Beginners' Acol Lesson - Overcalls

Beginners' Acol Lesson - Overcalls

Tina McVeigh

3 года назад

11,997 Просмотров

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@chrisvince9741 - 26.01.2022 16:52

Love these lessons thank you Tina

@chriscrouch8750 - 15.03.2022 12:23

Hi Tina, we are just learning Bridge and and your videos are so easy to understand thank you. Lots of other people I have seen teaching Bridge have suggested that to overcall you need at least 7points to overcall at 1 level and 10points to overcall at the 2 level. You don’t mention points apart from overcall 1NT 16-18points. What are your thoughts please?

@agalbraith-gu2rd - 13.03.2023 17:14

Hi Tina, we are learning Bridge in Edinburgh (Scotland!) and find your videos extremely helpful and easy to understand. We have a question around vulnerable and non-vulnerable and hope you can provide some guidance on this? Also, transfers and stayman. Many thanks.

@karenfick2022 - 17.03.2023 17:01

Tina, you are a brilliant teacher, thank you!

@CryptoGranny0075 - 25.02.2025 06:46

