350 Sq Ft Tiny Model Home Tour | San Antonio Tx

350 Sq Ft Tiny Model Home Tour | San Antonio Tx

NBTX Living

1 год назад

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@nbtxliving - 03.05.2023 05:52

So what do you think, are you adopting the minimalist lifestyle to move into one of these Tiny Homes?!?

@Teakela - 30.10.2024 00:38

I would change the ladder to a spiral staircase

@FernandocRodriguez - 03.07.2024 10:51

I wish i could afford a tiny home like this im tired of paying rent.

@alllibtardsmustdie - 01.05.2024 01:15

Too much money

@jaceski5806 - 24.12.2023 11:12

This video is what they want you to see to sell it. Give it a year and it will be a place you dont want to go…

@jamesroberts3189 - 08.12.2023 00:54

Just eat the bugs and be happy. Makes me think of the movie Vivarium

@Pureignition58 - 03.12.2023 19:29

It's too expensive for a storage unit with a ladder and water heater in the one bedroom. Its actually insulting.

@oligarchy-usa - 23.11.2023 00:17

I like the concept & wouldn't mind living in a home this size personally as a dedicated, minimalist single person, but the reality is that the single vehicle driveway parking design will create an inevitable curb parking nightmare landscape more than likely. Also, no single enclosed garage means faster vehicle deterioration & more vehicle theft problems. No doubt a lot of these will be purchased by couples after all, with multiple vehicles - and what happens when people come to visit?

@constructionking7399 - 09.10.2023 03:02

So everyone has to walk through the whole house, bedroom and all to get to the bathroom? Terrible

@LuisSanchez-xc9ih - 07.10.2023 01:58

Why even put a back yard

@justinallport9789 - 02.10.2023 03:18

It's 350x2 if you include the upstairs ? ? =700 square ft ? ?

@patkelly7839 - 24.09.2023 17:28

OMG homes w/o garage...car theft, vandalize, and catalytic theft...are they going to assume people won't celebrate birthday, friend visit, etc? where is parking?

@KeithCindyPanama - 13.09.2023 23:47

I’d rather have a mobile home

@guskalo1981 - 06.06.2023 05:40

Capitalism was supposed to be the tide that lifted all boats.
