arena 14 is a jail cell
ОтветитьTip uninstall the game
ОтветитьPlease update this 😢 I’m stuck in arena 8 and you made me go back to the beginning. Thanks a lot
ОтветитьVery helpful, thank you🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьHot take but magic archer is the best legendary
ОтветитьHot take skeletons are the worst card in the game
ОтветитьOf course I'm going to have a few legendarys and evolved barbarians in arena 7
ОтветитьGood job
ОтветитьArena 19 is full of mid ladder losers, I was at 7470 trophies and I got someone playing mega knight, egolem which evo fire cracker, my deck was evo mortar miner control my whole deck was about lvl 13-15 so I wasn’t underleveled and after that game I just went on a straight losing streak
ОтветитьNo help for what arena I what I am in wich is arena 16
Ответитьim so insanely hard stuck in arena 21
ОтветитьPeople talking about evolutions on arena 7 when im on dragon spa without an single evolution except the free mortar which isn't on my deck
ОтветитьNever let bro cook again
ОтветитьIve been tilting in arena 12 and im still not out of it
Ответитьim stuck at arena 22 which is pancakes
ОтветитьAverage 2.6 cycle enjoyer
ОтветитьWHY TF IS SPELL VALLEY ARENA 4 NOW?!???💀💀💀🪦🪦🪦😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьYo thanks ima help me friend to get out of arena 6 with this lol
ОтветитьWAIT WTF YOU CAN’T GO ABOVE 9K?!???💀💀💀🪦
ОтветитьFun fact: Pekka's playhouse used to be arena 4
Ответитьim at legendary arena, im reeeeally good at presicting, predicting predictions, keeping track of my opponents cycle. but for the life of me i cant count my opponents elixer. like i cant tell you how much they have, but i can tell when they dont have enough to stop me. thats how i made it up here.
ОтветитьMake an update on this as now Arena 19 is savage
Ответитьafter all its a form of card games..
ОтветитьShould i change my canon for inferno? Im at arena 4
ОтветитьIm at arena 17 and im playing my deck and win almost every game
ОтветитьArena 8 ain’t doing nothing
Ответитьi'm stuck at 7800, it's been a whole month of trying to push to arena 22 but it's just impossible. I don' even feel like pushing more anymore at this point
ОтветитьI’m arena 23 I was just bord good advice tho ima send this to my friend who just started
ОтветитьIn the video he said that it’s better to do somthing than to do nothing which is generally good advice except if you have a hard counter and if you know, you place it then your opponent will do damage or take a tower and you can’t place anything else you can just wait and a little bit of elixir
ОтветитьHe also kinda brushed over this, but in path of legends make sure you always grind to as high as you can get because you can get elite wildcards, which are the thing you need to get level 15 cards
ОтветитьJesus loves yall!
ОтветитьA victim of arena 22
Ответитьstuck in the arena 22 ..Crazy players😢
ОтветитьI'm on arena 19
ОтветитьScared to play and lose progress in arena 22 - each game is a massive stress (currently at 8600)
ОтветитьArena 19 was such a prison but I made it out and now I’m in arena 20 it’s probably even harder
ОтветитьIf ima be honest Just get level 14 or 13 I was max stuck in arena 8 but then I leveled up my cards to 12 or 13 and I got arena 14 then I got 15 next day now I’m arena 19
ОтветитьTnx man it helped
Ответитьi watched your video for the first time and your tips are that coocl that i subscribed
ОтветитьArena 19 is a prison
ОтветитьI've been stuck here for over a week now
ОтветитьBro arena 20 the best card is the credit card
ОтветитьThx man, your tips helped me reach 9000 trophies!!!
ОтветитьI am Stuck in arena 9 for 2 weeks is so painfull
ОтветитьHope this helps you push up in clash royale! I talked to pros about this list too so the info is good :D
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