You are speaking with my own words. I hear this.
ОтветитьUnmitigated hero!!!
Trump doesn't give a shit about America's inflation and cost of living. All he wants to do is alienate every other country( bar a few) in the world.
ОтветитьI was enraged while watching this in real time. I was literally shaking and screaming at my tv. I wanted to cry but I was too damn angry. This will go down as one of the most shameful moments in U.S. history. My heart is breaking for my country.
ОтветитьI was enraged while watching this in real time. I was literally shaking and screaming at my tv. I wanted to cry but I was too damn angry. This will go down as one of the most shameful moments in U.S. history. My heart is breaking for my country.
ОтветитьStand with Ukraine!!!
ОтветитьYou and me both! I’m mortified and ashamed to my core. I knew who trump was back when he was campaigning in 2015.
ОтветитьI am with you. I cannot believe this is all real.
ОтветитьI heard it was Marjorie Taylor green’s boyfriend who asked the stupid question about Zelenskyy not wearing a suit!… 💩bullies 🧌🧌🧌
Ответить… by now it’s too late! Orange man and his douche girlfriend have done a lot of damage to the country!😮…he’s Putin’s orange puppet!!!🧌
ОтветитьHad Marco Rubio made this speech on Friday, followed by his immediate resignation as Secretary of State, he would have become a front runner for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2028.
ОтветитьConOld never should gave been put in office. The majority of voters did NOT vote for him. He was as handed the election with only a little over 40% of the votes. What happened to the majority deciding what goes on in this country?!?
ОтветитьTotally agree, except my intense anger started immediately.
ОтветитьRussia has no need to invade your country, it has been handed to him on a plate.
ОтветитьAgreed and thank you.
ОтветитьI stand with President Zelensky and Ukraine hands down
ОтветитьLike watch a scene from “Mean Girls”
ОтветитьThis Is Getting So Old Quick.
ОтветитьAs an Ukrainian I am happy to see that Americans clearly understand what is happening. Thank you!
ОтветитьI totally agree with you!!!!!!!💙💛
this is truth
Trump and Vance both lying cowards !!!
ОтветитьWell go hit the streets...
ОтветитьWell that was yesterday. Today he’s offered us to Canada. The stock market is down a good amount. President Zelensky is a hero. I’m in California hoping Canada will adopt us.
ОтветитьThere are 77 million that need to be treated as domestic terrorist here in the USA
ОтветитьHeartbreaking 💔😢
ОтветитьSiguen los amigos estadounidenses engañados pensando que existe una diferencia democrática entre sus principales partidos. El origen del conflicto se generó por la ampliación de la OTAN y por no respetar los acuerdos de Minsk y expandir la influencia de la OTAN (EEUUAA) al oriente de Alemania y tras décadas de hostigamiento provocado por el pelele impuesto en Ucrania por EEUU, no hubo más opción que invadir. Qué haría EEUU con bases militares de Rusia o Norcorea en México? Ahora EEUU paga con indiferencia a su perro fiel Zelenski y trata de obligarlo a aceptar la depredación del país que lo mandó a pelear con Rusia, sin ninguna garantía. El mundo se está cansando del injerencismo de una supuesta democracia que ni siquiera representa al pueblo que parece complaciente o complice, al no ser capaz de tomar el control de sus autoridades. El unipolarismo, el multipolarismo, el colonialismo y el imperialismo ya no tienen cabida en un mundo moderno, con fronteras bien definidas y organismos para dirimir conflictos.
ОтветитьAnd don't forget the only president who has ever put on a military uniform and fight with his people
ОтветитьEve the "art of the deal" was NOT written by him. What a fake con. And America bought it. WTF!
ОтветитьDoes Trump even know what's its like to be on the battle field? Ohh yeah he never served...
ОтветитьI stand with you Leigh
ОтветитьNOT my president in ANY way , shape or form.
General Patton would be rolling in his grave, knowing his country is being governed by closet communist.
Ответитьaustralia behind all freedom loving democratic americans❤
ОтветитьWell he has a treasonous traitor since the Jan6 incident
ОтветитьI was so angry i started to cry! With every horrible thing the idiot and his minions do brings us that much closer to WWIII! I do not see future talks going very well to bring lasting peace for the Ukraine or Europe. And if he continues to antagonize Mexico and Canada we could end up with war directly on American soil!
ОтветитьExactly True!
ОтветитьNow Ukraine needs to join Nato
ОтветитьLower and lower popularity polls are the only way “we the people” fight back against the orange man, his fragile ego is his one and only weak spot
ОтветитьThank you. Well said
ОтветитьSurprised, no surprise here. Everything for this group of clowns is orchestrated by the producers they hire to make them look good. All they really are is posers. Dangerous non the less. They are in danger of losing there souls.
ОтветитьI stand with Gaza and Ukraine. 🇯🇴🇺🇦
ОтветитьYou go girl, What you said !!!!!!!
ОтветитьFor the record, Vance is not Trump’s second. Musk is his second. Vance is trumps TURD.
ОтветитьReuters and AP were banned, Tass was present. Who remembers McCarthy's statement?