Ghost microphone
ОтветитьHere’s a wacky idea that’s most definitely wrong but it’s been in my mind—— what if the retcon is that Edwin and Henry are the same person? Edwin builds the mimic to look after David, as does Henry with the security puppet and charlotte. Both have their sole child die due to unfortunate circumstances revolving around getting left outside to a dangerous environment, and on a pure physique level, the mimic and the puppet look similar to each other, and not to mention the fact that both the puppet and the mimic have ties to a wind-up box which plays the “my grandfather clock” melody. The pizzaplex books seem like they have a lot of correlation to the games as of late, more so than silver eyes, but if one were to look at it from the perspective that the games moving forward are the best source of lore info, Scott/steel wool could theoretically cherry-pick what stays consistent and what differs between the two mediums if they so wanted just as Scott had with the silver eyes, and as insane as the thought may be, Edwin and Henry being one and the same as the major “retcon” for secret of the mimic would cover a lot of bases, including egg baby and connection terminated. I’m unsure how that would tie in with the existence of a character like William or whether his name even is William in the steel wool era, but even if the (likely) possibility arises that William Aston is William Afton for sure, we never got a full confirmation of Henry being the name for the second fazbear owner in the games, as the closest we ever got was “HRY223” and him calling his daughter “charlotte” which lined up with the books. Idk it’s a thought that’s been eating me lately it’s probably wrong but there’s a crap ton of parallels that make me think— especially with the idea that not everything from pizzaplex might transfer to the games detail wise— that Scott and steel wool might be trying to show us an important change in the lore that they’ve made which perfectly ties a lot of loose ends, such as “where was the mimic during connection terminated” or for the rest of the games for that matter, questions like that I think could rest on the puppet for answers.
Edit: also lines things up perfectly if secret of the mimic tells us it was actually Edwin who built the original fazbear animatronics rather than Henry, as them being the same person would remove that discrepancy entirely
what i’ve concluded is that edwin built chica (she was the first, she’s seen everything, INCLUDING everything before fnaf, including the mimic era) edwin loses his kid and fazbear takes chica. henry and william years later make fredbear and spring bonnie, eventually get picked up by fazbear and merge turning fredbear into freddy fazbear and spring bonnie into the current bonnie we know now, and crearing foxy to make the main four. ultimately, the main four consist of edwin’s original chica, henry and william’s original freddy and bonnie, and i guess a fazbear original foxy
ОтветитьThis video took an hour to watch because every time you said Edwin or David I had to rewatch the song. Not your fault but I am blaming you anyway
ОтветитьThere is another option as far as I see it (but I may be forgetting something). At the time of FNAF 6 the missing child incident victims are in molten Freddy which was created from the Funtime animatronics. If you use your timeline videos then William convinces Henry to build those Funtime animatronics making he the creator of the current prison they are trapped in. Then it doesn’t matter if Edwin built the original FNAF animatronics as Charlie is in the puppet which Henry built and the others are in the Funtime remains which Henry also built. Not sure it’s the answer I believe but it is another solution to the retcon you describe in this video.
Ответитьwasn't freddy's a restaurant chain with multiple location through the us ? that could imply that the tftp freddy lineup is just copies of the og animatronics
ОтветитьI just think its not that deep Walter Disney made Micky Mouse but he didn't draw him every single time he's drawn dose that make sense
ОтветитьI like option three a lot better than the two men are somehow the same person
ОтветитьHW never claimed SL and 6 were games in universe. Just 1-3 and part of 4.
ОтветитьTime to pray for the next 3 months that they dont completely throw away Henrys role in the story and thus nerf the Fnaf 6 ending even more...
ОтветитьYay! Mark stayed for the whole video!
ОтветитьI care about how the mic sounds, and honestly Im always just watching the cat so you made the right choice.
Ответитьsotm comes out 10 days after my birthday :3
ОтветитьCouldn’t the “prisons” be the restaurants themselves?
ОтветитьMaybe Henry's "prisons of my own making" never referred to the animatronics, but the restaurants. The souls weren't just trapped in the suits but the buildings.
His "put to new purpose" could be foreshadowing the endgame of FNAF6. He put the "prisons" to a new purpose as an execution chamber.
I'm also starting to wonder if the Mimic has pulled off the same trick the Funtimes did. What if the Mimic decided to use a person as a suit? Seems unlikely since the only purple corpse man we know about was Mike Afton. I mean, there's no way there was a second walking around.
There's also the possibility that Fazbear Entertainment is just lying about Edwin making the mimic for them, but instead of responding to increasingly dead staff, they're just going full theft and corporate sabotage to try and obtain it. The events that transpire are then either from bad timing on your part to come or the mimic acting as a self-defense system. Maybe.
