My friend all you are telling I have tried for years but it doesn't work.
ОтветитьThnx best
ОтветитьDamb AI sucks
ОтветитьI dont believe everything yr saying is true.its than you think. Kids today got the run of you which is called entitled.
ОтветитьI was so disrespected as a child as I was abused physically, mentally, and verbally by both parents. Even though I went through even molestation I stood by both parents. When I wasn't able to suppress what I went through anymore and a suicide attempt, I was told I was weak when I came out with what happened and everything was swept under the rug! Where was MY RESPECT when all the years I stood by them keeping the dirty secret, but when I couldn't handle it anymore I didn't receive the same!!
I have a child now and I don't receive the respect from her. She was taken from me in divorce as ex used my molestation against me and said I was an unfit mother and got custody! He took her out of spite and then just let her fend on her own at 15. A whole cluster F**K situation all thanks to "family" and how they RESPECTED ME and F**KED UP my head! The most TOXIC one who could have cared less about the whole situation most of all MY "MOTHER" is dead now and had the gall to leave nasty letters behind. SO I ASK where is MY RESPECT?? I NEVER disrespected EITHER ONE of my parents and I could have totally disowned both of them for what they did. One could have gone to jail, but I as the child thought MORE OF THEM THAN MYSELF!! SO I DIDN'T EVEN RESPECT MYSELF!!
My daughter seems to come around when she wants or needs something. I never did that to my abusive parents I was independent I was the one to be there to always help them! My daughter NEVER offers to help her mother and she'll say "your right I don't offer to help you, I don't offer to take you out to lunch etc. That's what I call a selfish person and I don't know where she gets that from certainly NOT ME! I find now it's a ME society no respect or care for others and I'm not saying everyone is like that as I'm not, but you have those who feel they're ENTITLED for whatever reason they may think. Well some of them are in for a rude awakening as they better wake up and see what's going on around them instead of wearing their rose colored glasses!
They will eventruelly learn on them selfs. to bad we older folks wont be around to see it. everyone will learn after its to late and hopefully not.
ОтветитьThe good on this feed is I'm not alone with my son not giving a shit about me (that's how he acts anyways)! The bad is that there are so many of us going through this! What is wrong with millennials and younger people? I don't think my son learned anything even though I practiced what I preach! I love him but I don't like him. The fact his gfriend has a lot to do with it so what ever happened to women won't date a man who's rude and cruel to his mother? I guess with the devil running rampant and the Bible saying these things will happen I pray my son doesn't burn in hell cus of how he treats me before he repents! God bless us all ❤️
ОтветитьIts grow up on them own , sorry more times be loneless now, have 2 dogs
Ответитьam a behavioral therapist in a highschool and a alternative high school..all this sounds great on paper..real new world not so much..
ОтветитьChildren today have one love their phones, they are like robots no more feeling just use us for money and then goodbye 😢.
ОтветитьIf only
ОтветитьTake care your other children that they are addicted to you
ОтветитьI am going through this with my own children. So I appreciate reading this all.
ОтветитьToday I am FREE From Abusive Toxic Daughter Thanks To This Video And Mostly The COMMENTS🎉 WOW!
ОтветитьClosing the bank of dad is need. Driving on May pop tires...or will they brakes. Or eating third rate food. When your health is tough but a must. For your selfie worth ..😊😊😊
ОтветитьI've learned to give her space and let her go. She's an adult, she has feelings and she might not always be ready to "hear" me. To anyone out there sometimes our children are told lies by their fathers, etc. Do NOT be upset with Your children. Understand they are going through life trying to understand and it will all make sense to them one day. Don't say things you can never take back. And of you do PLEASE apologize to them and not deny whatever it is you said that hurt them. Admitting makes a world difference. Pray to God and ask him to forgive and give you guidance. He will hear you when you speak.
Bright blessings everyone ✨️ 🙏 💖
Family rejection is a sign of the times folks...Keep praying for your kids because the devil wants to drag you and them to hell for all eternity ....
You will never regret praying for them.
And your reward will be Heaven where they will humbly thankyou for assisting in their salvation. Never give up..!!! 🙏
Matthew 10:21
" Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rise against their parents and have them put to death..."
Matthew 5:44
" But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you ..."
Much depends on the daughter in law
If she is awful let your son know before a marriage
Your son will ask your opinion of his intended
Important to tell him
My son doesnt listen to me he only listen to his wife n goes n stayes in his wifes mother place n doesnt do anything for me it hurts how to stop this
ОтветитьGod bless the aged we go through a lot from what came from us i mean the children we bring up most of them are disrespectful no matter how much care you give.
ОтветитьThis worked for me so this is my GIFT to you and anyone reading this.. These suggestions have made me the person I am today. So take one or two or all of them and transform yourself to a super being. Thank me later. I personally did and do everything listed below and I got massive results.
1. Write out a statement of your Short Term Goal AND your Chief Aim/Main Goal... on a "goal card" or paper.
2. Write it out 50 times a day for 30 days preferably around the same time each day. After the 30 days, you go back and write it out ONCE a day. This is your compass in life.
3. Set your phone alarm to go off every 3 hours (to disrupt your daily routine) and when it goes off write down your statement and then close your eyes and see yourself with your goal for 2 mins.
4. Record your statement in your voice on a voice recorder on your phone, and play it back to yourself on loop while you sleep and as often as you can daily, example... in the shower or when you are using the rest room.
5. Find an accountability partner. If you cannot find someone, then you MUST write out your statement DAILY. By doing this you make yourself accountable to YOURSELF.
