The day Vladimir Makarov stopped breathing, COD officially died. It pains me to this day 😞
ОтветитьMiss these days.
ОтветитьCrazy was 11 when i watched this, turned 11 December 3rd now im 22... The nostalgia is crazy... Then 2012 when i bought my first rgh I became a menace for the tech game and sev7sin community.
ОтветитьGood old days lol
Ответитьwhat a fucken cheater man
ОтветитьYou just had to be there...
ОтветитьThese damn hackers ruined the game
ОтветитьI used to host these lobbies on PS4. Could max prestige + unlock everything for anyone in the lobby. On the other hand, you could also De-rank peoples accounts to lvl 1 and take away all the account skins etc. People used to charge $$$ to get max prestige accounts... I would just max everyone out for free. Admittedly, I did de rank some trolls here & there. Eventually maxing them out cos de ranking was a pretty low blow. I have morals guys, come on!!
Ответитьcan someone do CL now? on ps3
ОтветитьMan I remember I was casually playing domination on terminal and it turned out to be a challenge lobby . I was so confused at the time lol . Memories wish I can go back
ОтветитьGolden days of my childhood
ОтветитьIf you didn’t have {HGK} ur mod menu was trash
ОтветитьWhen something as simple as a coloured class name was enough to go crazy over
ОтветитьPlayed this 10 years ago, just wow i miss this spending all weekend playing and having a laugh
ОтветитьThis guy has issues in his private life so he tries to ruin other's in an online world. What a big man.
ОтветитьMan I still miss these days… never knew time would go by this fast. Wish I thought of that back then..
ОтветитьHow is this even fun?. You guys are the reason this game brokee
ОтветитьGood old days
ОтветитьGood ole days right here boyz
ОтветитьI miss this so much. Coming home from school and sitting in a lobby all day waiting for someone to pay to start the lobby. Usually 800 or 1600 Microsoft points on Xbox.
ОтветитьJust coming back to reminisce 😢❤
ОтветитьI literally used to use this mod menu. Elite-moss was my go to for the entire ps3 3.55 Era 🫡
ОтветитьNobody else gonna call this dude out for having a challenge lobby video in a private match? 🤡 it ain’t like that shit sticks in private anyways🤣 and let’s be even more honest here… if all the Patches to use this jackoff chooses that. S🤣
ОтветитьAnybody else looking at those ps messages like Damn ya begging to be verified 😂
ОтветитьIt's 2023 and I wonder did IIIIIIIIIIII get verified
ОтветитьMannnn I remember charging people $10-$20 PSN to get in my challenge lobbies 😢
ОтветитьI have the “11th Prestige” icon as my rank. It’s literally just a blank icon. And I played for the first time in 10 years and people are messaging me to rank them up 😂 good ol days
ОтветитьCall of duty mobile
Ответитьlegend says IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII still needs verification
Ответитьgood times
ОтветитьAnyone want to play Mw2?
Ответитьyou had to be there
ОтветитьIt’s the comments on this which is hilarious, what a time 😂
ОтветитьDamn bro just verify them 😂😂
ОтветитьI used to host these, time sure does fly.
ОтветитьAnyone here 2024 for nostalgia
ОтветитьThe good old days.
ОтветитьI remember playing this origional game a week after it landed, both me and my dad had the game as he always had to buy 2 of most games. Ended up playing cod 4 and WW before this timing, he was the 1 that got me on 4 because i was always playing gears of war 2 with some people from the other side of the country. Yet playing MW2 i remember i masterd it and then a random school mate invited me to a game to show me he was 9th prestige maxed everything with stats set to legit with the level roughly. Man part of me wishes i never went out of my way to download these menus back then or pestering my dad to set me up as he used to mod the orgional xbox's just so we could download games so he could protect the games we had. Loads of arcade games and stuff was great. We modded the ps3 and i wish we never did but the fun was there. I use to host gun game and other game modes like infected and your own games you could make on to the maps by spawning care packages to walk across. This was before black ops 1 was even a thing. No lie it messed up the way i use to play naturally but i would wait for people to ask for levels and unlock all because i worked hard for my prestige and it was annoying as fuck when some random lobby just maxed me out within seconds of starting a round. I knew exactly how many matches i needed by my averge points per game for per hour i played to know exactky how many days or week to prestige. I was globally a natural top 50 ranking player in demolition as we would max out our kills per round by allowing other team to win a round so we got the extra 3rd round everytime. 😂 raar its mad.
But yeah i remember looking these lobbie up when my friend told me but yep did it myself too but was my other mate i use to hang with all the time that lived round the corner from me. Set his ps3 up with a modded update before that uodate 3.55 update was a thing and he straight away started deranking people which pissed me off 😂. Had to sort out anyone i see him do it to with any level they wanted by having to swao out my menu for another just to enter exactly what they were.
But yeah i would love to go back to when games were as fun as this 1 but i mean how this game was right before i started or anyone modding it.
THAT timing was crazy for public lobby games. Hundreds of thousands of people playing and you knew becase the game will tell you. Now hardly anyone because to many cods after this came out in the same year as each other to much. Then to many games in general and some how we lost the community on most games. Its mad. Its not the same anymore. Gta 5 is the only game you mostly find maybe a couple hundred but not thousands playing at a time. My battlefield game is now dead too. Cant even get a game on the latest but use to.
spamming se7vensens to get into lobbies, man the days...
ОтветитьCo-host plz?
ОтветитьWatching this for nostalgia in 2024
ОтветитьTake me back too 2009
ОтветитьI remember using the assassin's creed method of going back to an older version of mw2 back in the day on ps3. Then you could join a game and get into one of these lobbies and unlock all. Good times man.
ОтветитьCrazy idk why but I just wanted to remember this
Ответитьlol I just love how every single person in this lobby had THE MOST 2010 Xbox/ps3 gamer tag imaginable
ОтветитьWhat up fellow modders anyone remember ohhmeowhd-?
ОтветитьI really miss these toxic days shit use to be so funny hearing ppl argue 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьIm in bed randomly thinking about these time
ОтветитьI remember hosting these on my ps3 lol my dad jailbroke it for me and got me all the menus lol
ОтветитьIt’s crazy that the llllllllllllll username is worth like $300+ now days