DECORATING WITH GRAY 🩶 How to Update 2010 Grays in Your Home | Julie Khuu

DECORATING WITH GRAY 🩶 How to Update 2010 Grays in Your Home | Julie Khuu

Julie Khuu

1 год назад

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@luisahori2416 - 18.02.2024 03:46

Great video and confirms that when combined with either pastels or jewel tones it can look great. I personally love the grey tones with off white , black and light brown combinations which is in my japandi decor. Updating and switching up the colors is part of the fun of keeping everything fresh and new.

@Nonhlanhla-f1f - 18.02.2024 19:19

New subscriber 💃💃

@PatriciaWebb-yj6je - 22.02.2024 15:36

Gray is one of my fave! Your advices on modernizing gray interiors while keeping them warm and inviting is so helpful!

@NurlizahSirajudden - 22.02.2024 17:40

Grey and chocolate colour wall with design using combination three carpet grey chocolate grey plus chocolate chocolate furniture green colour benches and chocolate benches i love and like also important impressed with your expectations the dialogue talk really excellent thanks you for your information dialect making so loving improving my decorating the house anyway thank you again

@dahliagarza1846 - 23.02.2024 17:45

I absolutely luv Gray from light to dark, cool to warm, I'll take it all. My last home in Wyoming (I left Cali in 12/2018 I moved there, my son was stationed there in US AIR FORCE) he purchased his first home in 2019 at the age of 23, 2 weeks after his bday. I decorated in Grays about 75%. I have dark walnut furniture that matched the dark walnut hardwood floors and kitchen cabinetry, the new appliances stove, microwave, dishwasher, refridgerater, were all stainless steel and the farmhouse sink was a greystone. It was so easy for me to just add what I already had from my Cali apt. As for color the only thing I will use for decor are my Crystals; Amethyst #1, Rose Quartz #2, Citrine #3, Smokey Quartz #4, and all Black Stones for protection. Because I am such a believer in Feng Shui since the '80s. I found FengShui or it found me shortly after high school grad 1982 I tend to follow all of its decor rules. I've never liked mirrors so you only see a mirror in the restrooms. I have luved Brass & Copper since I was a little girl. Have a great day Julie.

@bettypringle5403 - 24.02.2024 21:15

I really appreciate very much your advice and suggestions, Julie. Flooring in my home is white 24"porcelain tiles with hues of Grey, which is absolutely classy and beautiful. I have always liked Grey.
Your enthusiasm is infectious.
Great show.

@landebanks5886 - 26.02.2024 19:59

White is boring

@melwee8511 - 27.02.2024 06:09

Your suggestions and ideas are all so practical and timeless.

@juliabanks793 - 27.02.2024 15:15

I have a Gray sofa with gold nailheads that I love; so I added some emerald green pillows & a throw as a pop color. What other color looks good with gray & emerald green? Most of the wood in my kitchen and dining room is mahogany brown.

@SabrinaLWilliams - 28.02.2024 17:56

I love grey but in my living room for example, I have different tones of orange in my dining room chairs, cushions and throw blanket so that it's not stark. I alsonhave plants and different wood tones

@nangel270 - 01.03.2024 00:16

Greyt (haha) advice and examples. Grey is a neutral the same as white, beige, black, and wood. A foundation on which you build the colour story with accents. I’ve been in homes that are all white or all wood and find them to be as lifeless and drab as some people make grey out to be. Put colour where you want the focus.

@leejacobs3620 - 02.03.2024 07:54

Great video with heaps of 'useful' advice. Thank you for sharing.

@katharinamarschall5662 - 02.03.2024 10:37

Gray is the only „color“ I don’t want in my home. I have gray tiles in the kitchen and try to make it less bad with black details and oiled oak wood. (I rent)

@susananders3834 - 02.03.2024 14:57

Thank you so much. This is very helpful and doable for me.

@vickiemcilwain8183 - 03.03.2024 10:00

I just had my bedroom painted a dark grey and love it next the lounge room and dinning room

@gbatzgirl - 03.03.2024 20:12


@kathlenewang539 - 05.03.2024 23:12

Yes please! More color videos! 😊

@lisasaims3007 - 09.03.2024 06:37

I’m sorry gray reminds me of being between life & death limbo that’s it IMO

@felyssho - 10.03.2024 21:16

I'm grateful to this video because I thrifted a new queen bed that's grey from top to bottom for my space that's been mostly natural woods... It was a steal but I kept feeling like it was a mistake and you reassured me on ways I can make it better❤ Love your vids!

@DebraBenavente - 14.03.2024 01:39

I love gray with a white trimming

@chitmorqueda8669 - 15.03.2024 18:10

I love this video! May I ask the shade of gray in your background? If you could share the brand and it's part number, it would be of great help to us. Thank you💕

@lolasalesmoore236 - 17.03.2024 05:34

I love all your videos…

@genacook9309 - 18.03.2024 21:23

Great suggestions. Thank you

@Thejunaid2 - 20.03.2024 19:42

Grey goes with any colour even gold

@robinrogers8576 - 21.03.2024 05:03

Yes, I still have some gray and I still love it! But I like the idea of adding some warm accents to the rooms. Thanks for your great advice! Loved this video!😊

@Ad-Lo - 21.03.2024 22:56

Every image where you said, “this is the incorrect way to incorporate grey,” made me think, “how beautiful.” And every image you suggested a whole bunch of colours that I would never want to see in my home alongside grey, you said, “this looks beautiful.” 😂 I guess I’ll stick to my unsophisticated style.

