Clan Buchanan here in Alabama
ОтветитьMy ancestors were Irish Protestants (Presbyterian) and I say Free Ireland!! 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
ОтветитьHarris William Thompson Jessica Davis Matthew
ОтветитьSt Patrick is actually welsh believe it or not
ОтветитьMcewan. Made gunpowder for the brittish army. During the napoleon war.
ОтветитьI'm a Ayrshire Scot with Ulster on both sides of the family Kilpatricks dads side left Ayrshire for Ulster one ancestor came back Blacksmith about 7 or 8 genarations back same with Mcbrides on mums side one came back was a bigamist married woman in every place making his way up the coast from Stranraer to the coalmines of Ayrshire and Lanarkshire hahaha
ОтветитьIreland now being invaded by illegal immigrants. A sad future for all Irish.
ОтветитьWonderful information!
ОтветитьI'm half Irish, half English, grew up in England, I heard from my grandmother that my grandfather is Scots Irish, and that's why he had the black hair. My DNA results show Ulster, and also Scotland (20%). His surname is Irish though, as far as I can tell. I tried to do a search for some documentation but couldn't find anything on paper.
ОтветитьI am a LITTLE from Banbridge. Still trying to locate the GGGF Johnathan Little and GGGM Jean Little nèe Smith.❤
ОтветитьUlster Plantation... Mitchell & David Poe 1667 "In 1667, a number of Scots were forced to leave Scotland following the Pentland Rising"
ОтветитьStory as old as time.The Scots in Ulster and others were brought in to "plant" this part of Ireland and remove the Irish from their native lands.They came as oppressors and want to retain their privileged status.
ОтветитьMy ancestor got kicked out of Ireland for being a part of the Irish Rebellion in 1798. He was a Presbyterian with the last name of Brown from somewhere in Ulster (maybe?) whose baptismal records were supposedly burned. I find the Irish Rebellion completely confusing as to who is on whose side. He wound up in Northeastern Vermont in a town full of Presbyterians where his descendants, my grandfather, met a MacNamara, my grandmother, who was Catholic. So, they wound up being United Irishmen after all!
ОтветитьVery much enjoyed, my ancestors O hEochaidh Dal Fiatach dynasty, Hoy Island Orkney Old Norse Haey, Hoey, Haughy, 1st high Kings of Ulster and red branch, a lot of heritage here, planning on visiting Northern Ireland and Orkney at some point, all the very best, health and happiness.
ОтветитьAs a descendant of The O Dalaigh/MacMhuirich Bardic Poets, O Dalaigh Wikipedia, in the annals of The Four Masters, are discribed as, Eireann Agus Ollamh of Ireland and Scotland.
ОтветитьBrexit. The final episode of Ulsters Crotch
ОтветитьThe name Scotland derives from the Latin Scotia, land of the Scots, a Celtic people from Ireland who settled on the west coast of Great Britain about the 5th century ce.
ОтветитьOf course the Ulster Scots in the north of Ireland were planted there inevitably taking away land from the Irish folks who already there
ОтветитьCorbett was Scott’s-Irish and remained Catholic, which probably cost them their land holdings. Arrowheads, tomahawk heads, and other stone artifacts were found on our Wisconsin homestead, claimed in 1849. That was the German immigration, a result of a farmers’ rebellionmih Germany. The Scotts-Irish connection moved to Wisconsin after having experienced an “endless winter,” in New England, where snow in late May and June caused problems for Yankee farmers.
ОтветитьPlanter bastards
ОтветитьMy ancestor was a Mullin from Ulster. I haven’t visited Ireland yet, but visited Scotland. In Sterling, there’s a stature of Robert the Bruce. He was 6’4 which was much taller than Mel Gibson.
ОтветитьIt's do you eat tayto or walkers?
ОтветитьSectarian thugs
ОтветитьExcellent 👌 thank you
ОтветитьLoved it, my Clan, The Lamont originally came from Ulster to Cowel the from Cowel to Ulster. And there a Catholic Clan. 😆 🤣 😂
ОтветитьMy grandfather on my Dad side of the family was Donald powers Scott
So I am part Scottish and northern Ireland Scott Irish.
Fascinating informative and highly entreating series. I retired recently. I'm Scottish born and bred. I decide to take a DNA test and begin to research my family genealogy. I've discovered I'm 55% Scots, 35% Irish and 10% Scandinavian. My Irish connections are strong on both my maternal and paternal lines. I have a whole new view of "self" and where I come from. I have been actively researching as much as I can about the many family/DNA connections across the globe- the Scots and Irish Diaspora links me to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, USA, Canada, Norway & France, Wales and... ENGLAND. I keep adding to an ever expanding cast of amazing people with some incredible back stories. Excellent resources such as this have helped me make greater sense of and confirm much of what I've leaned so far. Thanks for posting this series.
ОтветитьIn Australia, I believe it's pronounced Who the F. d'ya think ya're.
EDIT: We have Scottish and Irish history in our "language".
'Ulster Scots' are Jews that Edward I expelled.
ОтветитьI have Ulster Scots Ancestry my grandfather.
ОтветитьI love this guy! He’s hilarious! :-)
ОтветитьWe are all Celts, the Same people , it’s only the bigots who cause the divide.🇮🇪🏴🇮🇪🏴🇪🇺
ОтветитьThe Irish People know their own History as it is very well recorded in the Archives.
It's the British unfortunately that don't know their own History, and indeed those that do, don't admit it because it is difficult to be proud of it.
The British School Curriculum to this very day, avoid these past times of History in Ireland.
Hello Ulsters!
ОтветитьDo the ulster scots see themselves as a dif group as their fellow brits of english/irish decent in the east of ulster?
ОтветитьThis is completely wrong, it was the Irish that went first to Scotland for the Scots was an Irish tribe.
ОтветитьA lovely documentary. Makes you remember just how complex the history of the people who occupied this little place really is.
ОтветитьExcellent documentary. Let's you really see how we are all intertwined despite our cultural lines.
ОтветитьSince when was St. Patrick Scottish?
We all know that he was a Welsh Roman kidnapped into slavery in Ireland. And that his follower St. Columcille took christianity to Scotland.
My great great grandfather was born in Antrim. His descendants went over to Caithness later on. I do find may of us are descended from Fergues just as we are many of us descended from Charlemange, ONeil ,Edward III. ( Edward III and Scot Royalty share heritage) and Normans. We truly are all connected. The survivors after plague can truly show multiple lines to these ancients.
ОтветитьSt Patrick was born in England. And of Roman decent.
ОтветитьI am very proud of my Scottish Irish grandad from Derry
ОтветитьI'm so glad I found this!
ОтветитьUlster Scots language 🤣
ОтветитьStrange pronunciation of Dál Ríada (ive always said and heard it as 'Dawl Reedah')
ОтветитьScottish and Irish people living literally within stones throw of each other:
"Omg! We're related???"
Greeks and Armenians:
I'm an Ulster Scott from North Carolina from the family Greer/ a descendant of the family McGregor and I'm very much looking forward to this.
ОтветитьI live in the Southern US in Georgia. Virginia, through North Carolina, Tennessee and south was settled by Ulster Scots. Also most areas of the Appalachian Mountains were settled by this group. I have traced my ancestors to England but I know I am related to the Ulster Scot group also. Just don’t have a paper trail for it yet.