The Geeky N8 Show | Curse of Strahd Revamped Unboxing | SPECIAL EPISODE  |

The Geeky N8 Show | Curse of Strahd Revamped Unboxing | SPECIAL EPISODE |

Geeky N8 Show

4 года назад

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@ChronikSpartan - 24.10.2020 14:46

The set up on this is dope mate! Frickin love it!!
I know nothing about DnD but that looks badass!

@GameRaider3223 - 24.10.2020 17:00

Well, it comes in a coffin, so obviously I'm sold. 🤣

@MrMosense - 25.10.2020 09:07

Ooooo lovely goodies! I dont do DnD enough to collect these things but they look cool though!

@DadLadsGaming - 25.10.2020 17:00

That looks awesome.

I used to love reading the Ravenloft books, obviously Strahd was immense, being a Dragonlance fan though Lord Soth was superb too.

@RetroWolf_YT - 29.10.2020 16:19

You know how I feel about DND but nonetheless this was an awesome video! You did a great job on the production and editing. Loved the multiple camera angles, the audio was pretty good, lighting was good, the only thing I suggest is to look into your front facing camera because it seemed a bit out of focus and blurry. Awesome B-Roll as well. Great job man!

@Grog - 01.11.2020 22:32

Your shirt is amazing lol. That would be super fun to do a horror DnD campaign... I'd feel like I'd need to put a lot of work into a backstory though haha
