GERMANY VLOG | best gym clothing! cooking, shopping & more

GERMANY VLOG | best gym clothing! cooking, shopping & more


2 года назад

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@gloriah8712 - 21.03.2022 15:22

I love your vlog...

@mutomboinprogress - 21.03.2022 15:47

I’m obsessed with your vlogs, honestly! 😍
Loved that last bit where the camera was tracking you. Is that some special type of tripod or stand or something?
I always learn something new from your vlogs

@moniquek9575 - 21.03.2022 17:00


@EmorettaRobinson - 21.03.2022 17:45

If other people were buying that many bottles of that particular wine then it must be good or a lot of people were having parties. I hope you tell us your thoughts. And I see the fact that there's a Jamaican restaurant there as a good thing. That's some good food.

@Cavellification - 21.03.2022 18:23

Hey Zoie💕

@christinajones3013 - 21.03.2022 19:12

I always love your editing! 😊

@moniho6907 - 21.03.2022 19:25

The kotchen cupboard is georgeous, did it came with this house or did you have to buy it and have it install?

@12078098 - 21.03.2022 19:41

I wish I had Jamaican food where I live 🥴

@Demahevans - 21.03.2022 21:31

Your editing and camera work is 🔥loved the vlog

@CorinthiaJordanAuthorSecrets - 21.03.2022 21:48

Love today’s vlog! If you don’t mind sharing, where is that caramel color top from (in the wine scene)?

@قصص-وحكايات-ر - 21.03.2022 22:05

💚 Alles Gute und weiterhin viel Erfolg
Viel Glück, tolles Video
Tolles Video, viel Glück und weiterhin viel Erfolg

@janeanjones731 - 21.03.2022 22:09

I always enjoy your vlogs, you cover everything from hauls, to cooking, your everyday life, etc... just enjoy watching your life!

@terrytomlinson8772 - 21.03.2022 23:25

Great glasses - as you get older you will look fondly at hectic and the rewards you reap from this time

@misszwheels6969 - 22.03.2022 01:40

Love ❤️ your vibe young lady you're my shero.

@ny826 - 22.03.2022 04:02

Love watching your vlogs! Reminds me of my military days when my dad was stationed in Germany....💕

@journeywithlizz - 22.03.2022 17:42

The onion container is so handy..🥰This is a very chilled vlog...
😂Very awkward..

@JoyAdebambo - 23.03.2022 23:26

Like it was filmed with an eyeball. Again amazing

@JoyAdebambo - 23.03.2022 23:40

omg I though I was the only one, I too get soo cringed out by overt PDA that I look away. LOL I'll be by myself and I'd cover my eyes

@kemiLuv - 24.03.2022 01:52

How long are they Zoie? I have long leg's and I don't like gym leggings that don't go all the way down to my ankle.

@kemiLuv - 24.03.2022 02:11

Zoie can you give us a new apartment update?
I wanted to watch your old apartment video but I saw that you deleted it.
I just move and am looking for some inspiration and I love your style 👍🏾👍🏾

@infactuality2454 - 25.03.2022 19:35

Hi Zoe-Marie love your channel, just subscribed!

@NM-ng6ng - 25.03.2022 23:30

Can you show us how you style your hair from scratch

@tamamoni8908 - 26.03.2022 07:26

Your last edit at the end was really creative. It looked like a virtual reality game and then the fast-forward shots were cool too!

@gherisse - 26.03.2022 19:20

Girl you are amazing! Good luck with the studies! Been there and it can be challenging but I know you got this and just focus on getting things done one moment at time. In the end when you have your degree it feels so satisfying and affirming that you accomplished a major goal despite juggling multiple things! Love it!!!😍😍

@koblinsc - 27.03.2022 15:31

I’ve lived in Germany for nearly a year and you JUST showed me how to make a bed with square pillows! Lmao. Your vlogs are awesome, keep them coming! I’d love to know more about your grocery shopping process. I tend to show up once a week with my assortment of bags and checking out is always an extremely stressful experience.

@sherriyvette - 02.04.2022 02:22

Your vlogs are so relaxing. Where did you get your keyboard? It’s so cute!!

@RosinesCloset - 12.04.2022 21:16

You should watch the ultimatum from Netflix, and Australia Married at First Sight. Australia Married at First Sight all their season are crazy all the way until season 4.
You should do an apartment tour, and you can tell us where you bought some of the stuff.
