Great little doco
What would Bernie say about all this jazz?
Is this about Bigfoot or the mayor of Whitehorse ?
ОтветитьWe are the monsters. We scare them. They are a creature. Super natural as well. You dont think the people that lived with them for thousands of years no more than us.
ОтветитьD Boone killed bar this here tree is the first white man encounter with bigfoot in American history 10'6in it was worth writing in a tree
ОтветитьI would wager that Zuculuca ( sorry if I spelt it wrong) guy has never spent any real time out in the woods there around the Yukon. If he did he would change his tune.
ОтветитьI’ve said there is enough medical plants out there that can cure every disease we have God created it.
ОтветитьThe idiot fake news journalist is the type off person who got the jab
ОтветитьThe Idiots saying I never saw one so it doesn't exist is what I imagine a RETARDED TRUDEAU VOTER LOOKS LIKE ...THEY NEVER SAW ALOT OF ANIMALS LIVE SO THEY DON'T Exist??? THE PATTERSON FILM. SHOWS ONE BTW....
ОтветитьI saw one at Walmart buying hair clippers 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI know of 7 events now where hair or scat samples were taken directly from a known animal's cage & sent to govt-backed labs & the lab returned false results, such as: scat taken from a black leopard's cage was sent in & the lab stated that it was dog scat. The govt does this to cover up the fact that there are these big cats roaming around free. Why would they do this is anyone's guess........
ОтветитьI personally don't believe in Bigfoot or any of the other cryptids. I just find it absolutely improbable that we haven't found ANY remains of the thing, given the millions of species we've discovered so far, even as small as insects. I also find that all the skeptic's explanations very sensical and probable. Occam's Razor is very powerful with me. HOWEVER, I truly understand why scientists and skeptics get a lot of criticism from the believer camp. Just look at this bufoon in this episode Grant Zazula. Smirking and belittling the believers, even comparing people believing in Bigfoot to them believing themselves to be Elvis. I mean, come on dude, your work is to convey science to the general public, and here you are on a tv show grandstanding and stomping on the everyman. Shame on you, guy.
ОтветитьI Think I Saw One At A Truck Stop In S.C. ... Wearing A Dress, A Wig, High Heels And Dress ... 🙃😎
ОтветитьTo me these people who say, 'I haven't seen it, so it doesnt exist' sound like complete simpletons. Especially the PHD's who've clearly been educated beyond their intelect. These same people will tell you we came from monkeys, in spite of having never seen a single crossover fossil, or, the missing link, anywhere.
ОтветитьHere in South Arkansas they like to whoop, I often compare then to sounding like big big howler monkeys but then again I've been only maybe 20 ft away and heard one coo like a dove and heard one literally roar like a Silverback gorilla but it was a few miles away
ОтветитьSomewhere bigfoot is telling his people about a dwarf hominim that he calls smallfoot that he saw kill a grizzly from 200 yards with an exploding stick. Nobody believes him
ОтветитьWhy why why is it always blurry WHY 🤔🤔🤔🤔
ОтветитьI'm the only one who can find this creature if I wanted to.
ОтветитьGrew up in Oregon. Lane County. Unless you’ve been deep out in the woods, you’ll have no idea how vast the forest is: there are places out there that neither the Forest Service or Logging Companies are aware of. That said, my sighting was in 1998. Along the Interstate, southbound. It was unbelievable. I could not believe what I saw: a very tall creature sitting in a fetal position with hinged wrists and ankles. It didn’t compute. Immediately I thought it was a hoax or some lost soul along the freeway on a rainy night. It wasn’t. I slowed down and our eyes locked on each other as I looked out the passenger-side window. It was terrifying. The eyes were human-like, and yet they weren’t. They were far more intense. Then, it stood up and it was easily over 6 and a half feet tall, and probably about 7 feet tall. It walked off into the darkness toward the opposite direction (northward). This happened just south of Rice Hill, Oregon. It was incredibly confusing as I’d never seen anything like this. It had very long arms and legs, orange-ish hair, and a coat of hair that didn’t cover the entire body, as there were parts of the body that exposed the skin. What has stayed with me all these years has been the eye contact. It knew I was staring at it and it stared back!
