Class - 303 // Ketu in the 1st House - Ascendant - A Perfectionist

Class - 303 // Ketu in the 1st House - Ascendant - A Perfectionist

Astro Guide Mysore

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@gregorywilliams8580 - 06.08.2024 01:00

Wow very much have these characteristics. Family feels like a huge burden. I want to do my own research and keep myself busy in my business. I don't enjoy working for other people mostly becof ethics. Its important to strive and do the things that doesn't come naturally i find that it futher develops my caracter. Science, philosophy and religion comes very naturally to me and I see a connection very clearly.

@KishoreKumar2301 - 06.08.2024 23:15

Nameste Sir, I am Libra ascendent wutg Ketu in first house. I Agree with most of the charecteristics you mentioned with 100% confidence

@77777gang - 15.08.2024 23:42

i have Ketu in Jyestha alone in the first sir have given me some very good news today :)

@DivyaJothiastrology - 16.08.2024 12:19

Lagna tula Ketu in plase connected nakshtra Swathi rahu connected ketu Ashwini chandra in mool (Ravi in makha Mercury ) how it's works sir

@viravenky1707 - 18.08.2024 01:08

What impact does ketu have if it is solely placed in first house in mritavastha. Pls consider explaining how planetary positions will impact in different avasthas.

@atulbhavsar27 - 19.08.2024 18:16

Beautiful explanation sir🙏🙏kanchan

@atulbhavsar27 - 19.08.2024 18:19

Sir I have in lagna ketu along mercury and Venus and Neptune could you please explain it 🙏🙏

@sejalheart - 25.08.2024 07:47

What happens if lagna lord is combusted in 10th house? ketu in jyeshtha 1st house, mars is combusted in 10th house

As for my likes and dislikes, I am very particular, I can't compromise, I just started my job and I already feel like switching out, not because I think people are worse than me but I feel like I am in a role not suited for me, I don't have many relations, I like my company a lot!

@SliCkKiD187- - 26.08.2024 23:00

Ketu in aries ascendant

@TurtleTraderx - 27.08.2024 00:35

@DREAMERS-xq2dm - 31.08.2024 16:54

Ketu in lagna capricorn. Virgo ascendant. You told everything accurately 😅

@sujatasingh9964 - 01.09.2024 11:44

I have Sagittarius ascendent with ketu, I have difficulty in relating with others or resonating with their so called religious views, I am a very spiritual person but I disbelief that we have to do all the show off to start with.
I have immense love for learning and has zero tolerance for unjust things. I'm very vocal, I was an introvert teen but I'm not, I am very vocal against injustice and immoral things. I've a small friend circle, people deep down tend to agree with me but doesn't have guts to openly baat support me, most of time I feel like an alien.

@zhoucheng7141 - 02.09.2024 01:55

Ketu in 1st house taurus. Everything you said is very accurate. I struggle to find a profession or have discipline for a job or other subjects aswell. I think so fsr the obly thing i would never want to quit studying or be apart of is religion and spirituality. I want to accomplish something here. The rest of the life i dont care much about. Even if i dont want and sometines wish to be part of society or normal i cant help but see it as a joke or something that is a bit embarrassing. Like once you realize what this maya is you dont want to "waste your time" in it. But that has happened after a lot of struggle particularly through relationships and actually trying to fit in.
I have sun meR rahu in 7th

@Monalisa2arya - 03.09.2024 20:00

I am attached to cats ,dogs, nature only , not human beings, I don't compromise, I am unable to socialize, I am mysterious , melancholic, ketu in Leo in lagna

@rohitSharma-yw4ll - 05.09.2024 10:00

I have only ketu in my lagna I think I have a good mind for study but I just can't focus so my study is all ruined I m

@agamjain33 - 07.09.2024 16:39

I am ketu in 1st house with virgo.. I can completely compromise myself

@Swechha516 - 10.09.2024 23:00

Thanks for the video sir!
What can I say! Looks like all Ketu Lagan people align together.
Too much active mind, getting to the root of things, obsession, feeling disconnected from society, feeling tight up with family and responsibilities, need for utmost freedom in life and personal space, dissatisfaction and offcourse endless talking to oneself!

Also to add anxiety and stress at times.

