Metric - Days Of Oblivion (Official Video)

Metric - Days Of Oblivion (Official Video)


1 год назад

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@uticacrib1664 - 04.05.2024 15:38

Brand new fan here.

@faba6292 - 20.05.2024 23:44

All the times that now and then appear as only dreams
All the stuff from way back when that's coming up don't self destruct
You don't have to call for the wrecking ball
Or burn the world to ashes
All you have to do is ask me to
I'll stop you where the descending stairs drop
I've unlocked all the doors
And I've lost all the keys
And I live in a mansion made up of memories
Bob said don't look back
John said I don't believe
Jerry said there are days between days
Days of oblivion
Days of oblivion
It turns out these were the days
It turns out these were the days
Days of oblivion
Days of oblivion
It turns out these were the days
The ashes of disaster drift to you
All your dreams of change are coming true
I know I need you
I know I need you
Don't ever leave me
I'll never leave you behind
I know you need me
The way I need you
I'll never leave you
Don't ever leave me behind
I know I need you
You know I need you
Don't ever leave me
I'd never leave you behind
The way you need me
The way I need you
I'd never leave you
I'll never leave you behind
I've unlocked all the doors
I'll never find the keys
And I live in a mansion now made up of memories
Bob said don't look back
John said I don't believe
Jerry said there are days between days
Days of oblivion
Days of oblivion
It turns out these were the days
It turns out these were the days
Days of oblivion
Days of oblivion
It turns out these were the days
The ashes of disaster drift to you
At last, you really see me
All the times that now and then appear as only dreams
All the stuff from way back when that's coming up don't self destruct
You don't have to call for the wrecking ball
Or burn the world to ashes
All you have to do is ask me to
I'll stop you where the descending stairs drop
All the things that now and then appear as only dreams
All the stuff from way back when that's coming up don't self destruct
You don't have to call for the wrecking ball
Or burn the world to ashes
All you have to do is ask me to
I'll stop you where the descending stairs drop

@jefferychartier2536 - 21.05.2024 09:17

wow o.O

@JudeJensen-x7g - 07.06.2024 06:28

Emily have the hyperthyroidism.... maybe Graves girl.

@Mary-lo4yk - 14.06.2024 09:41

How do I get help with getting allowed to sing your song in karaoke for like a fan page or my You Tube thingy for personal use?

@moonfairy2325 - 23.06.2024 20:31

This song gives me shivers in the best way. Yo vibe thoughtfully for 5 minutes, then you're hit with the most ethereal guitar solo ever ❤

@MELOPSMUSIC - 24.06.2024 14:34

Saw them in Paris 10 yers ago....what a show

@mehmetdada7773 - 29.06.2024 23:25

i'am happy she is still doing her style of musinc and it's still cooolll

@IllidanEvil - 01.07.2024 10:28

Metric is back

@dfzdiegodfz - 02.07.2024 15:21

I knew 'Metric' by 'Scott Pilgrim' movie

@MELOPSMUSIC - 03.07.2024 10:33

Incredible band, with incredible fans, devoted all life for music, iconic, so special. They ROCK

@bam8425 - 26.07.2024 20:02

She is so perfect. This band is underrated as fck

@Soshula - 29.07.2024 10:28

At first it was just Emily handing me a beautiful tool for self care. Music in general has always been that, but this song at this time very specifically. Now it has become a song we sing to each other. It is perhaps the single most important and powerful song we of the Telos713 System have both for re-centering and protecting ourselves. If you feel the need to ask what any of that means, please don’t. If you know you know.

@jasoncoker1625 - 05.08.2024 10:47

@makar3559 - 10.08.2024 01:36

Спасибо вам из России за Скота пилигрима. Но в живую вы поете лучше чем в клипе. Большое вам спасибо за все!

@schizorap - 13.08.2024 00:19

I had a lucid dream where I appeared in the doorway and you stood at the top of the stairs and our eyes met for the first time

@Leolady1194 - 22.08.2024 16:53

The most underrated band!! They are so amazing. They don’t have a bad song.
Could listen to them for hours and hours.
This song is amazing ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🥲

@lzxkcml - 23.08.2024 10:36


@geraldsnyder8084 - 31.08.2024 02:07

They evolve and stay together...hard to do.