ОтветитьAnd uh... And duh ... And dumb...
ОтветитьAnything is possible ,like alien life, Because we haven't found proof... doesn't mean it doesn't exist ,think outside the box instead of your smart phone 👍
ОтветитьThat Canadian goofball blatantly lied about the analysis of the Bigfoot footage from 1960’s
ОтветитьOnly stupid people believe in Bigfoot
ОтветитьMaybe after the hair leaves the body of the creature changes to keep it from being detected!! Ever thought of that? They're not going to make it that easy for us.
ОтветитьBut what do they want from us?
ОтветитьTries to hard to be cute and funny. Stopped watching after 15 minutes.
ОтветитьNotice the debunkers were all nerds. They need to get out in the back country, And I don’t mean the RV park!
ОтветитьTo me it just smacks of human arrogance to assume that we were the only hominid to survive to the moden day. I won't say I'm 100% on their existance, but I am open minded enough, have travelled enough away from the reach of the western establishment to acknowledge that 1) there is fossil evidence of similar species despite that fact that 99% of species are lost to history without,record 2) there is enough untouched land to sustain and enough protein and wild food to sustain large mammals in the proported environment 3) Like everything with establishment government, sciance and media. The narrative is only what they want you to know and nothing else. Just enough to distract you from their greed and corruption, just enough to shut you up and keep you compliant, and as little as possible that brings into question their "Authoritah" ( to quote Cartman). I think Sasquatch is one such topic that could cross any of those reasons to cover it up to the majority and I hope it does get discovered one day.
ОтветитьThe mayor saying you're taking your life in your hands on our streets lol👌😂😂
ОтветитьI don't understand why people say the government are hiding Bigfoot as it would change everything we know? Charles Darwin already did that. If Bigfoot was real no scientist would hide that knowledge. They would show the world. It's built in true scientist's nature. No government would want to stop them and could not stop them. There is no conspiracy.
ОтветитьThey are still finding species of different things all over the world how can we not know if they are real . Something to think about is every country have seen them china, Germany , Mexico, Canada,
and the U.S . Are they
all crazy too ????
Watched more than a few of yer vids...You should change the name your channel.... "Sleepy Time Stories".
So boring that it made me yawning with a shiver.
If I went to Canada it wouldn't be for Sasquatch . They have coffee crisps . Nuff said.
ОтветитьGenetic tests on Himalayan Yeti hair showed it to be a type of bear, related to the Brown Bears, apparently around the times when the population split creating Polar Bears, another group migrated to the Himalayas and are now known as 'Yeti', they eat Yaks btw, and Yaks are massive brutes, so I absolutely wouldn't want to meet one of those bears! 😲!!!
ОтветитьAnyone who ever see one changes their mind real quick.
ОтветитьI enjoyed how the Native American lady said being and not thing .
Don’t waste your time on this one… one eyewitness that kind of saw it then a couple secondhand stories… seriously a waste.
Ответитьim not saying he is real but prove it
ОтветитьWhat I always wonder about is that in the native world they view the creature as a supernatural being. The researchers that see it always look at the evidence. We don’t know any creatures alive that can just disappear into thin air. I would like to say that there is a possibility that such a creature can exist. Unfortunately at this time we don’t know. It could very well just be like a forest spirit if anything.
ОтветитьI believe aliens have been here 1000s of years ago but Sasquatch 🤣🤣🤣🤣 give over I’m the hide and seek champion
ОтветитьI love this subject ,and I believe but u can't say that the Patterson film confirmed there existence ,it looks real but nobody knows
ОтветитьI seen im once too
ОтветитьI'm not committed to believing in Sasquatch, but I really, REALLY want "D&D Man" to see one some day soon. I didn't like his attitude.
ОтветитьNone of those government employees will admit to bigfoot
ОтветитьThat's no Bigfoot .....its my wife