Interest in yoga, astrology, nutrition, psychology, meditation and god. The complete focus is on one self and self growth.
Mostly lost and confused!

Currently running ketu venus AD and things are unfolding .

Would be nice to have a support group for ketu Lagna people.
Let’s form one, if anyone interested.

Thanks and regards!

@keshavprakash7066 - 15.09.2024 12:48

Ketu alone in tarus lagna, is a strong ketu or not , can someone tell

@krishna_theliving - 17.09.2024 05:26

Maha Dev... ❤🙏...

@varishavr - 17.09.2024 13:23

Hello, im having ketu in ascendant in aries sign - im having unhealthy habits that leads to lack of stamina nd strength might be due to mars debilitated as wll, but lack of direction and confused minded always measuring less of people, but never wrong doing for others always coming foward for help.

@ajaydas8352 - 25.09.2024 12:13

U wer right . I felt like im superior and i dont want assiociate with people. But i dont treat people like that im very cooperative . I dont like myself for this reason.

@silverthecreator971 - 02.10.2024 10:37

I am Tarus ascendant with Ketu in lagna.

I feel brain dead when I don’t learn anything.

I have many interests which keep changing astrology, homeopathy, yoga , programming, and teaching what I learn.

Even when learning I try to learn from multiple sources. The only problem is I can not go deeper in to the subject to make it a living or degree.

I like to associate with one or two people but I feel good meeting with people and catching them fort nightly.

I get bored with routine talks.

I give priority to my family keeping my interest aside as I have strong Saturn in 2nd house.

Not very successful in job though got a very good qualification and classmates making a lot of money and doing well in career.

I like to play sports but my stamina is very less

@balasubrahmanyambondu4177 - 03.10.2024 13:06

How to overcome this and make a better life ? Any recommendation ?

@balasubrahmanyambondu4177 - 03.10.2024 13:07

Meditating upon Ganesha will help ?

@Allinone19783 - 09.10.2024 07:02

Most of points are correct

My ketu in pises asendant , lagna lord jupiter in cancer, aspecting ketu with 9th aspect.

I am introvert, i dont want to struck into marriage responsibility

I do research,

@prasadindukuri4543 - 10.10.2024 13:57

Any whatsApp contact pls....

@prasadindukuri4543 - 10.10.2024 14:03

Very nice n best said sir

@Deepakjpurohit - 12.10.2024 21:16

Thanks, I have Ketu with Saturn in Lagna in Makara Rashi, you are absolutely correct in saying that we are very regid and don't diter very easily. Yes detachment is the core nature of Ketu and Karma is core of Saturn, so nishkaam karm yogi could be the right way to put it. Since Rahu in seventh don't allow to do it easily, . Thanks 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

@anandkumarsinha9494 - 24.10.2024 15:29

Namaskar. I have the combination. My questions are 1. What is it exchanges nakshtra with Venus. 2. It changes place in chalit kundali and goes to 12th house. 3. What / how these natives are as as seeker.

@santhoshshetty2288 - 31.10.2024 18:48

What if kethu in ascendant and rahu and jupiter in the 7th house of d9

@manusshya - 01.11.2024 15:18

In Ketu ascendant, is there a problem to child birth since ketu is aspecting 5th and 7th house

@Vikram896v - 16.11.2024 19:28

Hi after one year i am watching this video. Me having ketu and lagna on moola nakshatra as my ascendent is Sagittarius 9th and 10th lord on magha forming DK yoga in 9th H, lagna lord in 7th house on ardra with rahu in the same house venus on punarvasu.

@NairvaniCintamani - 24.11.2024 05:21

100 persent thrue
Ketu jyestha first

@sundarraman6206 - 01.12.2024 17:10

I have Ketu in 1st house and Rahul in 7th
I am introverted and secretive
I prefer my own company and rather aloof socially
I am now retired ( 67 years old) and have changed jobs in 1 month ,3 months etc because I feel I am not being respected or imaginary slights at work place
Have been a rolling stone
The job that I worked for 13 year ( my last job) was the one where I was the sole person in department and fairly independent ( no department bosses or subordinates)

@rachnaphukan2958 - 05.12.2024 13:41

This is one of out all the videos i have seen on Ketu that i could relate to. Thank you for explaining it in a simple and clear way!