@estherheming8836 - 22.03.2024 08:41

I love you hair color. You look great. I love gray walls with white and wood.

@marilynngriffin5538 - 04.04.2024 09:15

We moved into a new house 3 years ago & every wall & ceiling is grey!!! Fortunately the kitchen cabinets are a shade of white to relieve the gray. I’m finally ready to get bids to change the ceiling color

@mrssiy - 06.04.2024 07:04

Ive made all the grey mistakes, grey on grey on grey. No color pops. Definitely on the hunt on how to warm up my cold home in practical ways. 🥴

@bethstickler6799 - 06.04.2024 15:41

How do i get you to my house?

@aaliachaudhry2660 - 14.04.2024 00:37

Lov ur video

@ThaoLe-of8ru - 22.05.2024 17:55

Can you help me to pick a rug for my light grey sofa but then i have very orange hard wood floor.

@ftumi - 01.06.2024 04:42

What do you think about illusive green? I'm having such a hard time with bedding. I changed my fixtures to brushed gold ( was always a silver girl ) and OMG it's so beautiful! These colors for some reason reminds me of a golden hour

@lisalasers - 18.06.2024 17:04

what about new wall colors for s kitchen with grey cabinets?

@INGnative77 - 21.06.2024 18:42

Moving into a new house that has walnut kitchen cabinets and beige tone countertops. Challenge is still incorporating my medium gray kitchen table and couches into the space.

@beverleysmith133 - 03.07.2024 17:52

So gorgeous, Julie. And I want your hair style! Yes, I have a lot of gray (and white) , but I'm punching it up with cobalt blue and gold. Didn't know I would love emerald chairs (stunning) , but can't do it right now.

@nostalgisity - 27.07.2024 09:19

Well your nail polish with that grey is FLAWLESS!!!

@dgbclub7 - 11.08.2024 23:17

I loved this video. Gray is working for me and my home, and this video is an inspiration to keep it current. Anytime I have ideas for my home I do not take action until I consult you----it is almost as if you are giving the creative support I need to move forward. I have been wanting to re-do the kitchen and just needed to have the why, when, were and how discussed with explanative images. Your smiling energy keeps me coming back. I find that loving my home by investing time, energy and releative minimal cost turns it into a personal nest to be proud of. Thanks for your input; your smiling energy keeps me coming back....

@applesauceandhoney2407 - 30.08.2024 11:27

what would you recommed for a drk grey bathroom floor and white wall? What color vanity and light fixtures?

@DeeDee61skin - 01.09.2024 05:55

I just bought a gray velvet headboard to add a bit of change to my all white bedroom and painting a gray accent wall. I was worried that throwing a few beige blankets around might not work, but looks like maybe it might warm it up and look ok!

@cynthiamarie2023 - 06.10.2024 06:06

I love soft cool grays mized with warm cream whites.

@LaboriousMeanie - 09.10.2024 11:44

Thank you so much for this video. My contractor dad built me a house on a tight budget. He is a radical scrounge and so creative with materials so everything from appliances to flooring to paint has been bargained or begged and therefore we’ve got ALL that grey that everyone is getting out of to the habitat store. I am a vintage collector and love chairs and lamps and art, wood and metal from chrome to brass to hammered aluminum. I love using color and unique textures and materials. This video has given me the confidence to stick by my intuition and taste and warm this joint up! First stop: a few gorgeous (but affordable) rugs!

@mrsbryant - 15.10.2024 18:31

I just Love grey! It’s elegant and fresh

@rebeccadierickx5935 - 04.11.2024 00:10

Thank you for this video! It gave me a lot of ideas. The house that I bought five years ago - totally modern farmhouse style— is has had the same type of flooring as the last kitchen you showed/ designed. I even have those same upholstered counter chairs in my kitchen right now now. 😊 that being said I’m an artist and I do like the grey as a neutral backdrop for a lot of my things. But I keep hearing Grey is now so dated. I may sell my house in a few years to move to another part of the country and this video helped me immensely.

@ChrisCaledon - 28.11.2024 16:28

I'd like to see normal houses, not mcMansions. Ceilings are usually 9' or less, in Ontario, Canada. Would like to see nice decor for short rooms; small/average rooms. Great video. Thanks

@chrystalbillingsley2374 - 09.01.2025 03:58

Where did you find those gray accent chairs In the living room?

@TheTerrylwg - 09.01.2025 08:35

You are my new best friend. You just saved me from painting every room in my house and, I'm certain, a potential battle with my husband! Thank you for all the excellent ideas!!!

@Natalya877 - 04.02.2025 02:01

Great video! I love practical advice!

@awilkes1071 - 22.02.2025 03:34

I have gray carpet in an open concept new construction ranch. Came here to figure out what color to paint the walls

@JulieKhuu - 26.01.2024 00:09

For the record, I still love grays as a grounding neutral. If you want a warm, cozy interior- specify grays tinted with browns and beige (greige). If you love the modern, industrial vibe - pair grays with black and chrome accents.

What are some of your favorite ways to update gray?
