Exploring Naples, Italy | Best Places to Eat and Visit in 2024 | Ultimate Travel VLOG

Exploring Naples, Italy | Best Places to Eat and Visit in 2024 | Ultimate Travel VLOG

Hazel and Brenton

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@TheKhaoula1992 - 11.06.2024 21:57

Thanks a lot for this beautiful video ❤! I'm traveling in June to Naples and still planning. Can't wait for your next one in amalfi coast !

@bahmananvari9354 - 13.06.2024 07:29

Nice Vlog! Enjoyed it. Thank you! All looked good except for the McDonald’s 🤦‍♂️

@termanaterplays6102 - 14.06.2024 05:32

Hay Mr borges it’s Michael from last year in school how are u doing?

@debbieclark4056 - 16.06.2024 02:32

Really loved your video! My grandparents came from Naples. I’ve never been but you gave us a real picture of what it is like!!! Thank you

@ProfumoDiSanremo - 17.06.2024 19:39

Can I ask you why you always get a plate for two? You want to stay "in shape", I think. It's just a curiosity, let's be clear.

@massimorichichi2610 - 20.06.2024 18:15

Niente di più sbagliato mangiare al mcdonald a Napoli.

@saraandthemagic - 21.06.2024 19:59

Cool video ☀️🥂
where did you buy the ferry ticket in advance?

@maypage6030 - 21.06.2024 20:23

Shoo I am shocked at all the unhealthy eat outs lacking vegetables…we going to Naples and I will have to make a plan for better health choices

@milkiebun9193 - 25.06.2024 04:33

keep up the good vlog!

@laibanoorani2001 - 26.06.2024 03:14

next week i'm also going to naples this really helped thanks and i wanted to ask which hotel did you guys stayed at?

@InvestedAdventure - 27.06.2024 09:56

Looks like you had an amazing time in Naples just like me! Those pizzas and pastries sure looked good! Naples sure sounds like a city full of hidden gems, from the delicious ragu to the historic Santa Chiara Monastery! Would love to explore more of Naples on my next visit in Italy.

I recently got back from Sicily, and the food there was incredible too! Were you also able to stop by Sicily as well? 👀

@paloma1723 - 27.06.2024 15:32

Gays you go to Naples where you can eat the best food in the world and you eat Mac Donald's??? Gosh!

@claudiofoiadelli8721 - 01.07.2024 01:55

Per favore non andate al mc don quando siete in Italia e non solo, purtroppo anche i nostri ragazzini frequentano questi locali, il tutto è dovuto al martellamento pubblicitario. Sono i posti peggiori dove mangiare e non hanno niente a che vedere con le tradizioni culinarie tradizionali e locali. E' lo strapotere delle multi nazionali che disintegrano la vera essenza della tipicità del posto. ovunque.......... vi prego

@oh.marisamia6019 - 03.07.2024 23:40

So beautiful, Napooooli ❤️

@frankpanico7613 - 10.07.2024 20:46

See you in fall Napoli

@alessandroraiola2167 - 17.08.2024 15:03

I ❤Naples

@mihaela1251 - 25.08.2024 20:22

In what period of the year have you visited Napoli? You wore quite warm clothes

@charlesromano4339 - 16.09.2024 12:29

What a great, friendly and genuine couple!
I have thoroughly liked their description of their adventure.

@saby8605 - 25.02.2025 11:43

Hi Hazel and Brenton, your video is great and informative. Needed to check if Naples is safe for girls. Someone suggested stay in Sorrento and travel to Naples. Appreciate if you could provide your experiences. Thanks 😊

@HazelandBrenton - 08.06.2024 17:12

Comment below - what is something you would want to eat that you saw in our VLOG! 🤤😋