ОтветитьI promise you I also care about the microphone, thank you rye
ОтветитьWhat if Edwin and Henry are the same person? We don't know exactly when Henry comes into the timeline, and Henry does "die" prior to when we see Edwin again in the books at the Pizzaplex. I wonder if he disappeared out of shame, came back as "Henry" to try and eliminate the Mimic and atone for making it deadly, and then got distracted with the Afton issue, but came back post "dealing" with it in FNAF 6 once again as Henry.
ОтветитьI think what if Henry is actually Edwin. If I remember correctly there is no confirmation the one talking in the "insanity ending" is named Henry (this name comes from the books only right) and we still can't say for sure if the books are one to one to the games
ОтветитьIt's possible that Edwin is responsible for the animatronics, but Henry is responsible for the suits and the springlocks.
ОтветитьIf the books are completely cannon I’d rather have henry be renamed to edwin than have both henry and edwin existing in the same story. Henry could just be a fake name the game dev used for the stand in of edwin
ОтветитьIf djmm is old enough to date back to fallfest i rlly hope the daycare attendant is too
ОтветитьI'm sure the mimic is going to see Afton kill someone or think it does and becomes the ill always come back springtrap Afton and maybe afton isn't even evil
ОтветитьWhat If Henry designed the animatronics, blueprints and such, and they were then sent to Edwin to be built. This early in the timeline, maybe Henry did not have the facilities to build a full on animatronic. This means he still would have „made” the animatronics just did not physically build them but he designed all of their features. That image we always see of Henry is him with drawings and blueprints.
ОтветитьWillam afton might have commissioned Edwin to make “certain modifications” to animatronics that Henry wasn’t ok with doing.
ОтветитьMy issue with Talesgames is if its one to one why isn’t there a giant tree in the pizza plex
ОтветитьHi marq
ОтветитьI came from cisreactz video
Ответитьthose stock photos for edwin and david are like a brown note that deals 100 psychic damage on sight i cant take it anymore. my name is david dad i want some ice cream get out of my FUCKING HEAD
ОтветитьI think Henry was a in game fill in for Edwin and Edwin is Henry in “real life”
ОтветитьWho knows if that Coming Soon Freddy's location is the first location. Seems like it could just be coming to town soon.
ОтветитьOption 4, Henry created the characters, Edwin created the robotics and programming
ОтветитьNah this to me sounds like henry came up with the designs and edwin was the robotics expert
ОтветитьI appreciate the symmetry to how the FNAF lore developed. As in, the people in-universe could be incredulous to the idea that the games could be based on real events and, in the beginning, Game Theory first proposed that FNAF 1 was based on a real world incident.
ОтветитьMy theory is that Fazbear Entertainment started off doing large events like carnivals and maybe even producing cartoons, which required the costumes, manpower, and heavy machinery from Edwin's factory. Eventually when Henry and William joined the company as franchisees, they came up with the idea of making local restaurants using mascot characters. The springlocks being sort of a carryover from when Fazbear was mostly reliant on human performers. Fredbear's family diner was a prototype of this and despite the Bite of 83' and various springlock failures. The concept was successful enough to rebrand and franchise Freddy Fazbear's pizza locations using fully robotic performers thanks to general improvements in technology, and maybe even bits and pieces of the Mimic 1 program supplied to Henry and William, which would've been well in Fazbear Entertainment's hands at the time.
Imo, Edwin probably is smarter than Henry, the man made modern-day machine learning in the late 70s. However, that's also why the Mimic was shuttered until SB. Without Edwin, nobody could understand the Mimic and it was too dangerous for even Fazbear to cover up. So when William and Henry came around with their line of animatronics, they conceded to using the simpler tech because it was easier to control and did enough to where none of the guests complained.
TL;DR; The Mimic was literally technology ahead of its time, which without the guidance of its creator, was worse to use than lower tech alternatives.
Am i the only one who doesnt want the books to be canon?
My name is canon, i made the lore
I just find the inaccuracies in the trailer compared to the books just evidence that the books are parallel to the games, not 1 to 1
ОтветитьPotential fix might be that Edwin was simply being used to mass produce and churn out versions of the Fazbear 4 but Henry was the guy who actually came up with cast of characters and is still the one who personally created the animatronics that would come to dwell in the original 83-85 location and go on to become the withered and FNAF 1 robots. Edwin after all doesn't even know Chica's name when working on her suit.
ОтветитьI think what he meant is that he built the springlock suits, but Edwin built the baseline endos and staffbots to be later reworked fir Fazbear purposes
Ответитьit would be really funny if you just a boom mic stand so it looks its coming from the ceiling
ОтветитьThere is also the possibility that because of how early in the timeline this is taking place the animatronics Edwin worked on were SpringBonnie and FredBear. That way Henry can still make Freddie Chica and the others