I don't know.. I am just going to buy and read this book just because of bts and bighit...
Well, thanks for the review
This is my favorite book ever, i loved it so so much. Can anybody recommend me a book similar to Demian?
ОтветитьI'm currently reading this book 60 pages left and it's been such a great experience reading this master piece
ОтветитьHello lady, too juiced review, for me it's too hard for understanding, maybe bcause my love is Chinaski and Sapkoŵsky
ОтветитьFrom Russia with love, thank you, you right !
ОтветитьThank you Biblio, i loved this review
Ответитьhalf of coment and the viewers are a bts fan or army who came here after watch the theory of wings (bts album) like if you agree:D
ОтветитьI was very curious about abraxas???
ОтветитьGod this is a great book
ОтветитьI have two very different interpretations of this book and honestly I think Hesse intended these different interpretations.
1) Demian (not sure if he is real or in Sinclair's head), Eva, Pistorius and Beatrice were all guiding figures in helping Demian understand him self. In this it seems like Hesse's intention was to show that good and bad are actually all grey and to find our line between them (Kinda like what you said).
2) Demian (along with Eva) is actually the devil himself....come to tempt Sinclair to fall and sell his soul to the devil. And Pistorius, Beatrice, Alfons Beck and Knauer (probably Sinclair's parents too) were all his chances to attain salvation (repent for his wrong doings) before Sinclair dies. But Sinclair rejects each of them and runs to Demian and sells his soul (Interpreted in him sending the bird flying picture to Demian). In this I feel like Hesse played a game because the readers like Sinclair followed (supported) Demian and therefore fell from grace too
I have not expanded on the first view but both fell equally possible. How did you interpret it?
Comments summary:
80% BTS fans
15% real cultured people
5% Tokyo Ghoul fans
"Who would be born must first destroy a world" -Demian
"Living is a sin. From when we were born, we stole from others. Living is a sin. Life is evil. And so am I" -Yoshimura Kuzen
Pretty well match- up Ishida
I came here cuz of bts
ОтветитьI literally came here to understand demian to understand bts storyline
ОтветитьI want to ask, i was read demian book, and then there's something confused me , in the end of story, demian is real human? Or just imagination of sinclair?
Ответить I the only one from the game "Alter Ego"?
ОтветитьDon't you believe that Demian was the personification of the devil, more or less, and this whole relationship with the mother of Demian really confused me, it's like Demian is bisexual but has the Oedipus complexe too, it's so complex but beautiful and makes you think hard about it. What do you think?
ОтветитьWath Is B.T.S???.
ОтветитьI came here because I understood Demian is a bildungsroman, but I couldn't rest my mind what the purpose of the storyline was. And I now I know. Youre the best !
ОтветитьBTS' concept was unique and it tackles about self-love and I'm here so i can understand the storyline and for more knowledge too.
ОтветитьThis is my favourite book. I loved how you emphasized your love for the ending because I feel the exact same. The book rlly seems to come full circle with Sinclair himself becoming demian in a way. And I also loved that that transformation happened because of their kiss
ОтветитьI am not a reader....infact I thought it's most boring activity.... Then I bought it because of BTS and read half book in a I know how interesting it is
ОтветитьHi, I haven't read Demian but I was looking for reviews and I like your take on it. If you really love Demian, you should read Carl Jung's The Red Book and The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall. You will see that Hesse was inspired by those two. Carl Jung also talks about Abraxas.
ОтветитьFor me personally, as great as most of the book is, the ending just made it somewhat meaningless for me. Propably because I just can't wrap my head around what happened to the characters and what Hesse wanted to say. Like that, it was pretty offputting overall.
ОтветитьSorry I have question I'll be happy if you answer 🙂 is the translation you have is fluent??
ОтветитьThank you for this review, I read this book for the first time over 40 years ago. It’s impact has been important because it shone light and provided ambiguous insights my world in that time. That said, this review awakens the possibilities of Abraxas in a new way. Much like every great transformational work does. That is the idea of acceptance being the message. Acceptance of light and dark living in harmony inside of myself. I must mention Siddartha as the another profound work from Hesse. I found it complimented Demian for me. Thank you for your review and awakening this book in me once again :)
ОтветитьAlter Ego game brought me here
ОтветитьI am here because of
BTS-blood sweat and tears song
I we can noticed
About Demonic
I've heard so many of these ideas before and I think 60-70 years ago this may have indeed been revolutionary or mind-blowing before people have been exposed to hinduism, zen, or buddhism. This may be a good book to introduce someone today who has been sheltered.
Ответитьhas anyone saw BTS's Blood, Sweat and Tears?
ОтветитьDemian is my favorite book
ОтветитьBlood sweat and tears brought me here
ОтветитьI read this title a few years ago while getting into existential / archetypal psychology. I feel drawn to a re- read to see how the world has changed me in the meantime
ОтветитьProps for the creator for explaining the book in such a vague way that you know what is it about but not enough to paint a whole picture. Also how she doesn't spoil the ending too!
ОтветитьThe entire novel had too much anti-Christian sentiment and false doctrine teaching that only leads a person away from shunning evil completely and embracing all-goodness, as much as humanly possible, as often as possible. I think it just tried to hard to pass itself off as deep and meaningful when in actuality, it seemed like the mad ramblings of a lost soul which other lost souls would agree with. Seems a lot like this novel I wrote myself which contained all the same imagery of false doctrine before I turned to Jesus in my heart and soul.
ОтветитьCan someone explain the ending to me?
ОтветитьFor any and all who view Demian as containing a philosophy of life worth adopting you would be doing yourself a disservice if you have not yet read Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Hesse paints a rosy picture of the embodied philosophy of Demian (his voice for the philosophy of Nietzsche). I would argue that Dostoevsky paints a far more realistic picture of what this philosophy looks like in reality. Either way, one must always examine the other perspective. Proverbs 18:17 "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him." Dostoevsky does an incredible job cross-examining Nietzsche.
ОтветитьI personally found this book difficult, but thanks to it, I understood a lot. I think I should read it again when I have time.
ОтветитьIts not hess, it's hessE
ОтветитьI’m the 1.1k like
ОтветитьGreat review!!
ОтветитьI'm going reading this book after i played limbus Company long ago :D
ОтветитьGo watch "Boy Meets Evil" by j-hope of bts music video!
ОтветитьLoved it! Especially while reading it in queer subtext way
ОтветитьI loved this book. I read it 2-3 times when I was 19.
Is this something you would recommend for a 16 yr old who struggles with anxiety and autism?
I don’t believe in heavily censoring most content, but I also don’t want to just hand him a book that may mess with his reality. For some autistic kids, like my son, their reality can be fragile from time to time.
Usually I try to read them myself first so he can at least come and talk to me about what he’s read. However, this time I cannot. He’s asked for it as a Christmas present. So any guidance or opinions would be so welcome.
Though I know theres no undo, what do I have left to lose?
ОтветитьKromer took out my Sinclair in one turn
ОтветитьI read this book when I was a teenager and it had a profound impact on me. My perspective on a lot of things changed after reading it. I read a lot of books when I was a teenager but stopped at a certain point and music became my main passion, more than reading and writing. I think about reading the book again sometimes so I might do that soon. It's good to see that other people enjoyed it as well.