Game Prototypes Don't Have To Be Boring.

Game Prototypes Don't Have To Be Boring.


3 года назад

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@RiptideDev - 17.02.2022 07:39

I really like this approach to prototyping! Mixing programmer art with some proper art and design in the prototype can help you get a grip of how the game should feel, and whether or not the game you’re making is going to be time intensive. Keep it up!

@gnolex86 - 17.02.2022 13:29

I have an idea for Void Titan. Rather than making it one large unit, it could be a blob of gray goo, rogue terraforming nanites that consume matter to make more of itself. At first they are slow because there's not that many of them but as they start consuming matter they reproduce and consume it faster and faster. And some of that matter is useless for them and just slows it down, so dirt and rocks won't help them grow. On the other hand, minerals and metal ores are something that speeds it up. You could use useless material like rocks and dirt and make packed matter from it to slow down nanite progress and make electrical hacking devices from minerals and metals to kill some nanites to slow it down more permanently.

@davidphillips9366 - 17.02.2022 18:26

Very cool style, I’m getting some good Risk of Rain vibes, I think you should lean into that.

@NevoskiStudios - 17.02.2022 18:27

Sounds like an interesting concept - good luck with your first commercial project!

@Skeffles - 18.02.2022 15:32

This looks like an awesome prototype. I can almost imagine blocks and items near the void rising up and being sucked in, giving the player the feeling they truly are escaping a decaying world.

@JayCode_dev - 21.02.2022 00:59

You just opened a new perception of what's a prototype. I awlays considered a prototype to be either the very start of a game or something like a playground where you can test features etc. In your case your prototype is insane!

@kkibi - 28.02.2022 10:25

looks like a great prototype! when you are doing the artsy part of the game, i think squash and stretch plus particles would fit perfectly

@monochroma3803 - 28.03.2022 00:56

love this! keep working on it!

@smokeback - 07.04.2022 13:07

cool concept

@jacksontriffon5064 - 05.08.2022 00:03

Considering it's an early prototype as a player it's hard to get a gauge on how much we'd spend when it's released ~ I'd suggest checking similar indie game releases for prices (like risk of rain, FTL, Stardew valley, etc...) to see which pricing model works best for and your audience

@Barakon - 09.10.2022 02:16

Maybe make them look like mechanical locusts? Locusts are known for swarming & eating any plant they want into nothing, so why not the void titans?

@costelinha1867 - 18.01.2023 06:20

That void titan to me reminds me of the Doomsday Machine from Star Trek for some reason.

@RockyMulletGamedev - 20.07.2023 16:57

Good mindset ! A prototype is meant to test if the idea is worthwhile. If at the end of the prototype, it's boring, either it meants it's a bad idea or that you are not done with the prototype yet.
If someone make a boring prototype then go on to make a complete game out of it... then why even make a prototype ?

@principleshipcoleoid8095 - 27.07.2023 03:02

I wonder if daily runs could be a thing. Like a run with some sort of modification or global efects.

@Kimigenere - 09.01.2024 21:25

Would love to work on some designs for this.

@Artindi - 17.02.2022 06:06

Why would you play this game? Why would you not? What would need to change to really catch your interest? If it's just not your type of game, I get that, but if you pretend it is... what would make it shine? 0.0
