5 Critical Rack Attached Accessories | Home Gym Rack Attachments | 1" Hardware R Necessities

5 Critical Rack Attached Accessories | Home Gym Rack Attachments | 1" Hardware R Necessities

The Kurt Locker

2 года назад

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@johnsodx - 26.03.2022 19:09

Do you know if there are any plans to have a 5/8”-hole version of the chalk bowl?

@scooobyj8714 - 26.03.2022 20:10

All awesome attachments. One area of my home gym that is weak is my attachment game. Look forward to the dud video.
Really like all the great small company finds.

@joecowan3719 - 26.03.2022 20:23

Those are some very nice and extremely versatile attachments...but is any list of top rack attachments complete without a Massenomics Drink Spotter?? 😜

@Scottsdale_GarageGym - 26.03.2022 20:54

Great review as always! The Adroit Landmine is an excellent option. Not sure that you mentioned it, but I believe it is the only Landmine that won’t scratch up your barbell sleeves.

@babygiantbarbell1014 - 26.03.2022 21:06

Great list. The greatest product endorsement I have ever seen is that hack squat setup with the henny system you did. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!

@kiko784 - 26.03.2022 21:48

Love this list. Just purchased my UPS pulley and waiting for it to arrive. I have the same Landmine attachment and I got to say, it’s pretty awesome as there is protection inside to help the bar. Thinking of getting the lower pulley but not sure how much use it’ll get. Thanks for the upload.

@briand5047 - 26.03.2022 22:45

When you know how many days you've had your rack, you better not ever forget an anniversary! Great video.

@derrickhobbs8842 - 26.03.2022 23:31

@kurtlocker does the Alpha Single Utility Roller work on a 1-inch rack hole? Thank you for the awesome tips!

@squealer42 - 26.03.2022 23:39

Those rollers look sweet!
Overall, I've found that my easy to adjust and move around attachments get used.
If a pain in the butt, it sits in the corner gathering dust -> Here's looking at you, jammer arms.

@BrandonSchwartz1 - 27.03.2022 00:06

Would you rank those leg rollers above Rogue leg rollers? I know Rogue has similar hand-screw system that won’t scratch.

@vintageweightspgh - 27.03.2022 01:30

Great run down. I'm sold on the Klevabuilt landmine. It's angered me from day one that Rogues landmine has an sticker that peeled off and lacks plastic lining.

@edal1179 - 27.03.2022 02:31

“1 inch dud” is what my wife calls me in the bedroom….

@richt5986 - 27.03.2022 02:46

Nice video thanks

@BasementBrandon - 27.03.2022 05:00

Some good things!

@richards6431 - 27.03.2022 07:41

Good list. I want 4 of the 5 now lol. I don’t need the universal pulley but that seems to be a pretty good option for those racks out there without a drop in option. It’s amazing how these smaller companies can make outstanding attachments that put to shame the big companies.

@bradleykaan6281 - 27.03.2022 21:45

Nice French cleat rack system. I had that in my old garage, super useful. Working on getting that set up at the new place

@kozmo7 - 28.03.2022 05:11

Good shit man, always appreciate what you have to say!

@joelizenson - 29.03.2022 03:37

Love the fact that you were practically blind making this video XD.
I need some Straydog gear

@MetalsForBrunch - 29.03.2022 11:59

I bought a stainless trash bowl for $12 bux and smacked on a sorinex sticker on there lol.

@carlosanndrade - 30.03.2022 05:52

Surplus pulley, it is compatible with Monster lite RmL 390 rack?

@EEC498 - 06.04.2022 04:12

Mr. Locker. Cheers and thanks for mentioning the Stray Dog Strength chalk bowl. I’ve been looking for something like that for a long time. It arrived a few days ago and it’s exactly what I wanted.

@jordangusman1992 - 27.04.2022 14:25

Awesome that you didn't cut the part out with the lid clanging the lip of the chalk bowl 👍🏼awesome content

@garagegymupdates - 15.05.2022 19:19

Just ordered a few of the stray dog quick release nuts for my adroit Landmine. Thanks for the tip, KL!

@neancortez - 20.06.2022 22:30

Hi, do you know if the Straydog Half Rack Band Attachment fit in the Rep PR500 uprights? I Really want front feet stabilizer for my rack but I don't like the height of the Rep ones

@emmanuelcastro5677 - 05.07.2022 19:06

Hi have you posted a fully review of the ups pulley system?

@luccianogambeta2917 - 09.07.2022 07:31

Thanks for these tips Curtis. Do you have any experience with SD custom cross member brackets and where did you get those black bolts?

@emmanuelcastro5677 - 12.07.2022 19:51

How much space from the wall for the pulley you need? I have mirror so curious

@jamestonbellajo - 25.07.2022 07:17

Love these Kurt! The tip for using the Stray Dog nuts is clutch. Also, are you purposely calling it Androit instead of Adroit?

@josephmhines - 12.08.2022 17:32

@kurklocker thanks for one of the most helpful videos I've seen in a while! At least half of your featured items will likely make my unfinished gym short list!

@hitleractually8180 - 05.09.2022 19:06

Why do you hate Rogue?

@MRanda-so9yo - 19.11.2022 01:10

If I had a nickle every time he said force multiplier 😆

@michaelsutton1461 - 13.02.2023 10:27

Thanks, Kurt. Just pulled the trigger on the chalk bowl and the UPS bundle. Too bad no discount code for Surplus Strength. Did use the code for Stray Dog though. Now I have to buy some handle attachments. Never ending cycle of spending. LOL.

@exovitae - 02.03.2023 00:22

Chalk bowl aint no critical attachment but the Hennys are interesting though. Pulleys are a critical need!

@livelimitless8512 - 16.03.2023 16:18

Great stuff Kurt! Thank you for the ideas.

@rosema7909 - 16.07.2023 20:54

Just use liquid chalk, much cheaper and cleaner

@kingken86 - 06.08.2023 18:26

He should rename the video to the most expensive power rack attachments

@CryptoiNNERG - 20.08.2023 18:53

What brand are your black plate weights

@lawrence09151 - 02.10.2023 09:50

No product on website for landmine

@eggs-benny - 06.12.2023 08:14

Great video !

@owenb3051 - 19.01.2024 10:06

You are just a info commercial

@Branlcx - 27.01.2024 03:49

They’re all force multipliers

@aptn22 - 20.04.2024 20:30

Obviously a great video/list. Kurt let’s get an update after you pick all these attachments!

@ijl-cy9pp - 18.12.2024 08:58

The chalk bowl is ridiculous 😂

@project.jericho - 07.01.2025 02:46

They're force multipliers you say? I too am a veteran of the global war on retail... Tell me more.

@MrThleckey - 03.02.2025 18:34

Have y ou done an update video for 2025 yet or plan on it? Using alot of your ideas for my new garage gym

@MrThleckey - 03.02.2025 18:39

That press movement was excellent. Now I HAVE to get those straps.

@CalgaryFlames80 - 01.03.2025 10:54

I was done at Chalk Bowl 😂