6. Find a community or FB group/group chat, etc and from that community form a Mastermind with one or two people who have studied from REAL Mentors and are giving VALUE. There is a "Law of Giving" and many people are using it. Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill this back in the early 1900s. Its a LAW and it works. Its what I am doing with this post.
7. Auto-Suggest (Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4) to yourself in front of the mirror in the bathroom at least twice a day. Look directly INTO your eyes OR one eye and recite your WRITTEN statement. Then splash cold water on your face. This sudden shock seals the thought into the subconscious due to emotional and physical shock from the cold water.
8. Write out ten "I AM" statements a day. example. I AM happy, I AM more confident. Use the word MORE; implying you already have it, but want more. You trick the brain.
9. Write out 5 things you HAVE that you are grateful for and 5 things that you are grateful for that are coming to you. Mix up the list one after the other.
10. When in public tell people you see that you love them in your mind. Simply say "I LOVE YOU" to them as you pass them, especially when driving, because their subconscious hears and FEELS the intention. Say it to about 10 to 15 people daily. This increases your Good Karma.
It might seem like a lot. But it took me less than two weeks to incorporate the list into my life and 32 days later I started getting massive results.
What have you got to lose, try some or ALL and see your results. Let me know know too.
Have a great day... and thanks for reading.
I'm learning how important I am to ME, after JESUS and it's perfectly fine. I'd rather detach then continue to feel like I don't matter. ALL is well with My SOUL 🙏🏽💓
Ответить"Has anyone tried these methods? Did they work for you?"
ОтветитьI am 70 with four children. Before expecting the respect, we have to respect our children and their opinions.
ОтветитьVery true and useful. ❤
ОтветитьAccording to the Bible, scriptures that speak about families breaking apart in the end times primarily come from Matthew 10:21-36 and Luke 12:51-53, where Jesus states that in the last days, family members will turn against each other, with fathers against sons, mothers against daughters, and children rising up against their parents due to their faith or allegiance to him; essentially creating division within families.
ОтветитьJesus said he came to bring "division" rather than peace, as recorded in Matthew 10:34, because his message would often cause conflict between people who accepted his teachings and those who rejected them; essentially, his truth would sometimes create a divide within families and communities, even though his ultimate goal was unity with God through faith in him.
ОтветитьDeuteronomy 21:18-21
'If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not heed them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city, to the gate of his city.
Repeatedly, God warns children to honor their parents with loving hearts of obedience (Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:2). Mouthy and sarcastic children who demean or belittle their parents' leadership and decision making are clearly on a path to destruction. King David's son, Absalom, is one such example in the Bible.
ОтветитьI have one daughter. Before l almost got down on my knees and begged her to come see me. 😢
I decided to just pray for her, and ask God for her protection.
God, let your will be done 🙇♀️
I have four children, married with families of their own. I've been ignored by my only daughter going on three years, over a petty argument about what Christmas really mean. Every Chritmas, she makes her grandson a "Grinch" christmas tree, and they constantly give him gifts throughout the year. I told her, you're not teaching him what Christmas really mean, you'll have him thinking it's all about The Grinch. I also advised her that giving him gifts to please him, will spoil him. Birthday yes, but they just buy, buy, buy. This was as I said, three years ago. She has also turned her children, (my three grown Grandsons against me,) I never hear from any of them. My three sons living (one deceased) try to hurt me by ignoring me. I love them, have always been there for them, but at 73, it's time to let go. It hurts but, they ignore me to punish me when I don't be like they want me too be, or agree with everything they say. One son is a narcissist, another just don't care, and the one calls sometimes. I'm strong willed and don't like anyone thinking they can controll or manipulate me with their resources, or absence in my life. They're very selfish, the Bible says in the last days, people will change. Love will wax cold. I'm very independent, have been since I graduated from High School in 1969 and left home to start a life of my own, I was 17. I have Jesus, and He is all I need. I stopped chasing them for their attention, or trying to get them to acknowledge me. No happy Birthday (maybe a txt), no Happy Mother's Day or Merrry Christmas. I'm glad I found your Channel, it let me know I'm on the right track. Subbed.
ОтветитьWhat if both parents are abusive towards their children due to alcoholism
ОтветитьI've just realized that im not going to react to the negativity from my children
ОтветитьWhat do you do when your adult children have gone no contact?
ОтветитьIf I give trust,, I give respect. When either is violated, its butt whoopin time.
ОтветитьBut what if you apologise for a mistake you made, even twice, but they won't stop going on at you about it for years and years and years?
ОтветитьIt's simple, don't call your child on the phone only to be critical, argumentative and contentious, and then wonder why they pull away.
ОтветитьWhen your children don’t respect you, look behind you and your bizarre behavior when you’re raising them. People are a direct result of what they’ve experienced at home when they were growing up.
ОтветитьMy oldest son is very cold and at times very disrespectful! I’m 70 my husband 73. Our other 2 children are very good people and we do things often. I’m very tired of this!
ОтветитьI get tired of not feeling.welcome un less needed. Im.done
ОтветитьThis true, thank you Mental Dose ❤❤
ОтветитьI had this thinking...maybe they dont want to be sad when we leave them when we die? Are they protecting themselves? Can anyone answer my question? Tia.
ОтветитьMy children only call when they want money I'm so tired angry they disrespect me
ОтветитьDont allow anyone to rob you of the things that make you happy.
Stand out and stand for what you believe.
If you trust in the Lord to keep you, He will.
You may doubt yourself and everyone around you, but never doubt God.
He is faithful to all who put their trust in Him.
His resources are limitless. He provides all your needs according to His riches in glory.
The loneliest person is the one who lives without acknowledging God.
People disappoint, so why not trust in the ONE who never disappoints?