@natalelanzilotta2599 - 31.08.2024 05:46

Love reading all the amazing comments from huge Metric fans like myself. Been listening to Metric since they started up as they are my absolute favourite band. Every song they make is truly amazing. Their sound is always changing but always seems to work magnificently. Always reinventing themselves and raising the bar to new heights. Such great arrangements and phenomenal lyrics that blend in the most perfect manner. Thanks for doing what you guys do. Your incredible song library is on loop as I play your music always. Never get tired of listening throughout the work day. So very underrated but you will always have your legions of loyal fans. I would put Metric’s career song list against any artist past or present and it wouldn’t even be close in terms of quality of music, meaningful lyrics and variety of song style. Saw your epic show at the Key to Bala in July … great small venue and I will never forget the intimate and interactive performance. METRIC FOREVER !!

@bitinggoat2891 - 01.09.2024 06:41

I think Metric and Ween should do a split ep and then do a cross country tour together.

@raspberryplay - 04.09.2024 13:46

Why do I hear Battle Beast - Eye of the Storm at the beginning?

@victormichaelwest1805 - 10.09.2024 13:22


@PaleKrow - 11.09.2024 03:50

They've never lost their touch

@Vandeleer - 15.09.2024 00:03

I see you 2 in your light

@bordachoquecarlosdaniel9107 - 18.09.2024 22:52

quisiera ser poeta para hacer poesia con esta hermosa musica y dedicarla a la luz del a mi amiga imaginaria

@xrhstoskoromhnas5658 - 19.09.2024 22:10


@J_T_H_M - 11.10.2024 10:37

"I’ve unlocked all the doors, and I’ve lost all the keys, and I live in a mansion made up of memories"
Metric always finds a way to articulate the most powerful emotions and experiences of being alive, and this is a fucking perfect example

@mixedcontent1875 - 13.10.2024 04:32

U'll keep fallin

@goramut - 25.10.2024 23:48

Absolute privilege to see this Canadian national treasure live.
I need you indeed. Thank you again Metric. Much love.

@dorionhenning986 - 04.11.2024 16:27

Amazing masterpiece

@shannonrivera3362 - 08.11.2024 06:19

I want to post you but then my husband will see it and he won’t know I’m actually asleep… so that’s nice. I love this so much ❤️

@rolandbaldwin - 13.11.2024 01:57

One of the most talented bands of all time

@333sss-yt - 13.11.2024 23:44

a Cyrodiilic citizen in c. 3E 433

@smbmxdirt3427 - 17.11.2024 07:47


@smbmxdirt3427 - 17.11.2024 07:52

One of my favorite songs from them.

@johngrimes6078 - 17.11.2024 08:40


@alalalanna369 - 01.12.2024 05:18

what a beautiful song

@LauraZepernick-c8y - 10.12.2024 09:57

This song is like a bllow on a chicklets box, changing my frewuency, puts me in a trance like zen.

@ANNISHNEE - 14.12.2024 09:04

Your VOICE, and your friends music move my heart like dubstep makes it wabble, I just don't know what to call it, like being in love or something ❤

@rasch1807 - 17.12.2024 18:09

Bewundernswert, dass Metric nach vielen, vielen Jahren und Alben noch solche kleinen Meisterwerke herausbringt. Das ganze Album ist wieder mal großartig, Wahnsinn, woher nehmen sie bloß ihre Energie und Kreativität - andere Bands haben oft nach einem oder zwei Alben ihr Pulver verschossen. Für mich rückt Metric spätestens mit diesem Album auf in die Riege der ganz großen Pop-Bands! Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich sie in meinem Leben auch einmal live sehen darf.

@monkeywrench666 - 24.12.2024 20:49

Flawless, as always

@paulperkins1615 - 25.12.2024 08:14

Nice name drops.
Bob [Dylan] said, don't look back
John [Lennon] said, I don't believe ["God"]
Jerry [Garcia] said, there are days between days ["Days Between", lyrics by Robert Hunter]

@george369 - 30.12.2024 00:39

I am delighted. Thank you very much for the fantastic song.

@rockspark1 - 15.01.2025 21:23

The solo/outro turns this song from great to perfect.

@freeLA_saint - 26.01.2025 11:06

More dreamy, astral brilliance here, and Shaw's sonic work is epic as usual. LoVe ThiS.

@yt_Ajay_ - 08.02.2025 12:28

Dat outro... 🎵😌🎵

@infiniteflame2374 - 12.02.2025 20:07

This song feels like a stream of consciousness with it's structure, I love it.

@crazymankar - 15.02.2025 23:35

What a Wonderfull band.

@freqenc - 21.02.2025 06:26

There are people that live outside the box and those that live inside the box. WHICH ONE ARE YOU?
