t understand people that want to wear glasses while reading, on your iPhone or watching TV. That’s half your day. I’m 68 and don’t wear any glasses. Also, Distance is still 20/40 . I have minor cataracts according to my Dr. but vision is clear. She’s says I could need surgery in 5 years, 10 years+. She said no idea how fast they progress.

@petef.4361 - 25.01.2025 06:46

I had LASIK when I was 25, but I am 43 now. Right eye is still perfect, but left eye drifted to -0.50 which makes distance vision ever so slightly blurry especially at night. But my mid and close up vision is still perfect in both eyes. I dread the day when the presbyopia hits cause I'm at that age. It would be a dream come true if they ever invent an IOL that truly "does it all" but probably won't happen by the time I need them and I'll just have to choose the best one out at the time. I don't have a question, but only the comment that I hope better IOL's are in the pipeline even though the ones out right now already seem like a miracle of modern-day medicine.

@BasakIst - 28.01.2025 23:34

Hello Dear Dr. Cohen,

Could you please recommend the best convenient intra ocular lens for a monocular patient who has high myopia and his retina had argon laser because of tears?

Thank you very much.
Best regards,

@arniewelber838 - 06.02.2025 17:05


@IvayloPetrovOFFICIAL - 15.02.2025 23:33

Hello, Dr. Cohen! I have cataracts and need an intraocular lens. The problem with me is that I have already had PRK laser vision correction. Please give your opinion, which of the lenses would be the most suitable? Some doctors are afraid that if it is multifocal, halos may appear on luminous objects.

@sharoniliza7894 - 27.02.2025 09:45

Could you please discuss some f the disadvantages of EDOF lenses like Vivity? Do they reduce contrast compared to the toric mono focal? The quality of vision is important to me but I'd like midrange and some reading but am afraid of halos and distortions. Cataracts and astigmatism's in both eyes . Thanks much

@lucindamarlatt5698 - 10.03.2025 10:29

My doctor wants to use the Crystalen and Trulign IOLs. After listening to you explain that the technology is improving all the time, I don't think getting lenses that have been out for more than a decade is a good idea. Am I Iooking at this right? Also, I have mild dry eye. Are any of these IOLs better for people with dry eye syndrome?

@ramchitta7467 - 11.03.2025 00:20

For my cataract surgery, I am considering Monfocal lenses set for distance in my both eyes. I have no problem wearing glasses for closeup vision. I am also not interested in blended vision. As I understand Monofocal lense can give highest clarity vision at day time, night time and minimum halos or blurriness compared to other lenses. Is my understanding correct about monofocal lenses?
My specific question is with monfocal lenses set for distance in my both eyes, without glasses, will my eyes be functional for taking care of day-to-day close up chores such as seeing a alarm clock, bathroom activities, seeing food in my plate etc.,? Thanks in advance Doctor Cohen for your response.

@cohenlaservision - 30.01.2024 06:39

Have you undergone cataract surgery? What IOL did you choose?
