The Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter

The Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter


7 лет назад

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@AIChronicles144 - 07.04.2020 22:24

The asteriod belt is a remnant of maldek the planet was blown to smitherings by its inhabitant through war

@mirsad2507 - 18.05.2020 16:35


@saskoilersfan - 29.05.2020 16:06

Do humans always lie?
The stars we see are a comet field or ice field or ice berg field._.
Notice each world is of prism of color ._.
Like a space rainbow

@saskoilersfan - 29.05.2020 16:27

So, what we see as stars is a walls of ice light passes throught._.Between mars and jupiter is a ice field._. The sun is warm on earth but space is frozen._. For earth to go from invisibleto blue is refraction of light and moisture._.
Formed by water and ice ._.
Commets are ice bergs at high speeds._. To see it , you need light to refract it._.

We need light to pass throught or reflect in order to see._.Like a human eye.._.
The colors i see._.
Wearing red glasses shows me how blue , earth really is._.

@saskoilersfan - 29.05.2020 16:29

Must have been a comet that hit earth._.

@engr2335 - 15.06.2020 01:48

to many moving too fast to go through is there away around? Too dense too far? dogs look up Ceres!

@aeryn17 - 13.09.2020 10:57


@Dikpurnomo - 09.10.2020 14:26

What bilions ok ok iknow the astroid belt but i didnt know there are bilions of astroid in them my god i think thats why ppl want to go astroid mining now

@houstonpromotion - 10.10.2020 20:06

I feel like I have to give some money to this video before the mafia boss comes after me

@H.R654 - 20.10.2020 09:07

For my online lol 😂

@chaeeesyy - 27.10.2020 12:12


@chaeeesyy - 27.10.2020 12:13

dugay ito mag lagay nang mga asteroid in our solar system

@ryanhewett1663 - 21.12.2020 00:45

So are any of the asteroids magnetic?

@parkij11 - 31.01.2021 22:54


@primodernious - 15.02.2021 23:20

that belt is what cause the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs when that planet exploded that turned into the belt. it happend about 15 000 years ago. there is ancient cave paintings showing the shape of the exposion in the night sky like a spoked wheel and is the same event that is described of noah in the bible. it made atlantis disappear into the ocean. it was obviously loads of impacts hitting earth all over the planet at the same time. as a specie we bearly survived the catastrophy. not all dinosaurs died out in the flood. many of them survived or was saved even after the flood but died out later. the ruins from before this event is all over the world with rectangual window likes shapes in the mountains all over the world. some places hills have collapsed revealed the inner structures of prehistoric sky scrapers just like those we make now. there is no cave men that made those i can tell you. even the dead sea scrolls was supposly found in a cave but that was actually once part of a ancient roman city 2000 years ago that got burried in a river flood. caves normaly dont have 90 degree angle walls unless their manmade or windows and stuff. even in china there is burried cities that look like mountains where you can make out rectangular holes. the whole planet is full of these cityscraper like structures. some places there is rivers flowing in straight lines like streets. that is not natural. only cities like those we make now have these. no natural river would behave this way unless the fundations are manmande. telling a fairytale of millions of hears is just a distraction to keep you from seeing the truth about our real past. the sceleton of the dinosaur depicted by the sumerains and the egyptians have been as its a match. the scull fit the stone carving. many other dinosaurs are depicted by ancient art as how they really looked like and i have identified many. with their actual sceleton. even the building structures in turkey i realized based on some very old roman churches have the same geometry as has been labeled rock cut. the volcano that burried the city have got the stone of the city itself dated at millions of years yet they claim it was carved 2000 years ago. it was obviously that the volcanic eruption happend 2000 years ago burried the city with radioactive dust from the volcano. no scientific measure of radioactivity can tell the diference of age of radioactive samples of rock from a recent volcano and an ancient one. sad that the mainstream pushes nonsense above the truth as if nonsense is truth and truth is nonsense to keep up a fairytale of millions of year old this and that and the illusion thay can tell time with a nuclear clock. when people see these burried cities they been told they are just rock dwellings of primitive apemen millions of years ago. mainstream news and science is no more scientific acurate than taboid stories of bigfoot and aliens as its all based on a gossip machinery that regugitate the same stuff over and over until you believe it. when you watch ancient ruins keep a open mind and not fall custom to these phrases of millions of years this and that as its to condition you to beleive in apemen and primitive ancestry of the past. when you begin to cut the crap and realize the truth you no longer believe in millions of years old this and that and begin beleive your eyeball more than someones mouthpiece.

