Inside a Modern Coastal Home in Calgary, Alberta Canada | Propertygrams Mansion Tour

Inside a Modern Coastal Home in Calgary, Alberta Canada | Propertygrams Mansion Tour


2 года назад

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@moaizkhan - 10.04.2022 03:25

Beautiful property! What is the price tag on it?

@VerdieChick - 10.04.2022 04:49

Coastal in Calgary??? Lol

@wallyt1487 - 10.04.2022 05:12

Who's this guy?

@carebearsbuisnessroads6808 - 10.04.2022 19:40

Gorgeous love love love it 😍

@andlorkram - 10.04.2022 21:29

how much is the price for this kind of house ?

@ThePillaLam - 11.04.2022 02:43

What was the color white used on the walls?

@ThePillaLam - 11.04.2022 02:43

What is the white and black paint color used on the exterior?

@shlokpurohit - 12.04.2022 10:08

Bro amazing

@jackietweddell2809 - 12.04.2022 20:29

Calgary, Alberta is not "coastal".

@tinurubin2998 - 13.04.2022 07:55

Love watching videos on homes that i cannot afford lol

@jacquelynryleighcameron3119 - 13.04.2022 20:20

I didn’t really like it. The Henry is still hands down the best design to come out of Trickle Creek.

If I had to pick something to like I would have to say that I like the kids room lofts, but they need to be a bit bigger to accommodate adults. Especially because more and more families are choosing to remain childless and will need to use that space does something else.

@SimRan-ur5nl - 13.04.2022 22:40


@connorm1550 - 14.04.2022 06:43

Knowing it's in Calgary, it was probably built fairly poorly lol. I have lived here my whole life, and the work put into nice houses is absolutely atrocious and kind of sad tbh.

@mattn270 - 14.04.2022 07:10

What would be the price of such a home? Many thanks :)

@leroyorlk - 14.04.2022 20:44

Where’s Mike?

@jessa9877 - 15.04.2022 01:42

Too big

@imannadeem7570 - 15.04.2022 02:49

Beautiful and cozy home ♡♡
Love it !! Amazing tour guys💜

@syaits9013 - 15.04.2022 13:12

uwuuwu uwu

@syaits9013 - 15.04.2022 13:15

actually this tour is good lol owo

@Jassy.07498 - 17.04.2022 07:49

Hey! It’s your biggest fan, love the vids could you give a comment shoutout in the next vid?

@maxxyeg4311 - 17.04.2022 23:23

When I was married had young kids but did not had enough money to buy a large house. 15 years later I made a lot of money and can afford any mansion I want but during the pursuit of wealth I got divorced and wife and kids became estranged. Now I am more unhappy in my big house then I ever was in my 2 bedrrom rancher. Love life not wealth.

@avbroooo - 18.04.2022 03:53

Is this still available ???

@kramnancy1411 - 18.04.2022 20:11

Don't like the darkness of the walls anybody that's probably gonna buy it's gonna have to repait the walls and all that wood in the doorway it's a blond wood looks like that wood paddling from the seventies has a cheap look to it It's nice to have a nice white or light page clean look to the place. Looks kind of like Hugh Hefner's mansion very dated. And the cabinets are very plain very clean lines very ikea like it's nice to have something nice and wood and sculpted. That's one thing I believe most people like including myself is nice wooden cabinets that have some character to it. And the cabinets are not an attractive color. The home requires a lot of renovations to look nice. Love the Butler's pantry But if you're gonna go to the expense of making a Butler's pantly you should just turn it into a spice kitchen and have the ventilation.

@kramnancy1411 - 18.04.2022 20:51

The fireplace is all black Very dark and depressive Butler's pantry needs to have Needs to be tucked away and not being seen The guests. Should be a private area and also the Butler should have a place to sit down as well And a computer and Internet access in the Butler's pantry For any record keeping. A place of that magnitude should have windows to the floor. My dad built our family home in the 19th sixties all the windows were to floor. I live in a little apartment condo townhouse in Calgary and I cannot leave this place Cause I cannot find another, apartment that has windows to the floor. The windows to the floor and my bedrooms Every time I look at a house or another apartment condo I think to myself will I have to redo all the windows to get windows to the floor the bedroom. Personally I like moving into older homes that I can that need renovations Wait a minute to pick my flooring and my cupboards the colors of the walls If the windows need to replace . Don't like the gray floors.

@KatlegoMasego - 18.04.2022 23:48

No Mike? I enjoyed his presentation. It's unfortunate he won't be doing tours anymore.

@davidda8261 - 19.04.2022 02:01

I enjoy your videos so much but where's Mike and Jemmy the men from the videos last year.

@beardedgaming1337 - 19.04.2022 06:18

strange. there are EXACT looking homes being built about a mile from my house by our local lake. they took down 6 blocks of trees and man do these houses go up FAST! like under a month start to finish

@nabatron21 - 19.04.2022 18:45


@SMD1999 - 19.04.2022 21:32

With the Rick Owens on too? This is too tuff

@DavidHh1969 - 20.04.2022 04:50

You don’t need 6 bathrooms

@KD-mz5xv - 21.04.2022 06:29

amazing design

@clouder3386 - 21.04.2022 07:40

The design seems very counter-intuitive to me... The kitchen basically has zero functionality and the master bedroom is very small with an unnecessary gym next to it which could have been placed on the first floor. I love the vibe of the house tho

@DontGiefUp - 21.04.2022 22:27

Jesus, I'm enjoying this much more than 20m mansion tours. Great house and video.

@KimChi-wz7mk - 21.04.2022 23:07

Beautiful but it seems like commercial and domestic design have become one. You could be in a posh office or at home, it's hard to tell.

@dinashwartz4621 - 22.04.2022 05:18

What is the price?

@StellarManifestOfficial - 23.04.2022 01:45

Umm first of all I have lived in Calgary my whole life and wtf! 😳 🙃 somebody really lied to me 😭😂

@dannyr9265 - 23.04.2022 01:58

How many couches would you like Sir?
Sir: YES

@Raininthemiddle - 23.04.2022 07:41

This is such a gorgeous home!!!

@John-fr6wo - 02.05.2022 02:53

For God so loved the world that He gave His one & only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17)✝️

@darklight_2530 - 07.06.2022 22:54

I like it but how much 🤣

@brettchell - 13.06.2022 19:56

Is this house sold? Could someone contact please.

@divestedmelanin1790 - 21.06.2022 04:59

I can definitely see myself raising a family in this home

@galxy_girl3459 - 25.06.2022 11:15

I’m curious, where is the black and white bedding with the yellow headboard is from? I really like it😭

@karenshiels6566 - 25.09.2022 19:30

Would love to see more of the Outside space.

@k8hurtado - 15.10.2022 21:29

This house is perfect and a dream come true!

@yana6400 - 19.10.2023 16:47

Oh my god!! This is so cool and so perfect! U make me want to move to Calgery now😂Even tho I hate cold and I hate winter😂

@KulwinderSingh-wc3sd - 04.11.2023 09:57

What is the price?

@christinecamley - 16.02.2024 02:13

Gorgeous! Love Altadore!!

@ikkagaming466 - 19.06.2024 12:57


@Propertygrams - 01.04.2022 21:18

What is your favorite part about this amazing home?!
