Executive Job Search - 7 Steps to Land a Senior Management Job

Executive Job Search - 7 Steps to Land a Senior Management Job

Linda Raynier

7 лет назад

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@GonnaGetHer - 23.07.2019 05:38

Linda, Thank you, this 15 mins video will help me for the next 15 years.

@lukeman42 - 09.08.2019 06:43

Wow ...thank you Linda ! i am final stage tomorrow for a plant manager position great information and inspiring

@agent9809 - 26.09.2019 07:34

Just being real and or positive ,
The thing is in today’s era there are too many politics within corporations limiting expression.
We need a new modern Way of business not the old business model not the of old dog Eat dog World.

@lisadixon5915 - 10.10.2019 03:39

Excellent. Took notes!

@panda_chocolat - 18.10.2019 06:54


@kunalsakhare7538 - 18.10.2019 17:14


@martamanno22 - 06.12.2019 09:48

excellent timing with
your content and videos in my life
that means your online marketing
is working effectively
thank you Linda
lots of love & blessings

@TjRizzles09 - 02.01.2020 15:30

Great Information

@wallstreetbravado346 - 29.01.2020 06:15

Linda is spot on. You have to separate yourself from the others in your company. I started by going to lunch 🥗 with a different person in my department everyday. Show genuine interest in people. Excellent video!!! 🎥

@eaglesgroup2012 - 11.03.2020 22:32

I'm tired of keep loving you of who you are and what you keep sharing, Linda :-)
Love ya!

@balajiandrews4032 - 01.05.2020 20:39

Really your statents are so valid and you are very considerate.

@chandrikav604 - 04.05.2020 21:31

Hi Linda, I came across many of your videos which is really useful. you are really starightforward on your explanation. Could also make a video on my situation like - i have Gap of almost 2 years due to my unfortunate abusive marriage life and a wonderfull baby. All this time my sis and parents are supporting me and baby girl, but i do not want to depend on them i want to be independent and take care of me and my baby. Am having career gap and not sure how to answer if interviewer asks me about career gap obviously i cant explain about my tragedy happened in my life. Thank you

@ItsMoneyMakingMitch - 15.05.2020 11:29

This is great! Beautiful insight. Thank you

@wajahatbinjalal7203 - 25.05.2020 17:00


@sethsilvers - 26.05.2020 17:29

This was a great video with really helpful tips. Often times, videos are offering tips for the first job and not beyond, thank you!

@deilybecerra3647 - 09.06.2020 02:38

This is my favorite video, well said, working very hard is for the first years, with the time you must inspire, and be a leader, and build relationships, and have the time for learning new things, and of course keep working, but not as hard as the first 30 years

@deilybecerra3647 - 09.06.2020 02:43

And the networking... yes must be a genuine action, not just the interest in getting info about a particular position.

@terrferr1 - 30.06.2020 14:36

I had a.meeting discussion about career growth' and pray for good tommorrow 1 July 2020.

@ductran672 - 25.07.2020 13:33

Appreciate Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you heard about - Schallingora Internet Commerce Scheme (do a search on google)? It is a smashing one off product for learning this simple money making blackjack system minus the normal expense. Ive heard some great things about it and my close friend Aubrey got astronomical results with it.

@ghost711g2 - 07.08.2020 06:18

What about people like me who are minors worker at warehouse

@TruOmilade - 08.08.2020 15:53

Hmmmmm, "....they had a clear plan of action even if they did not know it at the time?..."

@yulansu3438 - 15.08.2020 21:27

The price to be paid is not equal the value Liday Raynier thought in her course for Interview Strategies. Please do not buy it.

@devacosta5649 - 16.08.2020 12:52

Lovely Video! Sorry for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you thought about - Schallingora Internet Commerce Scheme (do a google search)? It is a great one off product for learning this simple money making system minus the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my best friend Jordan after many years got astronomical results with it.

@ProfessorTanyaSpeaks - 22.08.2020 03:18

This is such great advice. Thanks for sharing.