@debabanerjee621 - 03.03.2021 17:27

The Jupiter and mars new asteroid found

@anaatha7981 - 18.03.2021 21:24

asteroids are poisonous by nature. they generate disease borne cosmic rays.

@brendaleon8613 - 18.05.2021 23:18


@schwinnbike18 - 23.05.2021 09:12

I have rock all the way around the foundation of my house. Stones too...

@kkrokingkiller456 - 30.05.2021 16:32

thanks this was amazing this was my school project

@justsomepersononyoutube9271 - 19.06.2021 07:44

Have to thank mars and Jupiter

@ravikumar-xf6hi - 23.06.2021 17:23


@MongHunter - 09.07.2021 20:45

Why is there no actual video of this? Hmmmm

@baqerseerat3164 - 08.09.2021 07:19

You know I actoully own mars
Yes theirs plenty in the 🏪

@josephpacchetti5997 - 16.12.2021 09:48

Interesting Video, Thanks, Keep Looking Up. 🌌

@Beaconwarriorsaint921 - 25.04.2022 23:25

Home sweet home

@dark12ain - 26.07.2022 12:34

Im just curious to see why scientist never talk about satellites or probes going through the asteroid belt. Like the voyager probes. Growing up when we was learning about the belt. I thought it was a really big deal to get through for satellites. Oh snap I just made it to the part of the video where he talks about my question never mind 😅😅

@PJCC_BAISH - 30.11.2022 09:30

That belt is definitely from planets that dies and losses its gravity.. Probably two or more planets after colliding each other.

@SkullyTheHypnoSkull - 16.01.2023 08:48

You got stuff wrong in the 46 seconds. It was a planet called Tiamat, then it got smashed by Niburu and the water from Tiamat flooded Atlantis and other ancient cities we keep finding under the ocean.

@thekingprupleplanet3687 - 19.01.2023 21:17

Ceres is an dwarf planet not an astoroid

@Jr_Scientist - 04.02.2023 20:54

& probably originated in the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter

@Jr_Scientist - 09.02.2023 11:20

In the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

@lorjin007 - 12.02.2023 10:01

That was a planet before, time to remove scientist on earth, they are useless.

@ccsdcoiakzaconcc - 10.05.2023 02:19

Ghar ke bhaharr andarr nahiy hote rehte douzakies fana pehlese pehle hamesha keliyeh hamesha seh Aur kinkin blowns on before on continuing from all whole entire completely ground from all here's before after all here after all times results douzakies ke Sath douzakhao mein ho kabhi rand honesepehle kabhi aag lageweh dozakhio ke Sath don't say your so and so you same same can't say because all whole entire completely works knows erasing vanishing removing again and again from all whole entire sides from all all whole entire corners from all whole entire completely true erasing vanishing removing none left on Hisabaqir before on continuing

@xiarafi1115 - 14.07.2023 18:30

brother, the background music was just AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....plz plz plz can u share the link of that? I wanna hear this music in my travel

@ciscodealmeida8541 - 28.07.2023 19:51

The Asteroid belts were Planets One was the Indian Home the Other the Chinese destroy by Nuclear war together with Venus and Mars around 5 million years ago, during the Great Rebellion

@88LittleJohnny88 - 14.09.2023 22:39

it is too simple.. have You heard about the traveling of these gas giants? last big bombarding 4b y ago.. Earth, Thea.. it's my theory

@manaskhatua5965 - 03.11.2023 11:12

Guruji I don't need anything .Plz let food pollution by people be avoided with various intentions.

@Gtu2119 - 21.11.2023 06:26

Imagine if Jupiter did not exist and the 10th planet which is to be formed had life. We are not that lucky since our own solar system has just earth with life while there could be many other solar systems with multiple life.

@sps6 - 06.03.2024 02:57

That was a living planet that was destroyed

@RonieNerbes-mt9ko - 26.03.2024 21:32

I Love Jonna Napire 🧡💛❤
March 27, 2024

@LeonilUba - 30.03.2024 18:02

Yutube :

@LeonilUba - 30.03.2024 18:02

Yutube :

@LeonilUba - 30.03.2024 18:02

Search :

@LeonilUba - 30.03.2024 18:04

(= _ K0SM0kn0wledge _ =)

@trijizvy - 08.05.2024 19:22

Ceres Is not asteroid but dwarf planet!

@HarshMishra-tb9fr - 26.06.2024 04:03

Amazing ❤❤

@BarakanyeKesamang - 09.09.2024 23:18

this was a planet before it was destroyed by an atomic bomb by the extraterrestrial beings this should be a lesson for us earth citizen of how dangerous our weapons are

@albertlittle9263 - 29.01.2025 05:50

I love the way they just make stuff up