@MakCreations369 - 14.12.2024 19:50

Leaved School
10th Class leaved Studies in Mid..
Later Completed Through Open School..
Leaved Networking Course In Mid (85 thousand loss)
Opened Business 2 times later closed it.. (so much loss)
I Frequently Change Jobs..
Some Laziness in My Personality..
Wasted 8 Years For Love Relationship..

@gopikrishna9279 - 21.12.2024 21:28

What you said is correct, almost every word of it! I know it better than most people, because I am the one! - Kethu in Leo

@Ashille01 - 28.12.2024 20:50

Ketu in 1st house along with Venus. I could resonate with many of the points raised by Mr Shesha here! However, I wish I were more on the good spectrum of the influence of Ketu. I have suffered a lot in life. Things don't come to me easily. I'm a loner who longs for company! I'm unmarried, not by choice, but the opportunity never came to me. I live alone, been working from home for almost four years with hardly any friends. I used to have a few very close friends but over time, our life paths have taken different directions. When I don't like a situation that causes me a lot of mental upheavals, I have the tendency to walk away...which I did with my job. (Do I regret it, no; but I am the one suffering the loss!) 100% of the time I feel like people don't understand me or the rationale behind my decisions. To me, I am just being truthful to myself and unwilling to give in to what's bad in my opinion...but I constantly get blamed for being like that. This is who I am and I can't really help it. At this stage in life, I've realized that I simply cannot work for a company but due to lack of fundings, I'm also unable to start my own business. So, no matter what I do, I end up facing with difficult situations that I wish I had more control over!

@PACIFICNZ - 29.12.2024 18:07

Absolutely spot on. Right from childhood I use to wonder about purpose of life. I left MNC job at the peak as I found dirty cheap politics being played on me. I went overseas but keep coming back as a spiritual seeker.

@vanlou2726 - 02.01.2025 14:51

Ketu alone in Cancer Lagna, yes im a perfectionist, and love researching everything. A silent achiever, having got Board Rank in Class 12 and completed MTech after that. But sacrificed my Gazetted Officers job for my family and find people constantly taking advantage of my generosity. Learning only now, when im in my 50s, to be discerning and to fill my own cup first.

@sdscbe1980 - 06.01.2025 10:33

Nice explanation Sir.
Thank you.

If Ketu is in ascendant of Navamsa can we say that these will be as their hidden desires.

@merladyneptune3908 - 09.01.2025 06:15

i have ketu with moon, this description kind of fits for us as well....

@sridevikethireddy - 10.01.2025 07:22

Sir iam suffering in my relation I have kethu in 1st and rahu in 7th and my husbend in makara rasi it is very difficult for me to stay with him

@MRWM-mo6zs - 22.01.2025 13:05

I need to keep my nails short and smooth even if i have to grind my nails and fair bit of skin on dried cement... I don't care about anything else

@barbarag5266 - 24.01.2025 08:33

Struggling to understand. The echo & language difference has me confused. Thank you though for the video. I will keep rewatching it until I figure it out. Thank u

@ritasmoldareva - 28.01.2025 16:58

Wow, thank you for all comments! It’s starting to make so much sense of who I am. I always felt like the odd one out in every aspect of life. Ketu alone in 1st House. Running my own business is the best for me. Small projects , quick turnaround, no attachments to clients/projects. Thank you 🙏🏼

@nikitakumrawat6139 - 02.02.2025 11:55

I have alone ketu in lgna , Aries Ascendant.
I have strong faith on karma concept and literally not interested in materialistic things. My heart always think about " when will end my karmic debt ? ..
Desire of Moksha

And yes nit interested in relations also ..

@NikhilYadavrocks - 09.02.2025 17:56

what if jupiter aspect this ketu from 9th?

@वाणी-not-Vani - 21.02.2025 04:00

Ketu alone in libra. Very spiritually inclined. Feels like I am strongly driven towards spirituality with unexplained force.

@vishalsinghchauhan120 - 23.02.2025 13:52

It seems that ketu in my lagna as well, well for hobbies, family, friends, job Or business it's only duty being performed, nothing else as Truth is there are no "other person" It's only ummm should it be said... There is no one in universe or world or whatever , except "The ONE".