@1984Shivu - 30.09.2020 09:39


@victoralfonsorosalessoto6203 - 19.11.2020 22:16

Hi, i have a question. Recently i start to work in a retail company, it´s my first job, i studied economics and knowing that our carrer needs technologies tools for analytics and so that one year ago i start to study R and SQL and stuff, i finished in a BI position, if i continue in that kind of area of the company, it is possible to end in a executive position. I have to share that i studied economics just for one reason. Sorry for my writing i am mexican and i dont have so much practice :/

@25marshalyn - 28.12.2020 21:53

In Jamaica, if you have a winners mindset and highly professional. Your colleagues and Managers sees this as a threat. Had a Sales job where I was told I should never try to increase the sales with a particular customers because he does not get along with any Sales Representative. I did just that, I was dismissed shortly there after. What a company!!

@mspanebianco1 - 11.01.2021 06:53

Definitely agree with all you say and great advice. Only thing now is major corporations and governments have diversity quotas. For women and others now is the time to prosper unfortunately white men no matter how qualified or determined will need to be patient as the opportunities for advancement have diminished greatly. This is not in all cases but most.

@deesticco1719 - 10.02.2021 11:16

What qualities which make Mid Management and the Senior Management, the Best!?

@YasFlowers - 14.03.2021 01:08

Some of your advice is really good! I just don’t like the networking part coz it’s not true

@KhaleelUlRahman1988 - 08.04.2021 20:42

I pray .. whoever ...
Reads this ..
Be Successful

@PresidenTsir - 09.05.2021 04:00

ok, you are suitable to be waitress, looks good to proceed along this line ...

@MsKaryn - 21.05.2021 21:36

My new boss of one week, took credit for a dashboard that I developed and had been working on prior to his arrival. Some of the team knew that was my baby. I called him out on it. His response was "I don't understand the disconnect". My response was "that is what I'm trying to figure out as well because this deliverable was something that I personally developed". He went silent and, from that point on looked at me with such disgust. I don't think he liked that I called him on it and knew that if he did it again I would not allow it. I ended up quitting a short time after that because I realized that I needed a more positive atmosphere with a leader and not a boss.

@clairabenion7757 - 11.07.2021 12:06

Thankyou Linda! You're such an inspiration to me <3

@skepticalbutopen4620 - 04.09.2021 08:53

I’m a Senior Leader and I can attest that this is spot on advice.

@yahoo007700 - 07.09.2021 13:36

Hi Linda. I've had my 2nd interview for one of the big4s and feedback I received said they think Im more senior than the position I applied for and now Im in for 3rd round . This would assess my MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS and LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS. What kinda behavioral questions should I expect for these areas . Thanks

@devan9585 - 23.09.2021 11:37

Very useful tips 🙏

@lakdahulara - 21.12.2021 19:00

Very well articulated!

@BeOutstanding - 26.01.2022 11:31

are you seen as a leader?

@yellowNred - 16.02.2022 12:09

Create a brand. Become one.

@Fukkilla - 17.06.2022 16:52

Great topic where influencer can provide more useful information, but instead generic esoteric advises

@jbquigley2010 - 22.10.2022 23:06

A video about networking in a fully remote job environment would be amazing! Thank you

@nuteypeaz7659 - 25.10.2022 20:14

Please I need help on my interview with my previous company

@rahmanshams3120 - 01.12.2022 09:50

Thank you.
You have always been inspiring on me💚🌹

@fanzfanzilla - 14.12.2022 00:04

Hello Linda, I went your site but it's hard to navigate. I finally found the "Apply" button for Stand Out & Get Hired. It opens a new tab but there is no form to fill out. It just says: Fill out the application form below:" nothing is shown. Maybe it's an old video and your business is not active anymore.

@nisamcm2585 - 06.01.2023 10:30

Hi Linda, your videos are very informative and very well explained. I am sales and marketing professional is it necessary to mention DOB on resume waiting for your valuable reply

@mikeyseo - 13.03.2023 12:12

So I got a basketball who takes other peoples ideas check.

@LindaRaynier - 28.02.2018 19:48

Executive Job Search – 7 steps to land a senior management job. Let me know below, what step are you going to start implementing TODAY!?! :)
